Let's see then, you've worked out a treaty with Daumann Heavy Corporation, and your mistake of neglecting to include Kruger in this will cost us both some headache. Anyways, here is a revised draft, taken from the Original Treaty of Omega Seven, with amendments to fit both our sides.
Quote:This agreement between the Independent Miners Guild and Kruger Mineralien shall be used to maintain peaceful relations between the two groups, while ensuring the safety of the common worker.
Article Zero
Clauses applying to all parties.
1: All parties involved; promise to abide by Rheinland law within the systems which are officially claimed by Rheinland.
Article one.
Clauses applying only to the IMG, and Kruger.
1:Neither party shall approach within ten klicks (10 k) of another parties base with the exception of; escorting trade vessels, and assisting vessel's threatened by piracy. Patrols will be limited to mining fields and bases which the party has ownership of.
2:Neather party shall hire, or in anyway employ mercenaries to unlawfully attack Kruger or IMG vessels.
3: Both parties will maintain a reasonably sized defensive force.
4: Kruger shall mine the Silver and Copper deposits that have been located in system, while the Independent Miners Guild shall mine Cobalt, for refining on it's facilities. Both parties shall maintain a fair distance so as to not tinker in each other's business.
Article Three.
Restricted areas.
1:The Area around Elbich Station is restricted for IMG vessels, I expect you shall want the same near your bases in system.[color=#CC0000]
2: Any ship found mining in a restricted area is subject to lawful sanctions for the crime of theft, andshall be punished accordingly.