In my opinion, this idea is to radical. The changes are too great, so I am afraid that would be like a 6-th house.
I also share Linkus's opinions about nations in the Discovery universe.
The idea is very unique, very good, in my opinion. It impressed me and it was thinked alot about it, I believe. But again, the changes are too radical.
I fail to see how our RP is radical. And I wont quote the more radical forms of RP that other people utilize out of pure courtesy and fairness.
Of course, I understand your concern about it being a "new house" and I can assure you, it wont. The system, as you must know exists only inRP and not in-Game, and we only have limited recourses and ships, cutting off the ability of this becoming something of a house.
And I would say that one technologically set back and isolationist ''culture or organization" (in lack of better words) could ever become a house.
<"From Darkness, lead me to Light. From Ignorance, to Truth. From Death, to Immortality.">
Drop "Russians" and change it to western freedom seekers. Leave Arabian since it does not reminds of any stereotypes. Since russians where from Coalition side and Arabian stuff is as far as I know untouched in lore nor players' stories.
I would say ask OORP permission from Junkers to use their scrappy ships as cheap substitution for better ones to symbolize poor funds etc.
:lol: And you are talking about stereotypes ? The fact disco players are so close minded that they can't RP Coalitian in any other way then poor Red Alert and other war games form, it doesn't mean in Coalition weren't all the other "communist" parties of the worlds. For example even Africa has its communists.
Great concept, for some reason I especially like it how you indicated that previously uncharted worlds may be populated by Sirian exiles as well. It leaves a certain degree of mystery to the whole thing, which you will have to elaborate of course.
I'm curious to see how this idea will work in practice, something like this will be difficult to execute.
You people need to learn how to RP and perhaps read the rules before thinking you own the place.
I have just met you in game and it was dreadful.
You start using // ooc because you think me and my friend are lulwuts for pirating a Slave liner with slaver ID.
We are using Pirate ID and You even said in chat that We can't pirate you because your primary ID is pirate ID.
I'm dumbfounded by your arrogance and the thought that you think you own this place is quite laughable.
please Send the Outcast fleets like you said you would over and over, Considering you have Slaver ID and Pirate ID not outcast, if you wish to meta game i'll just logg on my 101st and tell the MNS to shoot you.
Also these childish replies you're sending me in game are not helping your current situation.
Next time try paying the nice little gunboat when he asks for credits instead of going ooc about 400 times.
[22:50:33] ☆ҳ̸̲Ҳ̸ҳEternalâ Nightmareҳ̸̲Ҳ̸ҳ☆(illi): i cyber with leather torps (smoking)
Hello, I was not the person attacked by you, but I know the leader/members and I know how he/they play(s).
Well... seems you are a real, how can I say .... ? .... pirate, Hehe, so let's say, you are a pirate pirating in RP...
Like " 3 milions or die ? " Well, this kind of RP is not really helpful for you and your reputation.
And after you come here to post something very negative ? We picked your idea maybe ? Did you have a word document somewhere in your computer about Sammaran Raiders ? Oh my bad... if it's the case you are more than welcome to join, if not let's say you did useless things...
I wish you good luck anyway, you seem to have others new faction members to kill, and who knows maybe we will see you again...
[font=Palatino Linotype]Well, I really don't know. You say he was OORP? Strange, he mentions that you were highly OORP as well, mentioning something about him being banned from Alpha? Really? Funny thing, you talk about metagaming yeah, when it's the exact same thing you're doing...
I hate to say it, but really, provoking people in game and then posting negative feedback in their threads seems so below...well something.
Well of course he mentioned that he would have the Outcasts on your back, for the cargo was bound for them, and you were endangering their economy by firing on a transport that regularly brings slaves and distributes cardamine.
If you think you've been wronged, report it, but don't be such a hypocrite. Thank you.