------------------------------------------------------- Getriebe Zu: Mitglieder von Wolfsflotte Von: BdW An: Auftrage
------------------------------------------------------- ANFANG
The hypercomm buoys have been established in deep-space between Libertonian systems. Buoys use encryption type ENIGMA and will serve as routers as briefed. Intelligence division assures sustained and untraceable signals. In the event of decryption and tracing follow briefed independent procedures and refrain from communications.
All status reports are to be sent over this channel. Standard form applies. Confirmed scan logs of merchant transponder and cargo are required for confirmation of completed objectives.
All orders from BdW are to be sent over this channel. Automated backlogging system on hypercomm buoys permits reception of orders when queried.
Kapitanleutnant Von Hof hereby relieved of duty. Unit W-3 to be returned to Alster for re-tooling and turnaround.
Unit W-2 recovered. Repair time estimated one standard month. Kapitanleutnant Sankt hereby ordered temporary command of unit W-3. Associated crew transferred. Ship to remain at base until further orders.
Unit W-4 reported lost in action by Intelligence. Replacement ship slated for modification. Replacement crew awaiting activation.
All available units to resume operations in Liberty space.
------------ ENDE
------------------------------------------------------- Getriebe Zu: BdW Von: W-1 An: Patrouillenbericht #1
------------------------------------------------------- ANFANG
Sweep of Cortez. Four stops. All civilian. No-factor.
No sign of Navy response. Evaded possible pirate threats.
------------ ENDE
------------------------------------------------------- Getriebe Zu: BdW Von: W-5 An: Patrouillenbericht #1
------------------------------------------------------- ANFANG
Mobilizing Schattenjagen from repair.
Expect reports within a day.
------------ ENDE
------------------------------------------------------- Getriebe Zu: BdW Von: W-1 An: Patrouillenbericht #2
------------------------------------------------------- ANFANG
Confirmed W-2 in Cortez System. Moved boat to Kepler System.
One stop. USI 5000 tonner moving in direction of Shikoku System. No factor.
Spotted USI convoy moving in direction of Shikoku System. Three ships. Type unknown. Suspect one transport. Suspect Austin Goodman as escort. Request for HQ to provide intelligence data on pilot Austin Goodman.
------------ ENDE
Getriebe Zu: BdW Von: W-2 An: Patrouillenbericht #1
------------------------------------------------------- ANFANG
Unit W-2 operating in the Cortez system
Contact 1: Civilian fighter. Buzzing the boat. Driven off.
Contact 2: Liberty Rouge bomber, 14K away from the boat. Evaded
Contact 3: Zoner Ore carrier. Tonnage: 5,000 mt. Let through to liberty.
Contact 4a: Medeum Convoy 3 craft. 2 Zoner craft: One 5000mt, One escorting fighter. Let though to Liberty.
Contact 4b: Civilian Cargo Transport: 3200 mt, Full cargo Hold, Turned around.
Contact 5: 2 Liberty Navy fighters: Evasive maneuvers taken, pursuers lost.
Endpoint: Boat Located in Coronado, +100 kilos outbound. Securing for the night.
------------ ENDE
[color=#FFFFFF]Subject: Wolfsflotte fleet From: Vize Admiral Auztin Engels of the Rheinwehr primary fleet To: Korvettenkapitan Metzler
Guten tag mein herr,
Over the past few weeks I have been hearing a lot about your little group, and even though I rarely deal with secondary fleet matters, your group was brought up to me by one of my military assistants. You have gained notoriety and have been widely talked about in Rheinland, however the Rheinland fleet rarely see your ships in the fatherland. Now you may continue to operate where your mission dictates you to go. But, I request a few things from you and your men:
First: I need a roster of your ships, kapitaens, and equipment on your korvettes. Second: Please inform me and my staff of your current mission and ongoing objectives to help the Rheinland nation to achieve victory in the war Third: Your ZOI.
I hope to hear from you soon mein kommandant..
Vize Admiral Auztin Engels
[color=#FF0000][Ends Transmission]
Recipient of the Hispania Memorium, Golden Fourragere, Halo of Valor, Order of the Red Star, and the Hero of the Revolution
------------------------------------------------------- Getriebe Zu: Engels, Austin, Vize Admiral von Rheinland Kriegsmarine Von: Metzler, Wilhelm, Befehlshaber der Wolfboote An: RE: Wolfsflotte
------------ ANFANG
Guten tag, Herr Vize Admiral. Rather interesting; I'm not sure how you managed to send this communication through our routers, nor am I entirely sure I want to know. I suppose the secrecy of this operation is beginning to be peeled away like the skin of an apple; those who ordered this operation into existence must be letting things slip to the public powers that be.
I find it hard to believe myself and my men are gaining a reputation in the Vaterland, since I was under the impression we were all dead to those back home. As far as I know, all of our ships were pulled from the construction lines before christening as warships of the Kriegsmarine, and all of our crewmen, including myself, have had our military records tossed in favor of secrecy. If the word of mouth of a few Libertonian drifters is this potent, then I can only assume our operation is going better than expected. Either that or there are security leaks which ought to be addressed before things begin to blow up in our collective faces, ja?
I was appointed nominal commander of this operation, but had nothing to do with its creation or the sources of its material. As such I cannot explicitly divulge what is available to us and what isn't. At the moment we have a mere three boats, all gunboat class, equipped with standard payloads; individual kaleuns have the authority to mount weapons in whatever manner they choose. The boats themselves are stock, save for the powerplant and a few little odds and ends. As far as I know they were modified from ships rolling off the line to have increased endurance, and are equipped with a hypercomm system uplinked to a series of deep-space routers, which is currently our only method of communication. This very message is thanks to this system. In addition, we currently have an automated repair ship currently residing behind enemy lines.
Our mission statement... Well I'm sure it can be forwarded to you as such. They called it "Operation Drumbeat", for whatever reason. The short story is that we are experimenting with deep-penetration commerce interdiction, much like the Bretonian Privateers, but without the pirating and extortion. While the operation is divided into stages of severity, at the moment our only targets are Liberty corporate ships importing goods back into their space, with a handful of exceptions. Mostly Synthfoods carrying foodstuffs, and DSE or Ageira carrying jumpgate and lane parts. Interspace Commerce is as yet undecided.
Our theater of operations extends no farther than the borders of the other Houses. While we operate in so-called neutral systems such as Cortez, we never violate the borders of Bretonia and Kusari. Naturally, we do not engage or trouble the policing forces of those governments unless the safety of our ships is at stake; if they pursue with intent to engage, my men would have no choice but to defend themselves.
I'm still not entirely sure who's in charge of all this, or why myself or any of the men under my command were chosen for this role. But I have been given a task and the means to accomplish it, and as such will continue as planned in the hopes that this strategy can be proven effective and adapted to the war effort.
You must excuse me, Herr Vize Admiral, for we are sorely lacking friends in these parts of space. Our next foray begins in six minutes and I am needed on the bridge. Auf Wiedersehen.
W-1 - Korvettenkapitan Metzler Wilhelm
W-2 - Kapitanleutnant Sein Sankt
W-5 - Kapitanleutnant Otto Kriechbaum
WX-1 - Unmanned Deep-space Supply Ship
------------ ENDE
Getriebe Zu: BdW
Von: W-2
An: Patrouillenbericht #2
Unit W-2 operating in the Cortez system
Contact 1: Outcast smuggling vessel laden with cardimine. Contact made in Coronado and picked back up in Cortez. No action taken.
Contact 2: USI freighter. Chimara class, Cargo hold full of Refugees. Attempted to turn the freighter around but was opened fire upon. Left no choice but to open fire. USI vessel destroyed, as many passengers as could fit on-board were rescued, others suffering an unknown fate.
Requesting orders in regard to refugees. W-2 supplies not adequate to sustain all on-board.
Endpoint: Boat Located in Cortez, +50 kilos downplane. Securing for a few hours.