Why won't we have it in-game? Because the biodome haave a major problem -(double faces lots of them found)-. So, at the moment, is not meant for FL yet until i fix the situation. Sorry.
Anyway, as it is, I think it should be added to Sparta Station or Corinth Research Station, as a place for the Zoner delegates to chill in the dome and see the stars. (Oh, wait, see the clouds and mines. XD.)
As a standalone, I would recommend mirroring the docking ports on the other three sides, and having a tube come down from beneath the dome and extend to another bit of the station. (I have not envisioned that far ahead.)
need more station.... hey, why not make it a sphere instead of a dome
like.... remove the depots underneath, then add another dome half and make like.... "floors" inside the new sphere.... then add a depot block to the left and one to the right... and another "docking bay" opposite to the existing bay
Well, since it suppose to resemble those mini stations - like, for example "Akita Station" on Honshu, I think the size is just fine.
Anyways, I am starting up 3ds to start working on it.:)
Thanks for the comment.
If we add stories, the Zoners will have to produce pressurized air and gravity generator to max power. And you know when things are at max power, they don't last long. Why not have a generator for each stories? Well, that can work, though, you know how many resources the zoners will waste and to add - Credits?
Unless, the Zoners create a large generator beside it. Like a power core...