Incoming Transmission:
Adress: Zoner Federation Juggernaut Pendulum, Planet Toledo.
Ping Sat: Planet Gran Canaria, Zoner Federation HQ - Redirect to all Zoner Freeports
Speaker: Honorable Grand Admiral Marvin J. Orphelia
Let there be thanks to the Order for their gallant actions in Minor today. I apologize I brought my war into their home... But without their support, I and my ship would have been lost forever, and Freeport 11 would have been destroyed. I could not let that happen. I had led them away, to the only strongpoint I knew.
My ship has been seriously damaged, I will be conducting emergency repairs, then I shall be back to my defense point in orbit of Freeport Eleven.
Incoming Transmission:
Adress: Zoner Federation Juggernaut Pendulum, Planet Toledo.
Ping Sat: Planet Gran Canaria, Zoner Federation HQ - Redirect to all Zoner Freeports
Speaker: Honorable Grand Admiral Marvin J. Orphelia
I dont know where you get your information, Missy. A single order Gunboat was lost, I believe. Even so, Our total losses were minimal. I dont know who you think you are, But don't go around apologizing for my actions. You do not have the honor nor the integrity to do so. I did not pick a fight, It came to me. I ran to protect Freeport Eleven. It suffered no losses, thanks to me. Despite the Joker's garbled comms, We lost very little aboard the Pendulum. Ten crewmen were killed in flash-fires. We had to seal off decompressing decks, the crew in those sectors landed on Toledo, safely in their pods.
Are you going to tell me you have spy sattelites in the Order's homeworld?
First I would like to apologize for breaching this communications signal. secondly I will accpet the apology and know this if some one is engaging the Zoners and there not our allies we will retaliate and defend our allies and besides if the Jokers think they can walk into any space and act is if they own it....... well them they have another thing comming
Please be aware we have taken a action aganst the Jokers for engaging order ships and have been Listed KoS in the Omicron systems
I power up my engines and leave Toledo orbit and what do I see? A freakin' war raging in front of our home. Admiral you better damn well have a good explanation for endangering our home and our forces. I mean what the hell..I am so infuriated right now because of this crap. DO NOT BRING US FIGHTS, were already waging three wars at once and we do not need this. As Tomoe stated above you picked your own fight and can't deal with it so you run to us as if we are a personnel army? I have no respect for you at all and I never better see you doing crap like that again. I'll help any Zoner in need but after you blatantly went after the Joker while you two had a no fire agreement all you did was bring war to yourself, your fellow Zoners and now us. You sir are the most incompetent human being I have ever met. Don't bother replying, I know all the facts about what happened so don't try to make yourself seem like the victim. I will no longer help your vessel in need but I will still continue to protect all other Zoners. Wallace out.
Incoming Transmission:
Adress: Zoner Federation Juggernaut Pendulum, Planet Toledo.
Ping Sat: Planet Gran Canaria, Zoner Federation HQ - Redirect to all Zoner Freeports
Speaker: Honorable Grand Admiral Marvin J. Orphelia
Thank you, Dangen. You did not breach this protocol, It is a zoner communication to all our allies and freeports.
The Omicrons shall be made safe again... The Joker will never own this space.
Ahem, Captain Wallace. We did not have a no-fire agreement. The TAZ and the OSI did. They do not carry the opions of all zoners, realize this before making such rash statements. You do not know all the facts. Trust me. You dont. I came to Omicron Minor because the reserve fleet at Freeport Eleven was not enough to repel such a large force of, albeit weak pilots. If you do not realize today could have gone much worse, You are blind.
Linking into Zoner Frequency, Recon Pilot, Callsign: Jester
A pilot sits in the video feed, his blast visor flipped down and a skully mask pulled down over his face. He gives a faint chuckle at the smoldering ruination, obvious through the reflection in his blacked out visor. Many ships slagged and burning, a Jinkusu vessel being hauled off by repair crews as it's fires were put out.
"We help our friends in need."
He cracks out a dry laugh as he lifts a gloved hand to slam the video link's off switch, the signal buzzes and fades as he holds his hand over it just a moment, speaking just before smacking the 'off' button.
"Unlike the damn bickering fools who'd rather have him die. All acting like we can all hold hands and get along with pricks like them."
The link echoes the word die for a lingering moment, then shuts off.
My honest reaction upon reading the forums, whenever I rarely do. Joe Kucan, he's the man.