Opening Transmission Encryption Level: HIGH Comm ID: ********xx
Name:Ookami Location: Ainu
Target: Blood Dragon Bounty Frequencies
A most fruitful beginning to the day. I go out, catch a Samura trader, an idiot KNF who was shooting the Samura instead of me, and a Hogosha who was toting around a pair of Sidewinders which didn't help him one bit. Me 3, Kusari zip.
Opening Transmission Encryption Level: HIGH Comm ID: ********xx
Name:Ookami Location: Ainu
Target: Blood Dragon Bounty Frequencies
Payment received, and I have another bounty to claim on. A KNF Gunboat. New weapons I received from collecting the last bounty made this easy. That, and GC bomber support.
The Taishogun was most pleased to hear about the demise of this naval craft as it's crew has been responsible for the death of a few of our brothers.
Your reward has been deposited into your account and as usual with our thanks.
Much honor to you.
The Shogunate Office
In Hideyoshi's Memory
Opening Transmission Encryption Level: HIGH Comm ID: ********xx
Name:Ookami Location: Ainu
Target: Blood Dragon Bounty Frequencies
I heard of a Naval Forces fighter wreaking havoc in Hokkaido. Indeed, as I got there two had already fallen and one more was on its way to the scrap heap. I moved to assist, and he was a slippery foe. The third and final ship, an SOB Sabre, fell, and I was alone. The KNF put up a fight, but in the end I had the upper hand; both in skill, and regen quantity.
You have proven your skills to the Taishogun, and He is most pleased with your actions in Kusari. The Kusari Naval Forces surely felt your blade, and the taste of cold steel they will not soon forget.
The funds have been transfered to your account.
Domo arigato Ookami-san.
The Shogunate Office
In Hideyoshi's Memory
The following message was beamed to Kyoto using a long-range communications laser
Konnichiwa dragons. I am a simple ronin, usually in the employment of the GC. While I prefer not to talk about my past, I do have a grudge against an intelligence agency loyal to the Emperor. The Kempetei.
After much trouble, and watching my sisters go down to the KNF's guns, I managed to destroy one of their gunboats, with only a consortium fighter as a wingman.
After destroying the gunboat, I realized just how close my ship's subsystems were to failing completely. It is not dishonorable to flee from a superior foe (2 fighters and another gunboat, in this case), so that's what I ended up doing.
Konnichiwa Suzuki-san.
Word has reached The Taishogun about your actions in Kusari, and your alliances. You live and speak with honor, and the Dragons will honor you by granting you permission to collect our bonties.
But mind your actions and manners when challenging someone in the name of The Rising Sons.
That is all, the credits have been transfered to your account.
Domo arigato Suzuki-san.
The Shogunate Office
In Hideyoshi's Memory
The dishonorable Hogosha will surely remember the day they met you Ookami-san.
And yet again, you have proven your skills to the Shogunate, and the Taishogun is most pleased with your actions.
The funds have been transfered to your account.
Domo arigato Ookami-san.
The Shogunate Office
In Hideyoshi's Memory