Comm ID: Nick O'Flannigan Subject: Feckin' BMM Location: Arrenmore Base
Aye its been a good day in Dublin lads!
Caught a BMM minin' ship shootin' rocks in the MOLLY gold field o' all places!
Theivin' fecker didn't take too kindly teh' me claimin' the bounty on his ship...
***Incoming Transmission*** Comm ID : Dara O'Gara Location : Arranmore Base, Dublin Target : Molly Separatists Bounty Office
Top o' the mornin' to ye lads! Oi bin quoiet fer a whoile, oi knows, but oi bin busy nun the less, eh? Oi's nailed a few ships, an' oi be waitin' fer me monies now. 'ere's the list o' whut oi nailed so far.
Furst up be dis feckin' eejit 'sair whut oi runs inte aroun' the 49 hole. 'e din' last long, te be shure. 'e troied te run, but oi din' let 'im.
Den dese two Injun feckers oi runs inte. Dey were more o' a challenge, but tings aint dat even when oi be in me boat, eh.
An' den dere were dis eejit frum dem nutters in the armed forces. Armed an' stoopid dey are, or sum o' dem at least. Dis wun tought te foire on me, so oi showed 'im proper. 'e foired furst, eh.
Oi's gut sum more oi be troiyin' te git off me guncams. Oi'll send 'em trew when oi can.
Payment kin be made te [MS].BeanSidhe
Dara out.
***Transmission ends***
You can accomplish more with a kind word and a shillelagh than you can with just a kind word
Aye dere, Molly boys. 'Livia Dunham 'ere. I've been workin' my ass off killin' those pesky BAF idiots, and mina's stellin' ya gold. I killed them a lot, then I saw t'is little transmission. So I guess I can kill 'em for money now. Good to hear that.
Dun' mind if I put ma ship down in Arranmore do ya? The Mollys like me there so much!
I fly a Roc, if ya dun' mind that. Merc papers 'n' and I fly solo, I'm a Freelancer.
Hope ya understand ma need to kill retard bounty hunters, gold stealers, and idiot BAF who killed ma mother. Toodles!
[Transmission Closed]
Awesome sigz by Cabulb
[20:44] Avalanche (Greg/Pharos): Yeah, I ****ing know serbian.
***Incoming Transmission*** Comm ID : Dara O'Gara Location : Arranmore Base, Dublin Target : Molly Separatists Bounty Office
Top o' the mornin' to ye lads! Oi tellt ye's dat oi'd be havin' more fer ye te look at, an' oi does. Dere be 'sairs, moiners, an' BAF fer ye te be payin' me fer. Feckin' Dublin is becomin' nad, te be shure. On top o' all the usual feckin' eejits we's havin' te be dealin' wi', it seems dat all dese feckin' pself-employed poirates an' Freelancers be gettin' way too big fer deyre feckin' boots. We needs te be takin' dem off deyre high 'orses, oi be tinkin', an' te dat en' oi tought oi'd start te list dem dat oi runs inte.
So 'ere oi goes.
Furst up a 'sair gunboat. Oi be surproised det got any of dese bloody tings left
Next some eejit inna Praetorian dat tought 'e could take me solo
Dis feckin' eejit moiner had our lads in 'is hold, an' 'e wouldnae let 'em come over te me boat, so oi turned the fecker inte dust, an' tractored in our lads. Fecker e'en swore at me!
Dese two armed forces lads troied te hassle me in New London. Oi don' tink dey's learned deyre lesson, cuz wun o' the eejit jumped roight inte anudder ship an' attacked me again! Oi'll only be claimin' the wunce dough, eh?
Last up were dis feckin' poirate aroun' Dublin. Oi dunno whut she tought she were doin' roun' Arranmore, but when oi tellt 'er te feck off, 'she started te get roight arsey wid me! Bleedin' cheek. Feckin' wimmin. Well, she'll have te be gettin' 'er feller te be buyin' her anudder ship, te be shure.
She aint bountied, oi knows dat, shure enuff. Oi jus' tought ye should be knowin' 'bout mad bitches loike dis wun, eh?
Payment kin be made te [MS].BeanSidhe
Dara out.
***Transmission ends***
You can accomplish more with a kind word and a shillelagh than you can with just a kind word
***Incoming Transmission*** Comm ID : Dara O'Gara Location : Arranmore Base, Dublin Target : Molly Separatists Bounty Office
Top o' the mornin' to ye lads! Shure, ye aint run outta credits a'ready ha' ye's? Shoite, but oi tink oi moight have te go back te targettin' dese eejit moiners again!
Anyhoos lads, oi gut sum more te be claimin' fer, when ye's able te scrape tegether sum funds, eh.
Furst up, anudder feckin' 'sair inna gunboat. Oi dunno whoi dey keeps bringin' dese tings inte Dublin. Must be costin' 'em a feckin' fortune, roight?
Next up be sum bleedin' eejit o' a ...... shure oi be lost fer wurds on dis wun. Feckless eejit troied te poirate US! Anyways, the outcome were predictable, eh. Dem Shoires aint no match fer me little BeanSidhe, specially when oi dun gut a little help an' all. Oi dunno if dis wun counts fer a bounty or no, but oi tought ye'd ha' a laff eider way!
An' now we be gettin' onte the gud stuff, te be shure. Dem feckin' Indians. Oi dun ripped a fews o' dem a few 'oles when dey weren't comin' at us ten at a toime. Me scans aint roightly complete, so oi don' roightly care if ye pays us fer 'em or no. It were jus' a roight feckin' pleasure te space dese bastards, an' no mistake.
Payment kin be made te [MS].BeanSidhe
Dara out.
***Transmission ends***
You can accomplish more with a kind word and a shillelagh than you can with just a kind word
***Incoming Transmission*** Comm ID : Dara O'Gara Location : Arranmore Base, Dublin Target : Molly Separatists and other associated Mollies
Roight ye feckers! Oi gut sum good news fer ye all, eh. Oi bin askt boi Andy te be tellin' ye dat yer bounty claims ha' been paid te ye. Here be yer proof
Roight, Hone, ye arsey fecker ye, ye gut yer monies at last eh. An' dere be aroun' four million extra, jus' fer yer waitin' fer so feckin' long te get paid laddie. Let's no be hearin' anyting more about us Separatists no bein' fair, eh lad. Oi 'opes dat dis'll be the end o' it. Oi'd no be loikin' te be fallin' out wi' ye over money, roight?
Nick O'Flannigan
Darren O'Neil
Darren, dere be summit wrong wid yersel mate. We troied te send ye yer monies, but it failed laddie. Oi be 'opin' ye aint dead lad, an' dat ye'll be able te let me know where te send whut be yers, eh. .
So, dat be the good news lads. The bad news be that we has te be closin' dis board fer now. We's troiyin' te figure who ye kin be shootin' an' where, an' how much ye kin be claimin' fer dem. So, fer now, focus yer energies on all dem feckin' poirates dat be turnin' Dublin te shoite. Leave off shootin' BAF lads, unless dey foires at ye furst o' course. Oi knows oi don' needs te be tellin' ye te keep on killin' dem feckin' 'sairs, eh lads.
Dara out.
***Transmission ends***
You can accomplish more with a kind word and a shillelagh than you can with just a kind word
Roight youse lot. Ye'll all be glad te be knowin' dat [color=#FFFFFF]dis board be open again. Whut dat means is dat sum tings has changed dough, eh. So get yer oiyes glued te the lists o' who you kin shoot, an' whut ye gutta do te be claimin' on dis board.
Especially dis bit 'ere
[color=#FFFFFF]- You MUST only use thumbnails or links to pictures. Use of large pictures will nullify your payment until they are changed to a suitable size.
Aye Hone, oi be lookin' at youse laddie!
Now git yersels out dere an' kill dese feckers fer us!
You can accomplish more with a kind word and a shillelagh than you can with just a kind word