Heya, euh... Yea' so... Oi met two 'sairs, they tried to extort three miners... Bad... Bad 'sairs, Grrrr... Well I killed them both Hehe. But bad news Oi didn't take photo of their ships before... Damn it ! ... But were one Gunboat and one boomber... Yea' !
- Comm ID: - Ruby -
- Subject: - Big kusarian killed -
- Loading Image -
Heya! Again ! It's me... Well... So ...yea' ! So, have somethin' interesting, and bigger ! yea' ! Look that, it's big, very big ! Evidence 1... But ! Down, yea' ! Hehe was even too easy ! Evidence 2 Kusarian ! They 're violent and ugly, yea' !
You can send the cash directly to Dissolved.Girl, again ! Yea' ! Many thanks *kisses*
Zealot Wrote:Just go play the game and have fun dammit.
Treewyrm Wrote:all in all the conclusion is that disco doesn't need antagonist factions, it doesn't need phantoms, it doesn't need nomads, it doesn't need coalition and it doesn't need many other things, no AIs, the game is hijacked by morons to confuse the game with their dickwaving generic competition games mixed up with troll-of-the-day.
For the destruction of one Corsair Imperator, one "Corsair" Hegemon, one Indian Ahoudari and two collections on Plague.Champion, the following sum is paid:
If I'm not bankrupt by the end of the month, I'll not be happy.
- Comm ID: - Ruby -
- Subject: - Brother killed, 'sairs payed it with his life -
- Loading Image -
Sad, I am sad... I fought in the flammes, I fought in the sorrow... I fought a 'sairs who killed my Candy ! We were fair with him, I let my candy take care of the 'sairs... Yea' ! Was a fair fight, but he killed my Candy ! He got him, and I was not really happy to see that... No ! A lucky day for this 'sairs, a miner full with Regenerations was here, I called him to offer to this 'sairs a way to take my revenge with Honour... Yea' !
Ya' know where to send the credits, repose in peace my Candy, I took my revenge but it's not enough, I want to take them Everything !
You can add this one too, another Gunboat from corsairs factory : Evidence 3 / Evidence 4
And you can add another reject, a pirate in a pirate transport, who was pirating Miners in Dublin, he had the choice, but he didn't want to obey and to answer me correctly that's why I did it : Evidence 5
Since there's no precedent for the particular crime of this transport, I'll take a little liberty and pay you out two million credits for it. Can't have folk poaching, can we?
For the destruction of two Corsair Imperators and one Pirate Transport engaged in ore piracy, the following sum is paid:
It's good to see our pilots making use of their time in space.
[font=Impact]*Incoming Transmission*
*Encryption Level: PIGGYBACK*
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*CptHone of the Mollys*
Oh I loves ye lass, which is gonna make it harder for me to bankrupt ye, but thas just the way o it.
An here we got the first step:
An outcast escorting a Miner down by O49 hole! I know! The cheek, I didn believe it! But after I'd killed t miner, the cast attacked me! Silently i might add! Course, once we got near arranmore,he legged it out of scanner range, so I jumped in my dessie, and hunted im down like the dog tha ee is!
As ye can see, he wernt too happy bout it, heh heh heh.
But casts bringing cap ships into our system and attackin us? What the ell? What we gonna do bou that?
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