now in kepler on my bomber, fighter will remain on board Isis
also i managed to contact my former liberty command<dont worry crews entierly hand picked by myself there all sympathizers Jessica porter of the thunderbay can vouch> the command Battlecruiser Iwo Jima <CBC-21- Iwo.Jima> will assist if we need bigger guns,her commanding officer is one Tomas Mathers,my former XO.
also Jeremy,while i appreciate your word on my behalf you forget that i am no longer a major anymore and frankly it would be strange havein me ordering guys 3-4 ifnot more ranks above myself however shoild they wish any tactical advice i will try to help ON THE CONDITION they do not kill my friend <unless needed>.
should they wish me to try to make contact with him again just say the word.
awaiting orders
<end comm>
// FYI the iwqo jima is a LABC i actually have on my accounts so no need to worry asbout metagameing or anything
Also, Jessica is currently out of contact; ThunderBay has been taken over by an AI for the duration of Porter's absence.
Sorry no one of my battlegroup can make it sooner; We're either far away, behind enemy lines...or repairing after New Dawn assaulted you.
New Dawn forces are in Liberty. Keep on the lookout. The b...witch hired a KuEx and attacked the Destiny's Embrace...the Hathor was outmanuvered, despite HF assistance.
If heavy guns are needed sooner...get ahold of LNS Thalia Grace...i trust that Commander with my life. Its an Aegis-class Seige Cruiser.
And Jimmy, he's my friend too. I don't want to have him killed any more than you.
Oathkeeper Actual in Dublin; we suffered problems,with,our drive core. Backup H-fuel engine also got frakked. So yeah...try to leave us some party favors.
So watch your backs, keep your heads on swivels, do NOT travel without backup, got it?
And eh...sadly, we discovered that our kinetic barriers kinda... Failed. Um...our drive core is down and great...we need more H-fuel. We got some
Anyways. Last New Dawn vessel was ND|Esmaralda.Ramos. Falcata-class bomber. Last seen in New York...
It assaulted the Destiny's Embrace, an experimental Hathor-class gunboat...any more information by more secure comms.
Good Luck. Hopefully we wont be too late.
Save us party favors, or you can buy me two rounds at the Lounge.
Transmission Received
Subject: ,,|,, -.- ,,|,,
"Well Caja, you seem rather angry about something, to not even let me have /dates/ with old friends. And our personal meeting, I don't see why your angry enough to have a mutilated body brought to you because of how it ended. By the way you left somethings of yours when you were last here XoXo"
A large scale operation within my space, and no one invites me, nor does anyone bother asking me? Well, I find that amusing as it seems the rest of The Order are finally getting off their behinds and doing things. However, they're not aiding in the help of destroying the actual enemy to the Human race, instead they're hunting a Human.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but a lot of people want this one man dead for whatever their bloody reason is, and he'll probably die either way, but don't you think killing a fellow human is a bit of a Nomad attitude.
Let's face it, killing a fellow human being makes us no better than the nomads, it's probably what they want us to do. I don't have to point out the Nomad War of 800 A.S. do I? Orillion created The Order to protect humanity.
Did we all forget what this organization was about? Or are we all caught up in our past lives of working for a Military, or another organization where we had to shoot another Human? It seems like both to me.
A sigh is heard.
Whatever, no one will listen to reason. As if my life wasn't easy already.
Dangen, if you're out there, I'll put it simply, I'd rather kill you myself, but I'm not going to bother. Turn yourself in, face a trial, stay in prison. At least it's better than getting killed by people who can't see the real threat in front of their noses.
Agatha: I decided it would be best to keep the Bane stationed in Chester, seeing as it would be difficult to move such a vessel through liberty space. I have moved the Redwolf-1 to Ames and will be awaiting for reports of the Anubis..
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
Due to the unfortunate restrictions which prevent us from deploying our heavier range of capital vessels, I feel that it would be necessary to coordinate a joint strike against the Anubis. Otherwise, sending piecemeal waves of fighter craft will just be a waste of lives and resources against an Osiris-class target. I'm going to need someone higher up the chain to make the call, though.
On a separate note, will Ames be happy to take in our ships for the duration of this operation?