Basic Information: Elite Recon Training. Elite Scout Training. Elite Hand to Hand combat. Escape and Evasion Escort. Elite Survival Training in Hostile Enviroments. Orbital/Atmospheric Insertion. Zero G Training. Advanced Camoflauge, LF-VHF training. *data corrupted*
Employment History: *Deleted*
Current Status: Freelancer
Report: Spencer Hawke is an extraordinary Recon Pilot/Scout. He does however have an extreme Caffiene Addiction, which sometimes leaves him cranky and short-tempered.
*Searching: Deaths| Alliances and Treaties*
*Search completed, pulling up documents*
The Deaths| seem to be different then most Freelancers in that they choose diplomacy over gunplay a majority of the time. This "Treaty Seeking" as one person we interviewed put it, is not necessarily "typical" Behavior of a Freelancer. While parusing through public records, this Reporter found that while not many people are claiming alliance with these freelancers, some deals have been worked out between Colonel Mitchell and other Factions in Sirius.
Upon First glance, one wouldn't think that such treaties were out of place, however it becomes apparent very quickly that the Deaths| may not be, merely freelancers. Here is what this reporter has managed to dig up:
Recently Colonel Mitchell Established a Business/Alliance with DynoXe Inc. (DXI) a private military corporation. When asked about this, Mitchell responded, stating "with times as they are, setting up business relations is key, as maintaining our fleet of ships is anything but cheap. Director Seido has been more then helpful during our negotiations, and I (Mitchell) Respect the man. Sirius needs more Corporations with leaders such as him."
Another Treaty was dug up, this one with the Order. When Colonel Mitchell was asked about say the least....strange approach, He assured us that it was strictly out of Neccessity. "We are currently investigating a smuggling ring, bringing certain restricted items to Planet Manhattan. These Dangerous items, are then being funneled, in various ways, all across liberty. We traced several shipments of these unwanted items to the Zone Of Influence of the Order, and I (Mitchell) thought it wise to ask for permission to carry out our investigation within their space. On top of that, while headed to approach the High Fleet with this offer, one of our ships was badly damaged by an Ion storm, and we thought it wise to ask for permission to use their docking facilities. We are not choosing sides in the BHG\Order war."
When approached about a rumored alliance/treaty with the [Cartel], Colonel Mitchell asked where we kept hearing these rumors. He stated that there is currently no such alliance/treaty with the [cartel] that he is aware of, and that unless we (reporters) had any proof of this matter, please refrain from asking such ludicrous questions. While this reporter is not entirely convinced, no information, or solid proof can prove that the Deaths| are in fact working with the [cartel].
*search: Deaths| Ships*
*completed pulling up new ships*
Recently Captain Marshall sold his orca gunboat, and purchased a heavily modified Hydra. When we asked Colonel Mitchell what neccessitated this change, He stated that "tyler ran out of room for his guns, and it was time for an upgrade from that speedboat, with ducttaped engines." When asked about this particular choice of words to describe the BHG ship, Colonel Mitchell stated that Lt.Col.Kurani had once described tylers ship in that way, and he used it because it got under Tylers skin. We got a brief tour of this new ship, and like before, it was mainly weapons lockers. One modification was that the Interrogation room was larger, and tyler had a small personal shuttle added, to a hangar.
Lt.Col.Kurani is also flying a Hydra gunboat, and when we asked why the Deaths| needed 2 of these wonderous vessels, he replied that it fit Kurani's personality, and it had an assortment of modified changes. when asked about these changes, Colonel Mitchell chose not to reply.
Lt.Hawke is apparently in process of outfitting a KingFischer HF, and we hear it is geared towards his role as the Deaths| scout. we were unable to see this ship, as its in process of remodel, but Lt.Hawke assures us it is everybit as impressive as the rest of the Deaths| ships.
One member of this outfit, is still eluding the camera, and Colonel Mitchell explains, that hes not at liberty to reveal this members identity at this point in time.
Deaths Hand Mk V Guns are available for purchase at................
Deaths in the War ..........
Deaths in Liberty today....the Liberty Obituaries.......
Deaths Horizon, a elusive Military Unit.......
*key Deaths Horizon*
Deaths Horizon is a fabled military unit that supposedly specialized in guerrilla/unconventional/effective warfare. There feats were well known, or more accurately, well told, Prior to 814 A.S. Tales of a small group of "shadows" turning the tides of battle, or rescuing stranded units, are often heard. However beyond these tales that passed from the mouths of retired war veterans, and mostly in topics of reliving the old days no information currently available in any house Military Records hints anything about these Legendary Soldiers.
Tales and Fables:
While trying to track down this elusive elite unit, many veterans, of the war recount tales of being in tough positions, facing imminent destruction, when the tides of the battle seemed to change. Specifics as to what these men/women/things looked like were varying, but everyone we interviewed mentioned something about red eyes, red gleaming devil eyes, that seemed to see thru them into their soul. Unfortunately, besides that, no other description seemed to be valid, except that the Red eyes seemed to root them in place, and the Blackened figures, after wreaking their hell, vanished as quickly as they came.
Upon researching armor types, we found mention in several reports in several different House military records about figures in Black Armor with glowing eyes....they were referred to as many things, Death Bringers, Shadow Soldiers, Angels of the Battlefield, Demons of Fate.......however, despite these fables, no solid evidence could be given.
Upon further research, rooting through declassified information, there is mention to a "wolf brigade" in Kusari records, and "helghast" in rheinland. however they are briefly mentioned, not actually classified as a unit in those militaries. However as much as the names vary, the armor described by these 2 units is uncannily similar, and meets the descriptions given by battlefield witnesses. the only holo's we could find of these elusive units are the following:
From a Battle involving Kusari on an unknown planet or moon:
Rheinland Unknown Battle.....unknown location:
Upon Researching this group further, nothing else seems to come up. It seems these fabled units are just that, men of myth of battles forgotten. Any validity to these claims are clearly speculative as no House Military claims to have any knowledge of these groups.
Guerilla/Unconventional warfare:
This is the only valid thing we were able to find massive amounts of reinforcing evidence. House Militaries, and other Sirius Factions, do use, and continue to use such tactics. Some well known tactics are the training of rebels in a foreign house, to combat the house.....*scrolling*
No House will openly proclaim the use of hostage taking, assassination, kidnapping till demands are met, or terrorism, however many people have learned to read between the lines of the often misleading mass media. Whether or not any mythical group such as Deaths Horizon, Helghast, or Wolf Brigade, really wouldnt be far fetched, to believe these elite soldiers may have been seen briefly on battlefields far an wide.
*desktop: 1 new message.....*
*query: Open?*
Hello Reporter *censored*
I have photographic evidence you may find useful, in your pursuit of the truth about the Deaths|. I am not going to tell you how this was obtained, but suffice it to say, Colonel Mitchell and his group of freelancers are not what they seem to be. Your Investigative Report about the Elusive Deaths Horizon was quite interesting to me. I hope you will find these photos interesting as well.
Colonel Cameron Mitchell, Pausing Briefly on a night op, High Speed Camera was used to obtain this photo on *unknown*.
This is a photo of Cam and Tyler, preparing to move on a Secured bunker, holding Rheinland Cloaking Technology.
Deaths| Cam, Tyler, Zach infiltrating a factory in Rheinland
Deaths| awaitng pick up by Cpt.Murdock, after a Recon Mission in Rheinland
Lt.GoldenAce(front) Major Marshall (middle) Captain Marshall (rear) awaiting pick up, from a battle in Rheinland.
An early photo Of the Younger Deaths Horizon, after a battle. Picture is Circa 804-806 A.S., Mitchell is in front, Zach Marshall to his left(holding the sniper rifle), and Tyler Marshall on his right next to the tank.
I think you may find the following your quest to find the Truth about the Deaths| Mr.Grey.
Classified Document *deleted by reporter*
Operation Tea Takedown
Orders From: *deleted by reporter*
Assigned to: Wolf Brigade
Dated: *deleted by reporter* 804 A.S.
Wolf Leader
We have another assignment for you. Your equipment should have arrived this morning to *deleted*. Please have Airwolf familiarize himself with the new Shuttle we have provided you with. *deleted* corporation has, as per our technical specs, installed and added everything you should need to get this job done.
We have located the compound containing the Artifacts being brought into Kusari, by "Tea". These Artifacts are carefully Examined and then stored in this facility awaiting shipment to Destination "Yuke". We cannot allow this operation to go on any longer, and, pending your success, arrangements have been made to ensure that such things shall not continue. You are on a strict time table as the *deleted* tome is set to be transported to Rheinland within 72 hours of this transmission. your mission is to breach the main facility, and "nuetralize" these artifacts using the canisters provided. Also we need you to download any all information you can get from the facilitys mainframe. I advice you to use Protocol 47 to complete this as the status of these Artifacts should be considered Extremely Dangerous. Awaiting your Report. Wolf Command out.
Wolf Leader Personal Entry *deleted* 804 A.S.
Airwolf has successfully inserted the Wolf Brigade, into the immediate vicinity of the target. The men are in their usual moods, however Airwolfs insistence that BigWolf was resting his weapon on Felix did not help matters. Shadow 1 seemed laid back as usual and Shadow 2 was going over his weapon as usual on the way down. Defenses and security are very plentiful, but our plan has been well laid out and it should be smooth sailing.
I have placed Shadow 1 and 2 for the time being in the elevated position on the scaffolding across from the target. They have a direct bead on our point of entry so when we breach, at *deleted time* the combined element of surprise, covering fire from The Shadows, and the diversion Airwolf Dropped at the other side of the compound should create enough mayhem for us to do our job.
Breaching the outer perimeter was cake. Everything went down as planned, and i dont think those guards even knew what hit them when Shadow 1 and 2 opened fire. With wolfs 2, 3, and 4 in a staggered formation, laying covering fire, i was able to reach the guard house, at the inner gate. However with our element of surprise lost, the security personell were notified. a Complex lockdown was initiated, before we could intercept the alarm, we are gonna have to find a way to breach these barricaded walls and reach the main facility.
We got pinned down heading to the Security override building. We must have missed the Bunker, in our initial recon of the area, however I could almost swear it wasnt there. It makes me wonder if we were expected. We managed to lay down a decent mount of suppressive fire, until Airwolf could arrive with our present for these pesky guards. Once this nest was taken out by Airwolf, we had little trouble gaining entry to the security building. However it seems that Felix tampered with the loadout, and we were unable to override the lockdown with the fryed equipment. Time to call in K.
Airwolf just dropped off K. And was she a sight for sore eyes. K managed to subdue, and gain control of an autonomous guard Vehicle, patrolling the other side of the compound. We used its armament, weight, and sheer horsepower to breach the main facility walls. Shadow 1 and 2 have moved to different overwatch positions, while K, and wolf 3 and 4 secure our flank. myself and wolf 2 are tasked with entering the facility, to spread the "nuetralizer" and gain access of the Mainframe.
wolf 2 and I have managed to enter the facility, it seems quiet.....too quiet. Wolf 2 and I have gained access to the actual facility, and we know realize our error. The inner facility is devoid of Life, instead manned by automated security systems and those pesky *deleted* battle droids. we had a hell of a time getting to level.........
Wolf 2 and I have finally reached the place we need to set of the "nuetralizer" this should hopefully take care of those artifacts. The droids seem to have noticed the breach, i told wolf 2 to get to the Mainframe while I try to set up a perimeter, and hold off the impending wave of Battle droids. hopefully wolf 2 can work fast.
Wolf 2 is having problems downloading the information we need, we decided to scrap the download, and just send it to a secure neural net account on a feedback loop. all the other party has to do is enter the code, and they should be able to download it to anyplace they need. Wolf 2 is working fast but i dont know if its fast enough, we have barricaded ourselves in the mainframe....looks like we are taking the vents out of here.
The explosion sealed off our primary escape route so we are moving towards another exit, i have already told Airwolf to pick up K and wolf 3 and 4. Shadow 2 is trying to get to the other side of our tertiary escape, in hopes of securing the area. Shadow 1 is still in overwatch, however he has engaged his camoflauge.
we came out in the wrong area, and lucky us, we ran into more droids. wolf 2 and I have retreated into what appears to be the outlying pump house. these ones are mean, and wolf 2 and i had a hell of time trying to take it down.
we have finally made it to the extraction point, but we have news of incoming reinforcements so Airwolf better hurry, I have had enough excitement for the day, And do hope that Felix wont cause us any trouble.
Shadow 1 was the last to be picked up, his camoflauge had effectively masked him from the incoming forces, and Airwolfs piloting was brilliant, thank god for the rain, it made it easier for shadow 1 to move to the extraction point....when we get back the men and I are gonna put in for R and R.
*scrolling through unimportant debriefing*
I hear that Yuke got hit today, looks like they got that information after all. That transport meant for rheinland never made it, whoever pulled off that op did a helluva job.....
*document ends*
*opening Attached holos*
Shadow 1 and 2 on scaffolding
Breach of the Perimeter
Pinned down
Breaching Main Facility walls
overwatch shadow 2
Facility Security Feed Wolf Leader
Security feed, wolf 1 and 2 at mainframe control
SHadow 2 moving to tertiary escape
Wolf Leader and Wolf 2 moving for Extraction
Shadow 1 being evaced by Airwolf
Recent Information possibly pertaining to the Deaths| past has surfaced. This reporter felt that it was her duty to approach Colonel Mitchell, in regards to the information made available to her. When this reporter arrived at the Docking Platform the Deaths| were using, everything seemed normal. Captain Marshall, thank goodness, unavailable for comment, and Major Marshall, Lieutenant Hawke, and GoldenAce, and Colonel Mitchell seemed more then willing to help out. Colonel Mitchell, cordial as usual, offered us a drink before the interview, but this reporter felt that information like this couldnt wait for she graciously declined, and began asking questions.
The response that was given to this reporters inquiries were less then satisfying. Almost leaving an emptiness...or craving equivelant to that of a bad lover. Upon being shown copies of this newly arisen information, Colonel Mitchell only laughed. "I dont know where you keep digging up this stuff but, thanks for the laugh. If you come aboard our ships, you will note that none of this equipment is stored in any of these armor or weapons lockers. Also, (as he led us to the shuttle in his spatial) you can clearly see that this Specially made Renzu Corporation Shuttle bears no resemblence to that flying.....thing in those holos. Furthermore, we are all young, Murdocks the oldest at a mere 30 years. If this had been us, in 804 A.S. as its now 817 A.S. the majority of us would have been mere boys, still gawking over Girls in the upper grades. As all of this is quite amusing, I take no offence to this, and I believe if you pass these out to the others, they will find it just as amusing, and ask for copies to place in their quarters".
Now as you may already have guessed, this response caught this reporter off guard. However Colonel Mitchell did hit on some very interesting points. At their current age, the Deaths| would have to have been mere teenagers while others would have been just boys, some as young as 7 years old. Upon Realizing this fact, and the definite observation that these photos were of grown men, and in undistinguishable locations, This reporter came to the realization that she may have been Duped and this was all a big hoax. However some of the Information, resembles similiarities that this reporter couldnt let go unquestioned.
Colonel Mitchell had this to say: "Everyone In New York knows about Murdocks Pet Felix. On top of that, Deaths| are well known to many freelancers, traders, unlawfuls, lawfuls, and mercs sirius wide. So any of this could have been doctored. More over I find that your supposed source Mr.Grey should have given away that this was inaccurate right from the start, as Rumor has it, that we work for some mysterious organization called the Grey Men of Sirius. Either way it is quite amusing."
To make matters worse, all the Deaths| requested prints of the Holos i had shown, as, in the words of Major Marshall "heh...I'll keep these around for when i need a good i wish i had armor like that".
Basic Information: Ex-Wing Leader of the *Deleted* bomber wing stationed on the Battleship *deleted*. Extensive fighter pilot training. Proficient in close quarter combat and assault rifles. Proficent with bladed weapons. Advanced Hand to Hand combat training. ...*deleted*
Employment History: *deleted*
Current Status: Freelancer
Report: Major Kiara Maddox Is as Deadly as she is beautiful. If Looks could Kill she would definitely kill on sight. It is rumored that Captain Murdock has an insane crush on Kiara, however the timing isnt right for him to openly admit any such thought.
Basic Information: A natural Genius with Technology, Calego was recruited for his uncanny ability with Electronics. Colonel Mitchell recruited Calego personally after seeing the outstanding work he did repairing one of his mens ships. Calego soon wore on the Deaths| and was regarded as part of the group, even if he was a somewhat recent addition. Calego soon proved he was more then just an electronics whiz, but proved to be a very reliable source of Information Gathering. Colonel Mitchell realizing Calegos Potential, promoted him to rank of Sergeant in the Deaths| and put him in charge of Logistics. The inside of Calegos Spatial is off limits to the media, but it is rumored that Mitchell and his group have outfitted Calego's vessel with some of the best in Electronics Equipment, ranging from comm jammers, and scanners, to long range Intelligence Arrays and recievers. Calego was also rumored to have been tutored by the former BAF| pilot Tobias Winston who still maintains an equipment shop on Leeds.
//So you get some background Info, and history behind the RP, if you want to post feedback, post in the Poll thread, link is in my signature.
Deaths Horizon Faction RP
Deaths Horizon is a group of highly specialized, and highly trained freelancers in Sirius. Recently many of these Freelancers have been seen flying all over Sirius, taking menial escort jobs, or establishing trivial treaties, in order to gain access to the most basic of needs on stations and planets. Many people find these freelancers friendly, however they also have a feeling that something is out of place. Groups of Freelancers and Mercenaries are not uncommon in Sirius, however the most obvious oddity is that many of the Deaths| have extensive military training, and have access to some of the foremost military technology made in Sirius. These Freelancers are often seen flying in pairs or small groups, with their own people, yet, also seem to shy away from the general public. The Leader of the group, Colonel Cameron Mitchell, seems to do a rather good job of keeping his freelancers in check, almost in a fashion not uncommon in some of the most elite military units known to Sirius. Colonel Mitchell is often seen acting in the position of Liaison/Diplomat for the group, yet even though these men and women are known for their efficiency in Sirius, not much is known about them personally.
Rumored History:
The Immediate History of the Deaths| is unknown, however several rumors have sprung up in their short existence. Some of the tactics used by this group of freelancers, as well as some of their specialized equipment bears significant resemblance to equipment described being used, by mythical and elusive soldiers in battles across Sirius, dating as far back as 804 A.S. These Elite Soldiers often only glimpsed in the heat of a battle, or by the quick shots of a battlefield photographer were reported to have glowing red eyes, and blackened armor. These soldiers, seemingly appeared in battles out of nowhere, changing the tide of the battle, before disappearing as quickly as they had come. Both sides of these battles had things to say about these soldiers, being praised as Angels of the Battlefield by the ones they helped, and Demons of Fate by the ones they fought.
Digging deeper into the mystery surrounding these rumors, ensnares the researcher into a web of rumors, myths, and conspiracies. Many of these theories hold no water, but some leave a lot to the imagination, and a lot to be explained. One thing that is consistent is that these fabled warriors seem to be most notably referenced in Kusari and Rheinland. While digging through some declassified documents in the Kusari Public Records, several hundred battle reports mentioned warriors, which seemingly materialized on the battlefield, helping to fight back their foes. They were described as menacing warriors, with red eyes, and shadowy form, that seemed to be in control of the tides of war itself. Artillery and Munitions seemed to do nothing to these strange and deadly warriors, and no bodies were ever found in the aftermath, confirming their existence. These warriors were soon dubbed The Wolf Brigade as they moved in small packs, fought as viciously as a rabid wolf, and then disappeared with out a trace. The Rheinland reports had a much different story to tell, spinning tales of Living Demons, wreaking havoc upon their troops, moving through their lines of defense as if slicing through air. The Devastation these soldiers wreaked on Rheinland between 804 and 806 earned these soldiers the name of Helghast or Demons of Death loosely translated. These warriors were described as superhuman, as round after round fired from the Rheinland troops seemed to pass right through, even as these Helghast tore through their ranks and seemed to toss tanks and armored support aside like pillows. Just as in the Kusari reports, no bodies of these Helghast were ever found, yet countless soldiers on both sides of the front are quoted in reports seeing these red eyed, shadows.
Much of this is dismissed as mass hysteria or battle fatigue in the reports, but the similarities described by interviewed veterans of these wars, leave no doubt they could be the very same unit. While all House Militaries and Agencies alike, deny the existence of any such group in their employ, the tactics, and efficiency of this elusive military unit, mirror that of some of Sirius Best trained commando squads. Even with this information, the feats of these soldiers, and the destruction they caused are much more then any known commando unit in Sirius regardless of house could inflict. On top of that, these Angels/Demons were described as being no taller then your average Sirius Citizen. Whether or not there is any truth behind these rumors, one does have to admit that the similarities portrayed in these reports, should not just be dismissed as mere coincidence. Besides that, soldiers on both fronts, describe seeing these soldiers, even though no military assets available at the time could transport a unit of this type Sirius wide. The reports gone through indicate that between 804 and 805 A.S. no less then a dozen reports hit a field commanders desk on a daily basis from all different fronts in the Sectors he was controlling, and no less then hundred similar reports reached the Fleet High Command, on a monthly basis. While no House is willing to claim to train such and elite group of soldiers, Logistics wise, after speaking to several experts from the Houses involved in these conflicts, would be impossible. The resources available to any one Fleet, at any given time, during any one of these conflicts, was fatally scarce to say the least. It is no secret that lives were lost, and planets taken, for want of parts and supplies that could not be procured.
Whether or not these men/women or things really existed, one thing is for sure it does seem to leave a lot to imagination. Conspiracy Theorists and Whack jobs alike use this abundance of possibilities, and lack of hard evidence to fuel a Theory of Conspiracy that dates back as far as the Sirius Houses themselves. This Conspiracy, widely kept alive on Neural Net garbage sites, and spook forums, spins the tale, and plants the seeds, that are needed for the Theory of the Sirius Grey Men to take root and grow.
The Sirius Grey Men
The tale of the Grey Men has been traced back as far as the early beginnings of Sirius. However, by reading information brought with the sleeper ships during the exodus of the old world, it is clear that this Conspiracy Theory, predates the beginnings of the Sirius colonies themselves. Whether or not this story was revived along the journey, or after our halls of knowledge had been built, one thing for sure, is that it spread like wildfire.
The story goes that in the old world, the battle between The Alliance and The Coalition had not been started for want of resources or technology, but for want of power. Two factions of these Grey Men could not come to agreement, over a topic, which has long since been forgotten. The ensuing arguing, and madness, sparked the never ending war, between The Coalition and Alliance, sucking the once peaceful worlds into the raging infernos that fueled this forgotten argument.
When the Sleeper Ships were launched towards Sirius, in hopes of starting anew, rumor has it that a large number of these Grey Men belonging to the Alliance had been added to the population on these ships. This was supposedly done in hopes that losing faction of Grey Men would once again establish a base of power in Sirius, with hopes that one day they would return, bringing with them the resources needed to turn the tides, once again, in their favor.
It is a well known fact that the Coordinates to that distant region of space that we once called home have long since been lost. The once frail and fledgling colonies, spawned from those sleeper ships, have since that time, flourished into prosperous houses, hosting complex governments. It is theorized, that after all that was accomplished here, in Sirius, even if the coordinates had not been lost, these Grey Men had no reason to go back, as the power they held here, was far greater then any power they could obtain by returning to their old masters.
For a long while the bickering and bantering over whether or not these Grey Men exist, had been fought over stagnant forums, arguing over the same dead end result. However in 817 A.S. with war raging between the Houses of Liberty and Rheinland, and Kusari and Bretonia, this topic became rapidly rekindled. It seemed History was repeating itself, and their was no were left to flea. Then the oxygen needed to superheat this Conspiracy Theory into a raging blaze was blown across forums in the form of a long lost House called Gallia.
It had been rumored for centuries, that there had been another group of sleeper ships set for launch from the old world, but with war raging on all sides, this ally, had seemingly been left behind. Now, nearly eight centuries later, the revealing of this long lost ally, has led some to believe that the wars raging between the four Houses had not been because of a sudden breaking point of tensions, that had been peacefully dealt with for generations.
While digging through posts on these sites, it is clear, that with the revealing of Gallia by The Council plays a big part, in the ideas that fuel this heated debate. It is said, that the Gallian Sleeper Ships had never been lost, but instead had been launched ahead of the other ships, in hopes of procuring the cream of the crop in the new world. Even more ideas fuel the topic, by adding in that maybe, Gallia, had been the root of these Grey Men who had sat idly by, pulling the strings in the rest of Sirius for profit, and their own amusement. It is also said, because The Council is the faction responsible for the discovery of Gallia, that once again, a split in interests between factions of Grey Men has once again plunged us into war.
The Deaths|
The arrival of The Deaths| to Liberty, leaves a lot open to imagination. While many would like to think, that the war, and the waning economy is logical conclusion to a group of freelancers showing up in front of Manhattan looking for work, the fact that its a group and not just one or twoseems to leave an unsettling feeling in the depths of ones mind. It should be noted, that groups of freelancers loitering around in orbit, above Planet Manhattan is not uncommon, however it should also be taken into consideration that no one group of freelancers as large as The Deaths| has ever been seen.
Taking into consideration a few well known Freelancers, in particular Edison Trent, at one point a hunted criminal, and now well known as a true Libertonian Hero a few character flaws come to mind, when thinking of a Freelancer. First off, Edison Trents Heroics were largely made famous, because he (Trent) was able to overcome incredible odds, by himself. Many tell stories of Trents Feats leading up to, and spanning the Nomad War of 804-806 A.S. Much of his success was credited to the fact that Trent had always blended in behind the scenes, only becoming noticed when he wanted to. That and the fact that he had heavily relied on himself, and not failed, set the basis for the stereotypical Freelancer.
According to this stereotype a freelancer would most likely be introverted, communicating with the outside world, only in times of necessity. Further more, the Freelancer, holding profit in high esteem, would wish to limit the number of hands in the pot to steal an old clich?. It is well known that Freelancers often work in pairs, or even three person groups, but during a search of personnel currently employed by the Deaths| Leader Colonel Cameron Mitchell, we counted that Mitchells group of freelancers totals close to twelve. That, according to a search of famous freelancer groups, is the largest group of freelancers known to Sirius, to this date.
Adding fuel to the fire that the Deaths| are not who they seem, it is noted on the forums, that twelve is the exact number of personnel assigned to most Elite Special Forces groups in Sirius. Even though the Deaths| currently only have nine members, Colonel Mitchell has hinted that members may surface later on, that are unbeknownst to us now. Upon further investigation of Mitchells group, it should be noted that many of these men and women should be employed by the military, in a Special Forces role, or employed by a House Sanctioned Agency, such as the LSF. Here are the personnel records we were able to gain access to, via Liberty Public Records, kept for employment purposes.
A formal notice, sent to [ATF]Command by Colonel Cameron Mitchell of the Deaths| was sent to today regarding acts, that Mitchell has described as Heinous, against the Deaths| by [ATF]Soap. We recieved a copy of this notice to the [ATF], and after reading through it, one thing is for sure, Deaths| may be on the war path. Here is what the messge reads:
Hail! To the [ATF]Command
I, Colonel Cameron Mitchell, am contacting you to inform you that unless we recieve adequate reason/compensation for the heinous acts commited against the Deaths| by [ATF]Soap, We(The Deaths|) will formally be declaring war on your faction. The Crimes Commited by [ATF]Soap against the Deaths| are:
1. Destruction of Deaths| Property
2. Attempted Murder of 2 Deaths| Pilots
3. Involving Himself in a Diplomatic Matter, and firing on Diplomats
4. Reckless Endagerment
[ATF]Soap's Actions are unforgivable. Furthermore Allying himself with a rogue group of Outcast/Lane Hacker Independents, is unacceptable. Furthermore, Our fleet was amassed, to Diplomaticaly and peacefully try to resolve a problem that the Outcast Independent Guadalupe, had with Deaths|. One of our Pilots, Major Maddox was gunned down in cold blood, by Guadalupe and her saber, while flying a starflea, to a ship dealer. Guadalupes only reason given, as Major Maddox ejected from her disintegrating ship, was that Guadalupe had a Problem with Deaths|.
As Guadalupe had failed to aim that statement at a particular member of my outfit, i amassed my entire fleet, to meet with Guadalupe, to hold peaceful talks, as to what it was that had caused Guadalupe to have this problem with us, and to find out how she could justify her actions, i.e. destroying a starflea, with a sabre. Guadalupe decided to give the run around, then haul tail towards Buffalo base, having Insidous(LH Bomber), Virgil(Sabre), and [ATF]Soap fire on my ships, to let her escape. Seeing as 3 of my ships were destroyed in that skirmish, and [ATF]Soap was directly involved, and aided in this outrage, consider this a formal notice of impending war, unless one of your diplomats can offer us a better solution, and substantial reparations for the damages caused by [ATF]Soap.
I expect a response within 24 hours, or any [ATF] we (Deaths|) come across sirius wide, will be given notice, then hunted like game. No quarter or mercy will be given to any [ATF] Sirius wide, should it come to war.
You have been informed
Awaiting your reply
Colonel Cameron Mitchell
It is well known in Sirius that the Deaths| fierce loyalty to each other has caused problems before, however no formal act of war, save for the actions taken against Cpt._Starkiller, has ever been mentioned. Colonel Mitchell, the usually cool headed, diplomat, was cast in a new light, after his message was sent.
The fact that this started over the destruction of a starflea, piloted by a Deaths| by a VHF, and the shocking news that an Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms member was directly involved in the destruction of a few Deaths| ships, not to mention, in a fight that broke out when diplomatic talks failed, is alarming. More alarming was the fact that this [ATF]Soap, allied with Independent Outcasts and Lane Hackers.
No further news is available however, we will keep you updated as events unfold.