It seems that despite the Emperor's orders of installing an embargo between Kusari and Liberty, some transport captains are still keen on breaking it. As the Kempeitai cannot be monitoring the traffic at all times, outside mercenary help can always bolster the watch.
In accordance to the Emperor's list of deniable cargo, the following three items are considered illegal to ship from Kusari to Liberty:
• H-Fuel
• [color=#FF0000]Plutonium
• Engine Components
Any vessel who ships one or more of these items from Kusari to Liberty, are effectively breaking the embargo.
-(Incoming Transmission -(Reaver Mercenary Company
Reaver Mercenary Co.
Signed and certified Kusari local contractors. We're registered already with your head office. If you need additional paperwork beyond our current trusted status we can make it happen.
I doubt my organisation needs any introductions. I hereby would like to register the Bounty Hunter's Guild for this bounty. I'm sure the hombres at Deshima can roll down a window and keep an eye out, si?