------------------------------------------------------- Getriebe Zu: W-2 Von: BdW An: Patrouillenbericht #2
------------------------------------------------------- ANFANG
Refugees to be returned to safe harbor at once for debriefing.
------------ ENDE
------------------------------------------------------- Getriebe Zu: Mitglieder von Wolfsflotte Von: BdW An: Auftrage
------------------------------------------------------- ANFANG
Libertonian cargo ships ferrying civilians are not to be fired upon under any circumstances. Repeat. Transports carrying civilians regardless of affiliation are NOT to be fired upon under any circumstance. Civilians are not considered war material at this time. Suspicions of hidden war material on transport ships are not to be pursued at this time.
------------ ENDE
Getriebe Zu: BdW
Von: W-2
An: Patrouillenbericht #4
Boat is holding togeather. Made contact with an unknown station in barrier field shortly after set adrift. O2 supplies lasted long enough to disembark. Stationed on refurbished cruise-liner for two weeks. Boat is patched together and we are now underway.
Contact #1
USI freighter, dromedary class, filled with consumer goods, responded to hails, turned around.
Endpoint: Boat Located in Cortez, +100 kilos upplane. Securing for the night.
Getriebe Zu: BdW
Von: W-2
An: Patrouillenbericht #5
Contact #1
Liberty Navy Q-ship, Shire Class, Full load of hull panels, turned around.
Ion-storms prevalent, diving and securing for the next half hour.
Endpoint: Cortez System, 30k downplane.
Getriebe Zu: BdW
Von: W-2
An: Patrouillenbericht #6
Contact #1
BMM miner inbound, Hegimon class, Full load of gold ore, no action.
Contact #2
Bowex trader outbound, no cargo, no action.
Contact #3
Junker Transport outbound, P-trans, full load of O2, no action taken.
Contact #4
BMM miner inbound, Hegimon class, Full load of gold ore, No action taken.
Contact #5
Bowex transport inbound, unknown class, unknown load, no action taken.
Contact #6
USI transport inbound, mammoth class, Full load of copper, vessel halted and dropped cargo.
Contact #7
Junker Transport inbound, P-trans, full load of pharmaceuticals, escorted to Coronado.
Contact #8
Liberty police freighter outbound, dromedary, full load of gate/lane parts, no action taken.
***request clarification of RoE on liberty police cargo ships moving outbound***
Moving away from Cortez, traffic is slowing, Navy presence expected soon.
Making for Colorado to check reports of DSE miners working there.
Running low of Cruise Disruptors and Countermeasures
22 RCDs left
2 HCMs left
Require RV with WX-1
Location: Cortez, making for California
Getriebe Zu: BdW
Von: W-2
An: Patrouillenbericht #7
Contact #1
Liberty rouge ship in Ontario, unknown class class, evasive action, avoided
Colorado system infiltrated
DSE) Convoy spotted in the Colorado system moving northbound, estimate four merchant ships.
Contact #2
Liberty navy fighter, Executioner class, moved away to a range of 7k and then encountered next contacts.
Contacts #3,4,5, und 6
Three DSE) Mastodon class transports laden with supplies heading for Kepler. One transport lured away from the safty of convoy and stopped. Fourth DSE contact spotted: escort fighter. Proximity to Battleship Rio Grand and Liberty Navy fighter too high to risk an attack the the lone Mastodon.
attack aborted
Evaded contacts
Location: Colorado, 50k up
W-9 designate "Sharfzahne" in position in Colorado. Nothing to report.
Getriebe Zu: Mitglieder von Wolfsflotte
Von: BdW
An: Auftrage
Korvettenkapitan Metzler has been recalled by command for special assignment. Kapitanleutnant Stein Sankt will take over temporary command of all active Units as of this time.
Ãbertragung an: BdW
Von: W-9 "Sharfzahne"
Operational report: 2000 units of inbound Hull panels destroyed, along with transport
2100 units of Mox destroyed, along with transport
Contact with KoF forces. Did not engage.
Getriebe Zu: BdW
Von: W-2
An: Patrouillenbericht #8
Contact #1
BMM transport with LPI IFF spotted, Hegimon class, target halted, target was let go.
Contact #2
Freelancer transport inbound, Mammoth class, full load of pharmaceuticals, target halted, refused to turn around, target eliminated.
Contact #3
[KoF] transport outbound, BWT, full load of boron, Target refused to cooperate, Target was destroyed.
Endpoint: Ontario, 50k up