Agent Feuertaufe, the Direktorat comes to you today for some very important mission. This is the second one in a line of operation, which will ensure the Rheinland supremacy in the high-tech sector.
We are currently working on a new kind of weapon and we need you for the next puzzle part: our engineers need to experiment with some technology, which can only be found in the very remote systems of Sirius. This is why you will move to the Omicron systems and acquire some working Nomad technology remains.
It is up to you how to achieve this. Either you contact the group called 'The Order' or you use the Bounty Hunter Guild Core facilities as a footage in the Omicrons. Go undercover and return us various samples of Nomad technology.
Signed, Das Direktorat des Marinenachrichtendienstes
Verstanden meine Herren.
I will move out as soon as possible. My ship is nearly ready. I will gather as much informations and pieces of the nomad technology as I can.
Agent Feuertaufe out.
First report of agent Feuertaufe:
After the ship was ready I started with some training simulations next to Schatten.
The Switchblade is very agile fighter and even outturns our wraith's. The downside's are the low armor and the limited offensive capbilitys of this ship. Outfitted with Flaspoints and a Advanced Debilitator aswell as a cruise disruptor and a universal armor upgrade mk 8 I should be able to reach the omicron systems unharmed. The Freelancer IFF transmitter should help too.
0800 I started from Schatten towards the Sigma 13 jumpgate.
I reached Helgoland station soon and docked for a short breack and some more informations about the sigmas.
2 junkers sold me the location of a hidden jump hole to the sigma 17. After a little meal I took off and left the debris field towards the coordinates.
On the way there I passed one of this gas pocket fields and found something interesting there.
Looked like someone tried to build up a station there.
Because lack of time I had to move on to the hole and soon I reached the sigma 17 system. Near the hole I got attacked from 2 corsair legionares but thanks to the agile Switchblade I could deal with them rather fast.
I continued towards one of the nebulas and found another hole to the omicron Theta system.
After a few minutes of exploring I found a zoner patrol there which escorted me to the Freeport.
For today I will stay here and maybe I can get some more informations about the omicron systems. Furtheremore they sell alien organismen on this Freeport. I will try to get some on my way back.
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The informations of the Zoners from Freeport 9 are very helpful. As far as I know I have to travel through the corsair regions to reach a system called omicron delta. There should be another Freeport I can use as base of actions for my exploration. It wont be easy to get through the guarded holes which leads to omicron gamma but I will try it. To have a better chance on of the zoners sold me an heavy CM dropper. I will start on 0600 today.
Well this was easier than thought. A red hessain attack from the so called Red Barons got the attention of the corsairs and helped me to pass through their system. On my way to omicron delta I passed another remote system called Kappa maybe I can do some research here too.
Delta is well... impressive. 3 suns and a lot of clouds. It will need time to explore and this but I had a very interesting meeting near the Freeport. A unknown contact showed up on my scanner I guess some form of AI.
Anyway I was able to exchange some of my equipment for parts of his hull aswell as some minor datas about the ship. A very useful deal if I may say so I guess our scientists on Schatten will be pleased with this. The tests I've done so far dont show any sign of human like technology on one of their ships nor does the hull match with anything I have ever seen or anything in my neural net data bank furthere tests will follow but with my limited rescources out here I will leave most of the work for Schatten labs.
I will get some sleep now its late here and I will need all my energy tomorrow.
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