Small RP background and basick information.
So 212th was formed by Concil of Dons' order. The main porpouse was to make helping force to 101st and unite majority forces in one legion. Offcourse, 212th under direct commanding from 101st, but in situations, when there is no 101st officers available, 212th commanders take leading position in fight. Expirienced and well skilled officers leading 212th and coordinates then in fight. 212th commanders has right to appoint ship type which should be used in fight. If there is no need in capital ships, then he should recomand or use small ships or let use antifighter capitals.
Fleet mainly consists from capital ships (gunship, destroyer, battleship, dreadnought) and bombers. Fighters in large numbers aren't used in 212th, but you can see some of them.
Cartagenia shipyard in Omicron 81 are used to be base, where 212th ships hase main technical maintence. Every 212th ship should visit Cartagenia shipyard once in two month.
Tranings are important part into every army, so 212th makes fighting simulation and strategy building procedures.
Rangs in 212th.
Command Leader. - 212th High Command, leading forces into battle, appoints target in fight, coordinates actions.
Colonel. -replace C.L. takes commanding over fleet, if there no higer officer, appoints target, may take decision to fallback, can lead forces inot fight.
Major.- replace Colonel. takes commanding over fleet, if there no higer officer, mainly, used to coordinate fleets manevers betvine systems. Can lead forces to fight, but before, must asks everyones opinion and make decision.
Captain.- regular rang in 212th. Can use all ships, take part in fights.
212th capitals commander should have bomber like main anticap alternative.
Everyone MUST: Not OORP, not bracking rules, obey 101st orders.
Outcasts science also under control of 212th. 212th troops provides security on research station and on several research ships, which will has 212th marking. Research ships are used to be special mobile laboratory. This ship can't land on planet Malta, dock with any station outside Omicron Alpha, 80, 81, when research rpoces in progres. Science wessels considered non-combat, and can take part in fights, only small support (in mission) if there is noone near.
So, there is faction description. In fact, 212th should unite all Indys MNS, help them following good RP, train them good fighting and good play. MNS caps arent well organised, so 212th should organise them in one groupe. That would make yease controling capital number and balance force.
To get 212th tag you should make registration of your ship.
1-Shp's name
2-Captain name
3-How long you are on duty
4-Ships specialization (anticap, antifighter, multirole)
5-Who are you ( by your opinion) new one, averenge one, skilled one, ace.
Ships name example: [212th]MNS-Lonely_Ghost
About research ships. Its like special RP. For example: there will be new dreadnought model in next version. Now, outcast enginers and sciens desin him. Construction, engines, and other stuff. Other players should bring them nessesary materials. Befor and after research proces, research's ship captain should make post in topick about research porpouse/results.
So thats all, every critycism welcome. The main opinio waiting from admins and 101st, if they agree, and may be some changes needed.
Then you will reciver right to put 212th tag. Starting rang depends on how long you are played.
IMHO, those two official factions doesn't represent the true organization of what the Outcasts are. And no, I don't have a grudge against no one here, but their RP is meh(ish) at some points. Now, I know that Doc will flame everyone as always when someone touch his beloved faction.
' Wrote:At least he doesn't Q_Qs for a fight that he lost. Seriously.. such hypocrisy.
How is this related to this? <_< Yes, I Q_Q about people who cannot put up a proper and even fight to make every side happy bout having fun.
Hypocrisy? No. I do take all the crtitisim I get and try to improve. Not unlike some members of this community.
Just give me that damn critisism and not all the insults thrown at me.
An unoffical faction that intends to follow the official factions orders when necessary/possible is a good step. Maybe you can get some more organizing into the Outcast fleets that visit the Taus that often.
You should however really think about the 'mostly caps' idea. You will realize how fast Caps die if you are without enough fighter support, try to get a mixed fleet, involving every ship class. There is a reason that we have those different classes, each of them is good for something, only using a few will give you trouble when it comes to counter problems in a fight.
' Wrote:Maximum 1 BS can be built per two weeks, you have to sign up for one and wait, like some time ago in the DDR when you wnated a Trabbi:D
That were roughly 10 years and not just 2 weeks in most cases:mellow: