I guess you may have heard about the Kusari-GMG crisis, if not, please read this communication.
I would like to remind you that we have always been welcomed in GMG stations, especially our biggest ships that are not allowed to dock in Houses space. Moreover GMG has always be willing to share its technology with us. Also, GMG allowed zoners (at least those who asked it) to transport plutonium and H-Fuel from Okinawa system to Sigma systems according to the Aomory Treaty signed with Kusari.
Now that GMG is in difficulty with Kusari government and Aomori Treaty canceled, I see some of you more interested in their own profit regarding Okinawa access than supporting the GMG. I feel really bad about this because it does not fit with my vision of Zoners. Even if we have different way of life and different objectives, I guess we should always stand united against the House governments when they expand their influence especially when they are trying to weak an independent corporation like GMG. I don't mean we should fight Kusari forces, but I think it should be reasonable to make some passive resistance against Kusari government like to prevent ourselves to supply Kusari bases. Additionally I believe all zoners should propose their help to GMG.
That said, I am open to discussion if anybody is interested.
The ORI approve of the GMG action and I as the last one in sirius would love to help against Kusari lawfuls.
Maybe some reinforcements can be called throught our supergate here.
I fought the Corsairs on Theta, the Bounty Hunters on Delta and both on Delta. The ship that i was part of her crew has destroyed on Delta by Bounty Hunters, i'm one of the few survivors. What you are proposing will bring another war to the Zoners. I made a small business, i only have two transports, one is on repairs ... damn electric circuits, that is the problem to buy ships that are to be scrap... and i deal a lot on Kusari space, also a lot on Okinawa and the Sigmas. The captain of functional transport, that is even a Kusari Big Dragon also bought used (// is a civilian ship and a beeautifull one) saw the GMG fleet around Kurile. Should we do anything? Yes! We should help to find a pecefull way, but never do anything that may cause another war. I was born on Sigma 17, and i'm one of the few Freeport 7 survivors. I'm tired of fighting wars that others started. I lost too many and i don't whant to lose more. Yes the GMG are good friends of the Zoners but that isn't a reason that we should join forces against Kusari. My gunboat is ready to fight for the Zoners, like the Destroyer that i serve was ... but i will not fight others wars.
Brothers and Sisters, I think we have misinterpreted the words of Dankien. Nobody in GMG has asked military help, the help we can offer can be:
-Medical aid: in fact, yesterday I moved my hospital ship to Sigma 19. Others may do the same or deliver medicines and medical equipment.
-Financial aid: those who dont have arrangements to transport the products produced by GMG, it's time to sign them. Likewise, the needs of GMG must be cover. Another option is a Blockade (I hate this word) to KNF, KNP and Samura.
-Military aid: to allow them access to our ships and weapons.
I agree with Viriato, no more wars. But we Zoners, we must never forget who has been with us in our difficult moments. I do not like owing anything to anyone, but we have a blood debt to GMG, if they bled for us, someday we will bleed for them.
ID: The one and only lord of all chosen ones
Source: iLEAVE
Now look at you.
Not long ago you point the finger on those who decided to take action.
You call the ones who were ready to stand up against an house fools.
You were hiding behind your neutrality.
And now you want to become the very thing you were so afraid of.
You will fail for you do not have the courage to do what is necessary.
But it is better to die trying than to die old while hiding in a hole.
Soon enough you will realize that the ones you chose to betray would be of great help in times like this.
So finally your own ignorance will mark your downfall.
We received few hours ago a derivation of this broadcast via a Discordian ship near Freeport 9, here in Baffin.
I'm personally concerned about this, as we are here very close of the Kusari navy assets gathering in the Taus, due to the war.
I'd hate to see those ships messing around in Baffin.
Now, dear Dankien, if you allow me, i find your tone a little rude. Many zoners worked with the guild for mutual advantages; Many didn't.
While a fair part of zoners living in freeport 9 would see the members of the guild as close friends, it could be totally different for zoners living in Porto Novo, for example.
You have a vision of the zoner way, which is admirable. However it is your vision.
That said, i partly agree with you.
Entering in the subject... *He checks his files during a few seconds* The informations we have are fragmented. However, there is one thing i noticed : It appears the guild never wanted to confront Kusari navy. According to the guild claims, Kusari navy was drawn into this because of Samura.
If such thing is true, do you think it's the guild own interest to start a real war against Kusarian fleet?
Sending military help may not help the guild to reach its objectives in the end..
Then, as Mr. Mannock pointed it out, medical and logistic help is just fine. It would be a shame actually to not do this.
But about using our technology... It's another story...
I bet i don't need to remind you such technology must be used only for self defense *he coughs* Well... That's at least how it works for TAZ..
Besides... What do you think that Emperor Kogen will do when he will eventually notice some pilots of the Kusari Naval Forces were killed using zoner technology?
Please, think about it.
*He then notices the communications coming from former ORI members and just facepalm*
Anyway, i must return to templar duties.
Good afternoon and 23's.
++ one must still have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing star ++
++ End of transmission ++
Mr. Mannock i agree with you. For now i'm busy, like i said, reparing one of my transport, but i have one ready. For now it is making the Okinawa - Theta - Okinawa run, bringing H Fuel to Corfu and taking Alien organism. It is already a help, moving h fuel brings credits, but if more is necessary please let me know. I already suplied FP 10 and i continue willing to suplie it with no extra charge, even with no profit. But that's all. Also any evacuating if necessary. The ship is a Big Dragon call caravela, has a 3200 cargo hold. Any thing you may need to take please let me know. For now i return to several hundreds of km of wiring ... never saw such os mess! Damn radiation!
Comm ID: Mannock
From: Corinth Research Station
To: Zoners
Master Kallisti Adagio, the Emperor's opinion on our arms Kusari leaves me quite cold. The truth is that I do not care or I will ask.
Personally, I'm already involved, the fact that the hospital ship Solferino has been deployed in Ogashawa to help all parties involved. But that does not mean that FP9 (never without the unanimous vote of my colleagues and me) or Omicroners (without a qualified majority) are.
Yesterday I personally speak to Taro-sama, just ask us Deuterium and material for building ships, as well as basic products that they do not produce. They never asked us to declare war.
This is friendship and loyalty. Friendship to who has always been when necessary and loyalty to our agreements.
This is rather sad, Kusari, already in one war, wants to start another? Their imperalistic concerns appear to have no limits... we must assist our friends the GMG, in any non-millitary way possible...
First by doing our best not to transport -anything- to the Empire Of Kusari...
Ill give my commodity dealer some 'incentive' to not sell Iridium to any shipper hailing from Kusari.
From The Desk of Administrator Marvin J. Orphelia
Freeport 11