10. Everybody does it. Doesn't matter what rule violation people get sanctioned for, I always hear the excuse, everybody does it. I guess this means you don't have to get sanctioned, right? Wrong.
9. This is LIES I TELL YOU! You can claim your innocence all you want. Screenies don't lie.
8. My laptop battery was near death, I couldn't avoid the F1. Really? If that were so, then why were you talking in group chat with your friend for the next half hour right after you F1'd? Also, why does everyone's computer/internet/laptop always fail when shields are down and hulls are compromised?
7. Admin abuse, Admin abuse. If by admin abuse, you mean someone who sanctions someone for breaking a server rule that you agreed to when you decided to play the game, then yes, I am a raging Admin abuser. Also, repeating the phrase, Admin abuse over and over, does not make it anymore true. Just saying...
6. Why did you take credits off my other ship? Because you had no credits on the ship that broke the rules. Moving credits, changing names and deleting accounts will not save you from justice. We have ways of finding you.
5. This is what happens when you give a moron, Admin status. Only Admins get to call me a moron. Also, one word PM's describing me as a phallic symbol get you banned as well.
4. It wasn't me, it was my brother. Please read the fine print on my sanction notices.Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE I'm not sure what Admin Right #CTE 750AE is exactly, but I think it has something to do with turning your most valuable ship into a starflea.
3. You should ask permission before you take guns and credits off my ship. Wow. Let's test that scenario out, shall we.
Admin: You committed a rules infraction. I was thinking maybe I should take some guns and credits off your ship. May I have your permission?
Rule Violator: No.
Admin: Well, ok then. Sorry for bothering you.
2. What do you mean 5 billion credits is an unreasonable pirate demand? I have no response to that.
1. Hey, I'm sorry. I made a mistake. Won't happen again. I accept the sanction. *passes out from shock*
Yep... pretty much covered it. Much lulz all around :lol:
You forgot the one that happens afterwards though: "y u no unban me the exact second my ban was up after I called all admins idiots and whined the entire time of the ban???!??"
I been sanctioned probably once per year since i been here. Usually from having a bad day,and doing something stupid. All i got to say to others is just bite the bullet, and live with it.