**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders, Independent Miners Guild
To: Shinobi Agency
Subject: Services offered
Encryption: High
I'm surprised to hear of a Kusari mercenary agency at odds with the Kusari government to want to branch out from the Sigmas into the Tau systems. A rather vast swath of, to you, hostile house systems is inbetween... Still, who am I to deny an obviously effective mercenary force to lend us their guns. Provided you will not be at odds with the Colonial Republic, and of course ourselves, you are welcome to claim on our board.
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**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders, Independent Miners Guild
To: Etro Prok
Subject: Services offered
Encryption: High
Mr. Prok,
The present Omega situation does offer potential for mercenaries. However, any new objectives I must leave at the discretion of our defense minister, Gene Starwind. For the present, all we offer is what you have read as available. If you are still interested, let us know.
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**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders, Independent Miners Guild
To: Gary Galenson
Subject: Payment
Encryption: High
Payment sent for both your claims. Sorry that took a while... added a little extra, both for the delay and the assistance you offered to friendlies.
**** Transmission Closed ****
**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders, Independent Miners Guild
To: Jack Payton
Subject: Payment
Encryption: High
Excellent job as always. Payment sent in full. Keep it up.
**** Transmission Closed ****
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
I would like to be allowed to claim bounties for you as a freelance mercenary. As you can see my reputation with you is friendly and if there is anything else you need to know let me know.
Actually if possible, I would like to switch from applying as a single applicant to trying to apply for a group of mercenaries I am currently in the process of forming, to be called Hammer Securities. Now it is still currently in the formation process but I would like to start getting it set up with the bounty boards as soon as possible. If not possible I will still apply as a single applicant.
This Bounty Board is now closed. A new one will be uploaded soon. You should re-register in the new Bounty Board in order to be eligible to claim the bounties.