After tonights battle with the Zoners near Bonn Station, I departed to retrieve my new Bomber.
Upon arrival at New Berlin with my Bomber, I encountered NovaPG Undying, engaging a Polizei member in a Wrath.
I entered the fray, danced with the Nova PG for some time, then dispatched him with two simultaneous blasts from the Novas my new Bomber is equipped with.
I really do like this new ship! And what a heart-warming way to start its service in the Rheinland Military!
OOC: Dieter... We attacked Coalition, not Zoners.:P
Run Messaging Program
Run Command 'To'
Message to RM
CommID: Captain Meric Freelamen
To many new pirate faces running around lately.
During patrol in New Berlin, Unseelie, a GC trader was found moving through the system. She seemed a little confused at why we were shooting her. Though I beleave she got the idea after the loss of her train. Next we had a [Junkyard]Junky pass through with Cardimine. As this one was already marked KoS, we shot on sight. Target was destroyer afterwards.
Later on during our patrols, Admiral Hiltraid detected two Coalition pilots flying through the Stuttgart system. We were ordered to move to Bonn Station. They entered New Berlin and were found at Bonn station just as we arrived. Sonja Kerensky and Ivan Voronov were their names, flying bombers that our logs show are called Tiiadans. Both of their ships were damaged at first hand before they made their move on my Cruiser. My shield was dropped quickly as they began taking my hull slowly, as both were distracted by our fighter and bomber wings.
Sonja was the first to eject from her ship, with Ivans going down by my hand soon afterwards. It seems the Coalition have new cloaking techonolgy as their escape pods were no where to be found.
All for now, back to patrols.
Freelamen out
End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program
Comm ID: Miles Cadre
Authorization (New feature....): Commander
Authorization Password: ******
Password accepted
Subject: Pirates
This is sad, but true. More and more pirates are showing up, and we are tarting to run low on forces. They are out numbering us. What to suggest, I dont know.
The Aurora is always ready, as is my Wrath.
End Message
Subject: Smugglers
It turns out we are having more and more smugglers, and unfortunately, I havent screenied the last one.... so, I cannot convict that B*************. I dont want drugs in Rheinland, and next time, I'll convict that son of a ******.
For future reference, his name was Bloodthes, or something like that. Again, since no scrennies, we cant convict him... but wait til I catch him. I'll blast him so many times, it wont even be funny.
End Message.
Comm Terminated
:crazy:Miles Cadre
I dont mind that everything is a lie, as long as you love me forever. -403 Forbiddena, Northern Lights
Lieutenant; Light fighter, Heavy Fighter, Bomber
Commander; All of the above and Gunboats
Captain; All of the above and Cruisers
Admiral; All of the above and Battleships
Chancellor; Anything he wants, and deserving of our holy and undying respect and admiration.
Now, unless Chancellors Rhinehardt, bless his holy name, wants to give you a cruiser, and until he says something, your request is denied.
Transmission to: Lieutenant Kinda
Comm ID.: Reinhardt
Though there seems to be nothing wrong with your request, but such a request must be made by your superiors. Preferably someone with whom I've had previous experience, though anyone of a command rank will be suitable.
I do not know about you, but things always seem smoother when it is leader to leader directly.
GrammatonCleric has been caught with a full hold of Artifacts in the New Berlin system. He refused to drop and lead a chase. He then entered Braunschweig. YES. Our HQ. He left, contually offering bribes (Which I naturally refused) until he finally made it to New Berlin and went underground. I am outfitting my Wrath with the final piece of weapons and CDs as we speak. Requesting permission to add this scum to KoS list and post a bounty on his head.
Screenies are attached.
^Him with Artifacts
^Him in braunschweig
^A pic of his ship.
End Transmission
Comm Terminated
We didnt start the fire... Billy Joel, We didnt start the Fire
Today some hours after i spoke with your RM Miles a "friend" cuelebre tried to destroy the smugler, he was almost killed south kyushu (cuelebre is a merc and miles offered me a bounty contract for my friend for 5M), unfortunately hornet cruise disruptors were not enough and he reached kyushu planet crippled, he had also 3 friends, in a group (2 they were most of the time in sigma 13 and honshu paladin in a nomad BB and 101 in a nomad destroyer, both pirates, the last one splendor in a RH bomber in tau 29 with military Id).
Cuelebre spoke grammacleric to fix the issue with RM (splendor came to kyushu), and took some cash (1M) from him, to stop blocking his exit from the planet (few could be done with the others 2 coming closer to kyushu system).
At least Grammacleric is afraid and scared so my friend thinks he will try to negociate with RM soon.
as he couldnt fullfil the contract (and got cash from GC), in that moment, he is by now out of the pursuit.
My friend recommend to plant a bounty in the way all know (bounty post), till he fix the situation so other mercs and BH can know about.
If RM wishes to end the bounty contract that will be good to know too.