"My son. The Cardamine is no longer working, I feel that it is time to tell you at last."
His breathing was laboured, and shallow. He slowly moved his hand to his face, and removed the mask that had been worn for so long. The flesh where the rebreather had been was a stark red, contrasting the white pallor of his skin.
"Patrick was right, the bastard, he was always right. He knew what must be done.
I will tell you now what he told me so long ago. In his meeting with the dons he saw a future, a future of the whole sector. He told me that we may fight off our opressors, we may even fight off those who wish to steal our place, but victory presents as many problems as it solves."
Kearney grasped his fathers hand.
"Father, we have fought so long for dublin, we would not know what to do if we did win."
"Exactly my son, I see my faith in you is well placed"
"Father, who will lead the Union?"
"He who has the will too fight will always fight, for now we are but warriors, we know no other. We say we fight for gold, and freedom, but the gold is all that stops us from being free. You must leave, you must go out and find others like us. You must help them to see what they have become.
This my son, is my last request. I have faith in you"
He closed his eyes, and his breathing began to slow. Kearney grasped his hand, and he took his last breath.
((OOC: I am retiring as leader of the UOG, And 99% from freelancer. I have thouroghly enjoyed playing on this server, and wish all the best to all those in the community. I will still check the forums for a time, to ensure UOG stays alive, if the members wish to continue it. Thank you all!!))
"my friend i am terribly sorry for your lose bring me a deep sadness to hear that you shall be leaving for other things and will not be fighting with us anymore.
Once there was a time when the reapers to sought peace a place where we could just live without battle without our men being killed alas it was not to be, now we fight for the outcast's which is our fate from now on. i only wish things do not turn out the way they did for us and you do find your peace.
I was looking forward to interacting with your faction as the QCO...sad to see you go, but I guess nobody stays forever. If ya feel the urge someday, don't hesitate to come back, eh?
We would be honored if you would extend the TAZ an invitation to Kearney's Wake. Reggie just bottled some excellent Canaria Blue Sapphire gin for the occasion.
Kearney and his gallant UOG members always relieved the boredom on the long passage through Dublin. They always had a kind word for our passing traders.