Eventful day today. I was joined by Comrades Jayce Brooks and Robert Miller for a foray into Bretonia. We used the back corridor through Cambridge to enter Leeds. There, hell broke loose.
Firstly we met this pilot Myles Ewing, recorded as a Rogue pilot from the Order, and an Order Primary pilot named Eriksson Ravenov. We told him where we thought the Rogue pilot was headed, and moved on.
Soon we hit a Kusari Naval Forces pilot, who challenged me to a honorable duel. After a short gritty duel, he was floating in space. Never challenge a Hispanian. We then found a battle outside Leeds, with the Order agent engaged with Myles Ewing and another Freelancer.
We launched the anger of the Kalashnikov on those attacking our friends, and Robert Miller took out the Freelancer. After a little while, in which the Order pilot was downed, Ewing ran again. WE must keep a watch out for that one, he is dangerous.
[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]PRIORITY: [color=#FF9900]Low ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Robert Miller, Junior Lieutenant SOURCE:Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system SUBJECT:Reporting the battle of Leeds
[color=#FFFFFF]Good day Comrades, Junior Lieutenant Robert Miller reporting. This is my ninth report, dated 26.11.818.
I proceeded today with Comrades Santorini and Brooks to the Leeds system, passing through Omega-5 and Cambridge (it felt good to be near home, if only for a short while) before arriving at the scarred industrial system. We moved toward planet Leeds and took the trade lane toward Stokes when we saw an Order ship following the trade lane route using cruise.
We dropped out and Comrade Santorini asked what it was doing there. After a few words we all continued on our own paths. We entered the trade lane again and were dropping out again shortly after, for we had spotted a KNF Chimaera. This pilot began talking about "fair play" and honour, wanting to duel one of our pilots. Comrade Santorini accepted this, and we soon learned that this KNF pilot had no experience. He was swiftly dealt with and we returned to planet Leeds.
We had moved around the Derby when we detected the Order ship again, this time locked in battle with a mercenary using their own technology, a Bastet. That must have been quite frustrating for the Order pilot. There was also a mercenary in a Sabre watching, whom we saw was carrying cardamine. Comrade Santorini ordered it to be dropped, but the mercenary, Veera Allen, decided to try her luck against fighting us instead. We also began to assist the Order pilot, however shortly after the battle began his Wraith was destroyed and he was forced to eject while I was attempting to send him nanobots.
There were two battles, Miss Veera against myself and the other mercenary (Myles Ewing) against Comrade Santorini. These two battles were gradually moving apart until I could no longer detect Mister Ewing by the conclusion of my battle, but Comrade Brooks stayed close to my battle.
The mercenary proved very problematic. I have yet to grow accustomed to the Mini Razor positioning on the Insurgent, so faced myself missing several easy shots which infuriated me. Eventually I ran out of nanobots, but Comrade Brooks was able to supply me with the number I needed to finish Miss Veera off successfully. At this time I was forced to move away, losing contact with the other two. I heard later that they both left Leeds successfully.
We destroyed two enemy fighters at no costs to our own forces. That is most definitely a victory.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
TO: All SCRA Assets COMM ID: Major Daemon Steele PRIORITY:HIGH SUBJECT: The Rheinland Embarrassment
Today was not just a victory, it wasn't just an assertion of our supremacy, it wasn't just the raw power of the Coalition. No, today was an absolute embarrassment for the Rheinlander Military. It will be forever remembered as the day the Coalition broke the backs, will and mind of the Rheinlanders. It didn't begin like this however, it started as a small task force simply looking to pick off some Rheinlanders. What we encountered, however, was a Battleship, Gunboat and a full compliment of Fighters. Naturally, all of them attacked our humble task force. Even with all these against us, we persevered. Even when a Second Battleship came along, we persevered. Even when all seemed lost, WE PERSEVERED. It was through our perseverance that we managed to hold our ground. It was a testament of our skill that we not only survived, but dominated. Yes Comrades, when all seemed lost, we struck back. Out of the shadows, the Havana and Lithuania, accompanied by our Hessian Allies. Together, we turned the tide in a previously unthinkable way. Both Battleships were routed, falling apart. Cruisers were ripped to shreds, Gunboats were ripped through as if they were made of wet toilet paper. Even their mighty Wraiths fell to our might. What was the cost of this? Two Odins. Two, Comrades, we accomplished all this, and all we lost were Two. Wolf-Lead and Cougar-4 were shot down, but their pilots were rescued. With the embarrassment of their losses, the once mighty Rheinland Military fled to the Battleship Westfalen. They taunted us, even claiming to of defeated us, we knew better however. We laughed at them and we left, leaving them to wallow and to grieve for their dead. Comrades, I commend each and everyone of you that was there today. Each of you performed your very best, and what a sight it was. It filled me with absolute joy and passion to see us working with such precision and perfection. All of you deserve a reward, but of special note is Cougar-4 who's valiant efforts kept the Two Battleships off the Havana as it gave them hell. He did all this, with no less than seven fighters on his tail. Truly, a remarkable feat. Both the Havana and Lithuania inflicted catastrophic damage to the enemy before fleeing into the shadows. Bearing mere scratches to their hulls. Pictures speak a thousand words however, attached are our trophies, our testament of victory.
For the Revolution. For the People. For the Party. For the Premier. Victory through superior arms and tactics.
Message to: SCRA
Comm ID: Admiral Yuri Striatov
Location: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52
Today is a bright day for the Coalition Revolutionary Forces. Through countless months of successful guerilla warfare against the Rheinland Military, today we met them in open space in an up-front engagement alongside our Red Hessian allies, and collectively smashed their defence forces. This defeat will send them reeling for weeks to come: strategically, economically, and most importantly ideologically.
Although this success belongs mostly to the Troll squadron, two of our comrades have specifically shown their worth to the cause today: comrades Daemon Steele and Ben Warner. Their command abilities are to be praised and admired. Both of them will be awarded with the Order of the Red Star during the next promotion ceremonies.
More victories like that, and we will soon have the dirty capitalist houses on the run!
"Good evening Comrades, first off I must thank High Command for the honour bestowed upon me, however this victory could not have been done without the sacrifices and courage of the glorious Fighter Corps as well as our Hessian Allies who gave blood for the cause.
Let this show Rheinland fascists that the Coalition will not abide their tyrannical practices in the name of they're "Gottklanzer" and that the People are always ready to stand up and fight in the name of Freedom.
After the battle ended the Lithuania laid low in Bering until the remnants of the enemy fleet moved on, from there we moved down back to the Omegas until we reached Omega-3, we were shocked to the sight of a Wilde Gunboat harassing traders along the lanes, taking action the Lithuania charged the Gunboat, drawing it's fire off of the trader.
After it realized that it's situation was hopeless it attempted to flee, however my crew and I pursued with even greater vigor until it was nothing more than a twisted scrap of metal dead in space. We rescued 7 members of the Red Hessian movement as well as Thirty-One of the Unioners from it's hold, they are being checked out by Coalition Medical for any signs of infestation and under high security."
To: [color=#FFFFFF]Those morons'¦AGAIN Comm. ID:Commissar Leon Mendel Priority:HIGH Subject:The Dumb bastards in the fighter corps
---Communications Opened---
All right you muppets, I don't normally get involved in your pathetic existences, except to clean up your messes. But the Ministry of Truth's propaganda department feels it's good for Coalition Morale to praise and extoll the virtues of the Hamburg victory.
Seems a little good news is in short supply around here, what with your screw ups in Omega-50.
Well we'll pin a few medals on chests, beat a few drums... maybe have a parade. But to that end I need a hero for the news reels... and Steeles, your too much of a pompous git to deserve it, and Warner, you're a wash-up... we need a new face, and that face will be Oliver Zablosky.
By the power vested in me, blah blah blah... who cares, yadda yadda... I promote you to Senior Lieutenant.
Go, find the make-up department, then get out on the news circuit... sing a few patriotic songs, don't have an opinion, don't say anything unless I spoon feed it to you. Once you're done, you're back on duty... where you will hopfully die, so I can martyr you.
For the Hope of the Future!
Leon Mendel
Commissariat of Public Relations
[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]PRIORITY: [color=#FF9900]Low ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Robert Miller, Junior Lieutenant SOURCE:Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system SUBJECT:Reporting the battle of Hamburg
[color=#FFFFFF]Comrades, I will keep this brief. I hope the images I have collected during the battle speak louder than words. This is my tenth report, dated 26.11.818 but written one day late.
Hamburg was a complete victory. As the reports of the Comrades above me show, we crippled two battleships and destroyed several gunboats and cruisers with the loss of only two Odins. An incredible feat that the Rheinland government will be unable to cover up. Our victory shall echo in Rheinland, but also in the other capitalist havens for they have now seen what we are capable of.
I must be honest. When I saw the battleship, the gunboat, and all of those fighters approaching, I doubted victory. But never again, for our few fighters were able to hold out and even strike back miraculously while support arrived from the Red Hessian Army, the Havana and later the Lithuania.
When the first battleship at the scene, the stronger, was fleeing toward the Westfalen, drawing the cannon-fire of the Westfalen to drain the shield of the RNC-Wallenhorst gave me a sense of satisfaction. The haven the Wallenhorst was fleeing to proved just another weapon for the Coalition to use.
This was a total victory, and everybody in that fight deserves a medal.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
First of all, my travels found me in Dublin, where I rescued a BMM Miner from a Pirate Bomber who wanted his wallet or nanobots.
Then I worked through to Cortez to assist Jayce and one of our Revolutions against more pirates, a Gunboat, two Bombers and two Fighters. Our sharp aim and cooperation made short work of their vessels, blasting them out of the sky like flies.
On the way back through the Omegas, we passed Omicron-Gamma where we took down a Corsair Cruiser, Gunboat and Bomber before returning home to Omega-52.
Enemies of the People are my Enemies, Long Live the Revolution!
TO: All SCRA Assets COMM ID: Major Daemon Steele PRIORITY:MEDIUM SUBJECT: Omega-50 and Gamma Status Report
Our glorious forces moved into Omega-50 under the orders of Colonel Alvarez. We were surprised to encounter absolutely no opposition to our forces. In fact, the only thing in Omega-50 was a Zoner Trader who we identified and escorted to Boa Vista. We waited for several more minutes, when the RoS still didn't show, we moved back into O-52 but remained vigilant of the situation in O-50. For several minutes the situation didn't change, however a new opportunity presented itself. I had a good number of capable Bomber Pilots on hand and it so happened that the Outcasts were attacking Gamma with absolutely no Fighter Support. It was at this time that I ordered all Gunboats moored and for our troops to mount the Troll Bombers. We launched, with myself in the lead and we proceeded to Omicron Gamma. As soon as entered we were faced with no less then five Battleships and Two Cruisers, not including the Corsairs. I immediately gave the order to break and engage the Outcast Capitals. The Corsairs also targeted the Outcast Battleships. Swooping left and right, we dominated. We pounced and then withdrew to a safe distance only to pounce again. We took down many of their vessels, costing the Outcasts immensely. Soon, all the Outcast vessels were either routed or completely destroyed. It was then that the Corsairs decided to pounce. A foolish mistake on their park, we took down Two Legates, Three Gunboats and a Praetorian. It was then that their reinforcements arrived and it was then that we withdrew. Knowing that we'd caused immense damage with minimal losses. We returned home victors. Our only losses was One Odin and One Insurgent. Both pilots were rescued.
For the Revolution, For the People, For the Party, For the Premier. Victory through superior arms and tactics.