' Wrote:*CLAPS* Your not even back 24 hours and already you have started another Retard Thread!
Why isit Retarded you might ask?? Well how the Hell do you know that these players did not acquire said commodities from an UnLawful Base? or maybe they bought the commodities off a third party ? Tell me were you there Tenacity when each player bought there Commodities?? Answer is No and by saying that all these players did buy them from lawful bases tells me your trying to Over DRamatize the Situation like you do evrywhere else! Do us all a Favour and Stop with the crap stirring !
Official statement : Go cry in a corner.
Now, on the subject. I totaly agree with Tena here. I'd almost call it a shame I can't murder said traders in a warship, just to make a point. Just the other day we had, what, four aigera? Flew in, went to the other side of a planet and f1d for us to leave. I mean, what's up with that? Just trade in Sirius. Much more profitable and faster too. Safer as well.
While I tend to haul stuff from the Lodeve Space port some times, I fully agree with Tenacity. The Gallic bases, especially the Gallic lawful ones should never be docked at by Sirrian vessels.
It wouldn't be so bad if killing Sirius police and Navy vessels didn't give you rep with the GRN and GRP. And yet it seems like everyone and their dog is neutral to the GRN... I have not once seen a Sirius intruder actually getting attacked by our NPCs. A few times they even shoot me while I'm about 200m from the Beuvray... and let it stay white to them. I swear, if they weren't all such crappy pilots that died in two passes I'd have a lot of reports to file...
The Gallic Royal Navy is hostile to any and all House-aligned people, as well as any other foreign legal folk (like the Colonials, who are best treated as a mini-house in the Taus, but I trust that won't come up again). If you want to trade into the cool profits of Gallia, we are more than happy to have Freelancers and Junkers go back and forth, making us look all cute and cuddly and not worth building defenses against. But House Corporation-ID'd traders are going to have some plasma, tachyon, and antimatter related "reactor malfunctions". Council bases are still open to those people, however, they're also trying to convince everyone that the GRN is cute and cuddly. Which is highly ironic.
There should be an exception for Warships to shoot at Sirius Traders in Gallia.
Dont even see the point why they shouldnt shoot at them. Even not to shoot is kinda oorp.
also i saw a Brigand Trader undocking New London. What will you say about this?
"Who is it doing this synthetic type of alpha beta psychedelic funkin'?"
' Wrote:The Gallic Royal Navy is hostile to any and all House-aligned people, as well as any other foreign legal folk (like the Colonials, who are best treated as a mini-house in the Taus, but I trust that won't come up again). If you want to trade into the cool profits of Gallia, we are more than happy to have Freelancers and Junkers go back and forth, making us look all cute and cuddly and not worth building defenses against. But House Corporation-ID'd traders are going to have some plasma, tachyon, and antimatter related "reactor malfunctions". Council bases are still open to those people, however, they're also trying to convince everyone that the GRN is cute and cuddly. Which is highly ironic.
I tend to not be accommodating towards anyone from Sirius, whether they be junker or frelancer, if the ship is not from gallia, then you better have a good excuse. But sometimes I wonder if i should be a little more flexible.
Corporation ID's is a definite no. To the council it is fine (at least form the councils end) but it is somewhat unlikely for the corporation to be sending a multimillion dollar trade vessel, unescorted, into unknown and potentially hostile space.
The council is not trying to convince people the GRN is cute and cuddly. We are trying to convince Sirrians that the monarchy and the GRN are evil in fact and that they should support us in helping overthrow them. We are trying to convince sirrians that the people of gallia are nice and are simply helping the monarchy because they have no choice in the matter, gallia being somewhat of a totalitarian state.
haven't been on in awhile but as an OSC-tagged Freelancer (yes I do run passengers roundtrip as well as cargo; the scenery's ******* awesome) I chat and trade with anybody in Gallia except Junkers (who don't like me bigtime): RP with other Players of both Lawful and Unlawful has been pretty smooth (albeit a bit expensive occasionally). As far as powertrading is concerned it's an okay run but the time vs. profit figure isn't as good as some other standard ones. Haven't run into any Gallia Navy yet though.
Agreed. Lawful inRP trading in Sirius is so much more profitable anyway. But hell, if you care so little about RP you're a Sirius trader faction cruising around Gallia you shouldn't give a damn about breaking embargos anyway.
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All or nearly all of the commodities that are only produced in Gallia are sold by both lawful and unlawful bases, so the existence of cryocubes/tobacco and other commodities in a cargo hold does not prove where the trader purchased them. The Brigands and Unione Corse are stealing shipments from the Gallic House and then selling them to whomever will pay for them.
Last time I was playing as my GRN character, I found a Sirian undocking from Planet Nevers with Tobacco. Did I file a rule violation report? Did I jump down his throat in PMs for being oorp? Did I tattletale on him to a faction leader? Did I start forum threads criticizing people?
No, no, no, and no.
Instead, I reacted to the entire situation completely within character, forced him to drop his cargo, and escorted him out of Gallia under threat of force. If I had done anything else, my only activity would have been consumed by absurd anger, ridiculous indignation, and generally making a fool out of myself - none of which is as much fun as forcing him to drop his cargo and escorting him out of Gallia.
Now if he had, for whatever reason, not been in Burgundy, not docked at Nevers, and not purchased tobacco, then I'd have simply had to sit around bored with nothing to do, because no one else was around. Apparently, some of you would prefer to sit around on your sanctimonious backsides with nothing to do except congratulate yourselves on superlative roleplay which no one else will ever see because no one is around to see it due to the enforcement of your legalistic interpretations.
As a lawful, the role is to intercept criminal and otherwise illegal activity. Calling segments of such activity oorp does nothing but eliminate a substantial amount of the opportunities for playing the role. It's criminal activity not because nobody physically can do it, but because people playing the lawful role are supposed to stop people playing the unlawful role from doing it. The lawbreaker runs the risk of getting caught, and earns the occasional reward of being successful as an incentive to keep trying, which gives the lawful his only reason to exist. Or haven't you noticed that when the lawbreakers disappear from a region so do the lawfuls?
In other words, if I'm online as my GRN, I hope anyone from any faction in Sirius shows up for whatever reason they care to roleplay, because that gives me something to do other than sitting around in an empty system "satisfied" that everyone is playing by the "rules" and therefore leaving me with nothing to do.
Oh, and kudos to the Sirian who played along, it was more fun than doing nothing.
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