Ship name: [OPG-GR]T.Vaquez
Ship Class: Titan
Total ship number: 1
Pilot rank: Guardian
The piece of crap i'm currently flying can hardly be called a ship, but when my investor get's back, i'm sure to buy the most devastating stuff the corsairs have to offer. People claiming to see the light at the end of the tunnel, are most likely referring to the salamanca-fire heading their way.
Name: [OPG-M]Ripper
Ship class: 2 Centurions, 2 Praetorians, 1 Titan, 2 Gladiators, 1 Imperator, 1 Pirate transport
Total ship number: i even can't to count exactly, but i know that i have 5 accounts
Pilot rank: Marauder
[OPG-M]-Minotaur ( variation with . etc..) Titan,Gunboat,Bomber
Zorba-The-Corsair ( Corsair Cruiser, waiting to get promoted to get tag on this char )
Former Official Member: Alliance),[TBH],XA,Ageira~ [AFA],Ageira|, Aoi Iseijin,=LSF=, [UC],[RM],[OPG]