Bundies have full access to Hessian tech as well as getting their own VHF in the next release.
About Freelancers and civilians, the general view of the ships being available to them is not exactly justified, if you do some research into the case, you'll realise they have the widest variety of fighters at hand, only the available weapons technology is pretty limited.
If the Sabre gets taken out and you don't want to fly an Eagle, there's the Charon, Touketsu, Wasapu (a very, very fine ship) and the Virage to serve as alternate choices.
.. someone made a first blueprints of dagger, and then they went from one hands to another ...
Through zoner colonies to unlaufull bases ...
..... no one knowns who got idea to put a fin on it and make a scimitar, few models are disappeared in the hailstorm of times ....
.. then, once, the unknown person made a modifications to his scimitar and grown it to sabre, noone known who that was, no one remeber his name.
.... blueprints are still going from hands to hands, and those who have capabilities to produce those ships are doing it.
Here's the basic answer. The Borderworlds ships are basically Civilian - Several factions build them, but most prominently the Zoners and the Outcasts. There is no clear record on where the designs originated, but they are effectively open to anybody who can buy the license, steal the plans, or reverse-engineer it for themselves. The Outcasts do NOT own the Borderworlds ships, but they are most likely their largest producer by far. It is safe to assume that the Outcasts (and, most likely, all other concerned parties) have modified the original Borderworlds designs to keep them current and advanced; they're such fine performers that there is certainly no need to replace them. They have, however, designed their own Capital ship line, since there are effectively no civilian models available, and those that are will certainly not be as effective as something designed from the ground up.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
From a technology perspective, if you look at the Tech-Chart it says "Borderworld Ships" I believe or "Borderworld Technology". It has a separate cell of its own.
All factions have the civilian technology Green, but only some have the "Borderworlds Technlogy" cell Green/White. Others have Red!
' Wrote:Here's the basic answer. The Borderworlds ships are basically Civilian - Several factions build them, but most prominently the Zoners and the Outcasts. There is no clear record on where the designs originated, but they are effectively open to anybody who can buy the license, steal the plans, or reverse-engineer it for themselves. The Outcasts do NOT own the Borderworlds ships, but they are most likely their largest producer by far. It is safe to assume that the Outcasts (and, most likely, all other concerned parties) have modified the original Borderworlds designs to keep them current and advanced; they're such fine performers that there is certainly no need to replace them. They have, however, designed their own Capital ship line, since there are effectively no civilian models available, and those that are will certainly not be as effective as something designed from the ground up.
the question is, if the above is correct .. .WHAT THE HELL DID THEY FLY BEFORE GETTING THEIR HANDS ON THE BW LINE?
Please shoot this conversation in the face and effing kill it once and for all.
Too many people use the Sabre. It's too entrenched to change. It would be like making the RT a Xeno ship. You would have to change the ships used by a ton of NPC groups, FL and then you can explain, because I certainly am not, why the Sabre is OC only.
' Wrote:the question is, if the above is correct .. .WHAT THE HELL DID THEY FLY BEFORE GETTING THEIR HANDS ON THE BW LINE?
yeah caps ... unleash the fury!!!
Nobody knows. Is it important? Because I don't think there's an answer. The original devs were rushed and underfunded. It's a minor detail, like those customers at my grocery store who niggle and complain for ten minutes about a five-cent coupon that won't scan.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen