Erm, I've searched around the forums a bit, however, nothing I've seen has answered my question either clear enough to be understandable or has made no sense what so ever.
So, How do you use the survey modules with jump drives?
I've Charged up, run the survey, and then do /jump and it continues to just do a 'Blind Jump'. I'm really stumped as to how it actually works, there's no clear guide anywhere on this topic, that I can find anyway.
That would explain a lot. Well, when/if it does, I hope they make the coords smaller that get printed from the survey module. It's huge, I'd hate to think people would have to re-type that..
' Wrote:It isn't yet implemented in the game as far as I know, anyways.
If you mean it isn't player available (which I don't think you do) then on other servers or your own, you can still source the necessary equipment, as the OP seems to have done.
With regards to the problem you're experiencing, despite the idea that the controls, logic, and items have been put in the mod, server or FLHook support isn't as evidenced or even present yet.
There would be some reason it hasn't been released as fully functional yet and the issue you're describing may just be one of them.