---Incoming Transmission---
---Location: ICMG[SL14D]Lazurite---
---From: "Mack" Holt, Director of defence, ICMG---
---Subject: Ore shipment---
to the workers of Repex.
Under normal circumstances we would move our own supplies, but at the moment our main focus has been shifted to military production. As a Rhineland corporation, I'm sure you do your share of shipping in and out of the fatherland. We have a lack of transports and an excess of ore that needs to be shipped to new Berlin, we also find ourselves in dire need of MOX for various reasons.
I would like to ask, is it possible for the cargo transports of republican shipping to move into the tau systems and buy the ore directly from our refinery , the ICMG-Granite, and sell it directly to New Berlin yourselves? Also if possible could you ship MOX to Dounby station on your return journey?
If we could make a deal I'd be willing to sell you ore for 50% of its selling value on new Berlin (6,327 = 12,654/2) and on your return journey bring MOX to Dounby and the personnel should pay you on spot there.
normally we don't deal with many other foreign bodies in business, be we use our money to interact with the capitalistic world around us.
we await your response.
-Mack Holt
---Transmission End---
My name is Julia Becker and the CEO Herr Richter told me to deal with this matter.
As far as I know, the Taus are a dangerous place, filled with pirates and other people our pilots would rather not meet. Im also lacking informations about the security situation in Orkney.
Both places are far away from our usual trade routes, which would mean more outgoings in form of Fuel.
Seeing those two problems we should negotiate about the price once more. Im not going to send our pilots into their safe death, nor am I willed to loose my job because I forgot to calculate our profits in the right way.
You are offering the ore for a price of 6.327 Credits, but seeing that your pilots arent risking anything with the delivery of said goods to Rheinland and that you are able to save huge amounts of cash you would have to spend on fuel, I would suggest a price of 5.327 justified by the reasons I gave above.
Im looking forward to receive your answer.
-Julia Becker
Julia Becker
5000 RepEx Way
Republican Headquarters
Planet Hamburg