Out of all their vessels why did those cruel SA bast#$ds have to send her to confront me? I truly did not relish my last engagement and watching her hull vaporize just tore my heart from my chest. I thought they mothballed her. They told me she would never leave the yard!!!!! It has just become personal you rat-bast$#ds!
I have gained a small measure of satisfaction for the dishonor levied on me by the SA by forcing the LNS-RedBear to suffer harm at my....*sigh*...hands.
Bloodlust is abating with a new addition to my trophy-wall. Though I was forced to advance into Texas' corona due to no weapons. I did well considering I faced 3 SA and five militia. It is time for looting, wenching and drinking. Traders beware for I shall be among ya shortly, boohahahaha. Void, I miss the absolute joy of lifting the baubles of others "by hook or by crook":)
Quote:Addendum: Sheesh, the bloody SA pukes are delegating their responsibilities to a Sir Grump? and a Will McCain. So, the tally is 2 BS, 1 frigate, Cruiser, and I think a couple of GBs stationed in Texas, I am honored, hehehe... I know, its in response tothe smuggling but it puts a crimp in my style
Hijacking transmission....hijacking account....
...transmission commencing....
.....*krackle*...No one should have that many enemies. Post if you need ...*krackle*... assistance.....*pop*
......we will monitor this channel....*plink*
...transmission out...
Now that was an interesting bit of static over my comms. Hmmm, I must investigate this further. I wonder where their affiliations and fidelity lie? It shall be an interesting time for the SA if this etheral voice pans out:)
Addendum: Ahhh, Jupiter Guild, have had the pleasure, getting old am I, hehehe. I do not think there are major philosophical differences and we may come to an accord in time.
Vacations, like life, come to an end, sadly for me pigeons. My vessels have been upgraded and loadouts have received their shakedown regimen. It is now time to return to my Tejas and re-introduce my desires to my peons, hehehe......
Before calling it a day due to "house-keeping" duties, I ran across a minor pigeon that needed plucking. However, it was a minor headache due to its unorthodox methods, but, in the end, the bugger met the Void and all her splendor. It is a small start but it was satisfying, nonetheless. Hehehe....
It is getting absolutely asinine out there in Texas. A pirate cannot make a dishonest living without some popin-jay sticking his nose into my business. All this fuss is hitting my bottomline. However successful I am with bruising the buggers it does not fill my coffers a dang! I need ta find some fat traders!
Ok, from my own up-close, and personal, observations the SA have stationed a plethora of fighters and, by my last count, 2 Dreadnaughts, 2 Lib Carriers, and a Frigate, sheesh....I need another vacation, hehehe. Anyhoo, my crew and I successfully sent the LNS-Nevada to drydock so it is only 4 vs. 1, not bad odds, LOL:)
Vendettas seems to be the trend for the past few hours, lol. Anyhoo, I have yet to make a bloody centavo and it is becoming a true frustration, arrrrgh! However, my vessels lived up to their nomenclatures this fine day:)Venom Fang (Lib Frigate) intruded upon my realm in the name of the Libertines but its atmosphere was vented quickly into the Void by Kathartic, and my Cathartic sent SA-Outlaw into the Void quickly in Conneticut. The only blemish to today's festivities was a 3 v. 1 fight in Cathartic outside of Houston versus 2 fighters and a bloody BH-Digger (BS or Destoryer). In the end I was forced to advance to the rear, hehehe. Overall, an entertaining day.
Oh, almost forgot, nailed a Kraut outside of Houston named Seanoz. He went quickly:)