com ID: UOG Commander Puck
To: All the scurvy scallywags out there...
Aye, will keep an eye out for all those who like to hightail it, thanks for the heads up. to be sure, we will have a few more names for ye before long.
if your gonna have a 'bad guy' trader list, you need to have a good guy list. Like, lowering there taxes because they go out of there way to pay you......Every.....Stinkin.........Time.......
There is nothing worth living for, unless it is worth dying for. -Elizabeth Elliott
Hehe - there are traders that show me respect and traders that do not. Those that show me respect typically offer me money before i can say anything and then they say, "have a drink on me." That is typically followed by a, "Thank you very much sir, safe travels to you" from me. Now ain't that polite of a pirate?
And I do accept other offers besides 2 mil. I've accepted much much less. Its partly about respect for your pirate.
Could you specify exactly what "trader" you were after when you were destroying KNF vessels with the UOG scum outside New Tokyo?
The UOG have signed some slimy pact with SF, which they seem to believe gives them some strange reason to attack Kusari directly. Pirating traders in Kusari, and allying with these dishonorable Mollys are two entirely different kettles of puppy stew.
Take your poor tribes and families, and your ancient honor and your puppy stew, and feed it to another. Kusari no longer sees any honor in your actions.
Congratulations to the GalEx faction for jumping to the top of my list. All you GalEx traders can say thank you to your friend GalEx Arianrhod Archer (aka Jack Archer).
I'll pay 500,000 credits for each time a GalEx trader is killed. Just take a snapshot of each kill and post them here each week (compile all your kills in one post per week). For each kill in the post, I'll pay 500,000. I want GalEx to suffer.
Incoming Transmission Recipients: All interested parties.
The N, due to their friendly status with our allies, the HF, as well as to us, will not be hunted by any of the AW. Nor we will allow them to be hunted in Omicron Theta or Omicron-74. Also, anyone hostile to AW will be stopped from claiming the head of an N no matter where they are, though we will not stop those neutral to us, unless the N pays us to help them.
Anyone we catch attempting to claim an N bounty in Omicron Theta or 74 will be declared as hostile to AW until they pay the fine for breaking the no-hostilities law. Pay attention to the fact that this fine will be DOUBLE the price of the bounty you are after. This goes for any GalEx ships as well.
A little bit of education for you SpiderVlad... You cannot have a Neutral ID on a Transport (a trader with > 1000 cargo capacity). So, again ... somebody help this guy out...
[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FFFF00]WANTED - INFORMATION
Any information leading to a cure against the virus afflicting the Nayehiya.
The Liberty Cruiser Commander with direct knowledge of this virus was last seen aboard the trading vessel FreightLiner. This trader has since disappeared from Sirius. We believe he is either in hiding or has been silenced because of his close proximity to this Liberty officer. Information leading to this Liberty officer will help prevent the spread of this disease if not contain it and eradicate it.
Incoming Transmission
Recipients: to all Nayehiya who are infested with spoken Virus
Sender ID: Ricky Ross, Captain of the Greenleaf
I have made a great discovery a few months back, it is said that this product was capable of curing all known deseases on planet Earth in the 21st and 22nd century. I am willing to transport some samples to test out its effectiveness. Please send anything you would like to know or how much you need to Ricky Ross over a Secure channel (PM) or talk to the communications officer aboard the Greenleaf (ingame)
Im am willing to make an agreement on price, also, since this virus has been spreading like a wildfire, i am offering the first shipment of GALEM free of charge. Lets hope this can end your problems.
Ricky Ross Out.
transmission end
((Please read Greenleaf story for further intell))
"War. War never changes. Since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything, from God to justice to simple, psychotic rage."