Ok this is annoying: i swaped to help Jamez with a transfer. Only my storage is in NY. Well. That and the Hiroshima. But its a terrorist and stuck on the junker base... so i chose storage.. I know for a fact that Orange is Profile. He attacked my STORAGE like i had already told him. In the middle of New York. Right next to Planet Manhatten... I'm FURIOUS at this.. its a total cowards act. Attacking a deffenceless storage char in the middle of a
= NO PVP ZONE= I am actualy shaking in fury over this as im typing... My precious storage. :( I didnt have anything personal agisnt him untill now... : [attachmentid=610]
ALSO he swore at Jamez when he was going to NY... Also made a rather nasty comment about Gbs... He spoke in french to Dedalus ( spelling) and He swapped to help him out... Also i have seen him swap chars before.. Aaanyway heres one of him swearing: [attachmentid=611]
I have had enough of him personally... This HAS happend before.. I think he is just asking for a ban now.. Just give him it. :angry: :angry2: :(
He also shot my trader char (I had three 3 bars left before I left the server to save my trader...). Unfortunity I had no time to take a screenshot as I have only a lvl 7 fighter shield as my trasnport shield got blown to bits by the Alaska JH minefield... So by the time I saw what was going on i had already lost my shield... I do have a pic of my hull down to 3 bars but unfortunately that doesn't prove anything...
Damn. They are crying out loud for a ban. But they already had one, so the measure is not effective against them. If it wasnt because im going on hollyday tomorrow, i would post a bounty on his heads. I think 200mill for 200 kills should do, 1 mill per kill... But i wont as i will not be at home for 2 weeks...
Post his name chars here and i will destroy them no matter the circunstance everytime i see them online...
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )
They did this just because they lost some pvp in Delta. AFTER shooting my fighter who knows how many times (all of which I didn't die but killed them instead except for one where I was sitting and typing and he shot me out of the blue). So they are just gonna do it again when they lose a fight.
My only guess to a solution is a ban and loss of money then a permanent ban.
Sent the swearings in Delta (in french but I know enough french to know when someone calls ma and my friends SOBs) to the Admins. They are looking for it!
I'm for a permanent one!
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor