When my GC charcater tried to take down a corsair-tagged trader (he pretended to pay and made a run for the lane, so i decided to open fire), but he escapes by docking on a planet aligned to the Kusari Police (obviously, hostile to the corsairs), is that against the rules?
Someone just pulled this on me. It just figures it's OOC to land on a hostile planet.
I think that this breaks some rules, such as the general ooRP one, and the one stating that all npcs which are hostile by RP should be hostile during a PvP fight (which should include the KSP for a corsair). Also, I think kusari is a bit out of ZoI for corsairs, who usually only operate in Bretonia, Rheinland(?) and the omicrons
However, it's the ID of the trader which counts, not the tag
' Wrote:I think that this breaks some rules, such as the general ooRP one, and the one stating that all npcs which are hostile by RP should be hostile during a PvP fight (which should include the KSP for a corsair). Also, I think kusari is a bit out of ZoI for corsairs, who usually only operate in Bretonia, Rheinland(?) and the omicrons
However, it's the ID of the trader which counts, not the tag
The corsairs are supposedly active in Kusari: It is actually the GC's aim to have them driven out.
Anyway, If your tag doesn't matter in that case that's all right then.
' Wrote:Kusari isn't Hostile to Corsairs, like Liberty House, they never meet. And Corsair *is* friendly to Hogosha.
While a Corsair Fighter (and definitely a capship) would be OORP in civilized Kusari space, a Corsair Trader would be Neutral, even welcomed there.
(one of my chars is heavily Corsair and as a result quite Friendly to most Kusari and Liberty lawful factions despite not playing much in those areas)
Quote:Kusari State Police
ALLIES: Kusari Naval Forces, Samura
ENEMIES: Bretonia Armed Forces, Bretonia Police, BMM, Blood Dragons, Golden C., Outcasts, Corsairs, Liberty Rogues, Lane Hackers
You were saying? Surprisingly you are right about Liberty not listing Corsairs as enemies though, but the corsair faction description pretty much covers that by making you hostile to them, in RP:
ALLIES: The Order, Hogosha, Gaians, Farmers Alliance
ENEMIES: Outcasts, Red Hessians, Liberty Rogues, Blood Dragons, Lane Hackers, Mollys, Bounty Hunters, GMG, House Corporations, House Police, House Militaries
So going back to the original topic of the post, yes, that was against the rules.
Corsairs I believe have a non-aggression pact with Kusari, because as you said they operate in Bretonia, aiding in Kusari's offensive. In addition to aiding Kusari against Blood Dragons, allies of the faction they are at war with, the Corsairs.
But I could be wrong, I tend to not keep up with RP that doesnt involve me.
Corsairs are well known pirates and scum, along with plenty of other factions whose empathies do not
necessarily adhere to the game engine mechanics. Pirates and the like, are not welcome, nor do they
dock on house bases. No sensible Military or Police force would let them near civilised society.
If your ID is of a low-life nature, do not dock lawful bases, unless rumours and info cards are extremely
specific to the contrary.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
I don't think there's a "non-aggression" pact between Kusari and Corsair; Kusari isn't at war with Bretonia, they just took North Leeds to keep Bretonia out of negotiation with Gallia (near as I can tell... for them to jump over 3 uninhabitable systems to grab a jumpgate is pretty pointless otherwise).
But since Corsairs only bother whatsis base (south end of Honshu at Sigma 13 gate) I'm not sure a Trader with Corsair tags would be unable to dock at a KP planet. Real-life parallel of a motorbike gang (generally known criminals) being able to shop at WalMart:)
Doubtless KP would keep an eye on a Corsair Trader of course.
' Wrote:Kusari isn't at war with Bretonia, they just took North Leeds to keep Bretonia out of negotiation with Gallia (near as I can tell... for them to jump over 3 uninhabitable systems to grab a jumpgate is pretty pointless otherwise).
You probably missed a few years of a WAR between Kusari and Bretonia. Not to mention it started much earlier before anyone in Sirius had any idea about Gallia's existence.
Please, read some of the News articles.