Konnichiwa once more, Sir Fraser! I have some wonderful news!
Today in Kusari brings a rather interesting tale. A prison transport known as the KPTV-Ichihara was scheduled to deliver its prisoners somewhere within New Tokyo earlier this day. Thanks to the coordination of the Dragons, Chrysanthemums, Mandalorians, and a few other people (myself included), we were able to intercept and successfully take the transport and deliver its prisoners to Ainu Depot in Hokkaido!
Through all of this, I recorded a few of the kills made and decided to show you them!
Soon thereafter, the transport was nearly to its destination of Hokkaido after having been successfully overtaken by the mixed batch of Dragon, Chrysanthemum, and other types of prisoners on board.
Now then, I do believe that totals up to 11 effective kills made for this deal. As such, I think that I have more than earned those Splitters. I shall await your response, Sir Fraser, in how to best go about myself picking them up. I am still continuing the secondary part of this deal; Expect to see a few more splashes for those Sunrails. In addition to this, I would happily be eager to continue this deal even after I have obtained what it is I wish.
Would it be possible for you to register my craft with the Bretonian Bounty Board as well, Sir Fraser? I feel I have more than proven my allegiances in order to claim upon said mentioned board. This would allow me to be of service to Bretonia in an even more effective manner.
Whatever you decide, I am happy to continue doing business for you, the Queen, and Bretonia!
**INCOM** ID: Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk HMS-DAGOBAZ
I am pleased with your service to the Crown, and especially pleased with the news of your recent activity North of the Border.
In the spirit of kindness, and in acknowledgment of your service, you may collect your weapons ahead of final payment. This is not in lieu of final payment, I am still expecting my full measure of Kusari blood for these weapons. But I think it only fitting that you obtain the rest using the Queen's Own Cannons.
Yours in God and in service to the Queen,
Her Majesty's Most Diligent Interdiction Wing
Bretonian Armed Forces.
*Tranmission feed detection!!*
*Communications Identification: Ozei Ruousha*
*Subject: Formal letter of apology.*
Warm winds, water and shade, Sir Fraser. I know it has been a bit since the last transmission, but I am here to inform you that I have not forgotten about our arrangement.
First of all, I wish to apologize for the extreme delay in the completion of this deal. While I suppose I could try and explain to you some long, drawn out story about what went haywire, the fact of the matter is: I am late in paying my debt to the Bretonian Society. I have no excuse. I only humbly request that you forgive my lack of letting you know what was going on and as well, my complete disregard for the consequences of my actions.
I... Hope you are not too angry with me... I would hate to have myself banished from the Kingdom of Bretonia, or thrown into prison by your privateers, or... Both... *His eye twitches writing the letter*
Nevertheless, I have something that may relieve you of any anger you may have towards me currently.
For starters, I have a long-overdue Plutonium shipment.
Effectively, this makes for 14 kills to date. Still, I feel the compulsive need to make it up to you, Sir Fraser. For the large delay of time, that is. Expect a bonus in the coming days; this, I promise you.
As a final note, I am finding that the Queen's Own Cannons have more than exceeding my expectations. I only hope that I may continue using them...
Wings of the phoenix keep you aloft, ~Ozei Ruousha
Plutonium shipped this run:4,495 units Total Plutonium Shipped:27,466 units
On that happy note, I do believe that seals the deal at 17 effective targets downed. Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk: It is with great pleasure that I say arigatou for having done business with me! I am unsure at this time whether or not I wish to continue this deal for any further acquisitions. Nevertheless, I hope that our paths do cross again.
Stay frosty, sayonara, and kind regards to the Queen.
Wings of the Phoenix, ~Freelancer Ozei Ruousha
P.S: The Sisterhood says hello! The Dragons....... Ehh, never mind about them.