<//Incoming Point-to-Point transmission//--
--//Communications Ident: ProjectX//--
--//Encryption Code Gamma-Zeta-Kappa-Beta//--
--//Signal Fidelity: 97%//--
--//Begin message//-->>
*As usual, the screen goes black, where the video feed would be*
Guten Tag, Konnichiwa, salutations, hallo, hail, hola.... And all of that.
First of all, I mean no offense by not speaking 'in person', or showing my face, but I believe you already know -what- exactly I am... On to business.
It's been a while since I've contacted you, I would send this to the main messages channel, but... Well... It's easier to contact you directly, rather than sift through the clutter.
*He clears his throat*
Anyway... You obviously know of the Former Glory, the Ranseur I gave your technicians access to in return to use Wolfsburg to maintain the vessel, and therein, is the problem. I mean no offense to your men, but I think some of them may have high-level brain damage. Not even three days ago, the vessel was fired upon by the patrols of Omega-Fifty-Four, as well as Wolfsburg shipyard. Now I'm sure that it is -just- a misunderstanding, and the vessel is currently hidden away in the Schutznebel...
I need to know, if this problem is to be rectified, how long it will be estimated to take, as this -could- become problematic soon...
Auf Wiedersehen, Dasvidaniya, good bye, until next time...
<<--//Transmission Ended//>
Message to: ProjectX
Comm ID: Major Gunther Hoerst
Location: Freital, Omega-11
As far as I am aware, it's a recent malfunction caused by the ID devices the former Outcast warship carries. It seems that part of their fail-safe devices was a friend-or-foe system scrambler, which makes your ship light up on the automated defences of Omega-54 as the most hostile of hostiles.
Due to the semi-permanent nature of the malfunction there isn't really much we can do about this, except suggest you change your ID systems from the old and failing Outcast ones to, well.. any other one that can be mounted on a vessel of your size and does not belong to any enemies of the Red Hessian movement (thus preventing the automated defences from targeting it).
If you need further assistance regarding the matter, I'm sure we can work something out.
Hm, I understand how it works. All right, I will work on falsifying an identification system for the ship, I'll be sure to contact the technicians over communications should I require some equipment, or help with patchwork.