// So noone agrees with you in RP, and you want it locked. Request this stay open so it can be RPd. RP has consequences, you deal with them rather than requesting a lock if it doesnt work the way you wanted.
Incoming Transmission...
Neuralnet ID: Agent Lovejoy Marshal, The Order
I'm sorry, "Honorable" Grand Admiral Marvin J. Orphelia. I wasn't aware that Nomads are no longer threats to humanity once they are no longer in Omicron Minor or Omicron 100. Thank you for this valuable information. I will be sure to forward it to my superiors. I'm sure that when they hear about your prowess and infinite knowledge on the Nomads, they will unanimously declare YOU, yes YOU! the "Honorable" Grand Admiral of the Order as well, seeing as you deem yourself capable of performing our missions and goals better than we do, "ally".
*a few trailing words are heard before the transmission is cut*
What is this, I don't even... *crackle* arrogant basta-
Thanks to MikeyH for the banner.
Reverend Del Wrote:I was going to turn your ship into something that would have been better named "Lada" but I was told to be nice.
Admrial.... The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities…It is best to win without fighting.
And to the Joker and the Corsairs who both fought hard in this event: Even if defeated, perseverance is true victory.
Incoming Transmission:
Adress: Zoner Federation Juggernaut [i]Pendulum
Ping Sat: Planet Gran Canaria, Zoner Federation HQ - Redirect to all Zoner Freeports
Speaker: Honorable Grand Admiral Marvin J. Orphelia
I agree with you Captain Tomoe. That is indeed victory. But like the Hindu's of ancient earth, Fighting is not needed in everyday life, Squabbling over petty things, such as passage and technology use *coughs repeatedly*. But some, rare times, It is neccesary.
"Secure your stations you patrol, continue on your self-chosen duties as a Zoner. I'll be increasing security in my patrol areas, and deploying trained Zoners Guard marines to each station for increased security purposes. Something that would be better sought than pointless bickering back and forth. Stow your individual prides and get back to work."
"Izii Helfari, terminating link."
/Communication closed.
My honest reaction upon reading the forums, whenever I rarely do. Joe Kucan, he's the man.