To every free-thinking man and woman in Sirius - my name is Jet Brodie, and I invite you to join me in making the Universe a better place.
Ladies and gentlemen of Sirius, we've fought the Nomads for years. Since we met those strong, silent, blue-skinned squishpeople, our first and only reaction has been one of outright violence. Space has waited and watched as this relatively peaceful race of loveable extra-terrestrials has been wrongly portrayed as hateful death-monsters; and as a result we have burned their crops, crushed their livestock, and witnessed the lamentation of their women.
No more.
Ladies and gentlemen, we can no longer stand by as these victims of misrepresentation suffer. I am here today to begin preperations for the first NomAid convoy to their home of Omicron Iota. The Nomads, in self-defense, believe we are to be feared and attacked; we aim to barter peacefully with the Aliens and make some token exchanges. To be more specific, we will introduce this simple and naive species to the concept of material posession by exchanging Fertilizers, Tobacco and shiny metals for complete ownership of their land and space; an offer which is imagined to have an excellent chance of acceptance by leading Nomad expert Gordon Frohman.
In order to facilitate this historic event, we are inviting any and all space-worthy vessels of Sirius to join us in our convoy of space-wagons to Omicron Iota; primarily fellow trade ships to carry extra supplies of shiny marbles for barter. Our constantly-nagging security advisors Highland Security inform us that there is a possibility of ruthless space pirates preying on the weak and scared Nomad people, and for this reason alone we also extend our invitation to any combat ships who wish to safeguard us from said space-pirates. They will also be useful in calming down any possible situations where the Nomads, in a state of unbridled euphoria stemming from their happiness to trade their homes for sparkly objects, begin to fire their weapons uncontrollably in joy.
For all pioneering souls who wish to take part in what promises to be a life-changing journey, please leave your ship classification and personal details in this channel. The convoy plans to leave from the central system of New York this Sunday, at a time suiting the majority of the group.
Call the LSF, I think we might have an infestation here.
Look out for the killer of many star systems. STARKILLER | Thanks to ed-philips for the sig. | Have money to spare. Great, send it to [*USI*]Houston[T]. Your money will go towards funding the ''Clear out NY of lolwuts'' Campaign. Or a battle Razor will blow them to Omicron Iota. | Starkillers Story
I must say you are clearly insane or under the mind control influences of the Slomon K'Hara. I must fore warn you, should you attempt to go to their home system you more than likely won't return.
Also I advise you to not breach the mine field in the New York system as the same fate will bestowed upon you and your convoy.
Finally the Slomon K'Hara are the aggressors not us, but since you clearly know too much about this speices I must ask that you turn yourself over to any LSF agent for "education" on them.
Miss Julia Wolfe
Secretary of Special Operations
Liberty Security Force
From: Yuri Jenkins, Independent Trader
To: Jet Brodie
Ahoy Nomaid, it is I, a nobody. As an independent trader that wishes to improve relations with all houses and even species I would be honored if I will be allowed to be part of this good will convoy. Since I am in a Border Worlds Transport I believe I will be fine against any hostiles and only request you give me funds for these beads.
Awaiting coordinates and time in a more secure channel.
Ehem, ladies and gentlemen, for years i have studied these marvelous specimen. I've studied their artifacts, their homes, and even their insides... This would be truly remarkable if i could come and join you all! It would be an advancement for all of us. And i guarantee this would be the high point of my studies!
And if you haven't noticed yet, i am an independent Researcher who wishes to further his studies!
...Incoming Transmission...
Source: Christopher Thorn, Junkers
"Well, this'll be interestin' to say the least. Please, take some streaming cameras with you, Sirius has been lackin' in good ol' violent entertainment as of late."
Source: The Engineer
Location: New York
Dest: John Freeman
Subject: Yer' little convoy
Well Howdy.
I can't help but overhear you're taking a little trip up to visit those squishes.
Therefore, I'll join you, and maybe teach someone a thing or two about structural integrity and radiation and why it wouldn't have a dagnab thing to do with each other!
And do a spy check 'fore I get there please. I don't want any of my dispensers or sentries sapped while we're doin' this. You're all liable.