this is supply transport The_Shadow, i heard from a dragon
that you may need supplies and i happen to be in range. This
could help both of us, i supply you with what you need, you
provide me more support in tohoku for my runs to the order.
please respond on this channel with your decision.
"Though I fly through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil.
For I am 80,000 feet and climbing."
Due to The Order's betrayal against the Blood Dragons by allying with the filthy Corsairs and Hogosha, we are no longer interested in their activities, though their operations in Kusari will be terminated if we are not notified beforehand.
Fortunatley for you, the only bases on which we keep contact with The Order, is Ryuku. You are welcome to dock there.
Our bases in Chugoku and Okinawa are strictly off-grounds.
The Shogunate Office,
The Hideyoshi's Memory.