Livin all over Sirius, but my home is caled Planet Gran Canaria - nice place to be. Father was from Liberty, and that is everything I know about him. Mother never said me more about him, I think, cause even she didnt know more about him. She is fron Omega-49, from P. Gran Canaria. And that is why I call Planet Gran Canaria my home.
I am a lone Zoner flying in a small ship all around Omg. 49. Few days ago I run into a person, Zoner, called Sesl. He is a trader and he ofered me a deal. He will give me a huge amount of money if I will explore new systems for him so he will not run into some dangerous system. He is willin to buy me a fighter and if I?ll be good he sad that maybe I?ll get something better. I am looking forward. Now I am in phase of preparations, buying a ship, gathering infos and the stuff need when you are leaving for a long journey. I am looking forward it. I hope it?s not my last log entry.
Finaly I got my new ship a "Raven talon" , I named it "Oportunity", casuse it gives me a lot of freedom and oportunities to travel, find new friends and discover the univers. Fited it out with the best what I can get for it along my way to Planet Manhatam to find something out about my father. Find some infos but not very helpfull. It was saying that my father has more kids, but I wasnt able to find names. Make me feel good that somewhere in this univers is somebody realted to my. But that was all i find out on Manhatem.
So I decided to fullfil the contract i signed with Sesl. He asked my to investigate in Omicron systems. He told me to be cautious. I thing it will be a long trip to the places a I never been. Looking forward it. Oh and he mentioned something that he has made some arangement around a new ship for me. I am very curious what it will be. Hope that somethng litle bit biger then this fighter, cause beiing to long alone isn?t good. Hope i will not lose my mind on this journej. Right now i am buying some stuff for the journej, some food, water and all the thing that may come handy.
End of Personal log entry: 2.
//P.S: sorry for my english and gramar i will try me best, but I not a good writer at all.
Huh, that was a bumpy road 8) Speciali in this brand new ship, it?s a Huntres class cruiser. When I first saw it I was realy amazed. It?s a nice ship, at least for me. When I get on board it was a surprise that my sponzor prepared the ship comletly that means with everithing. Crew - 10 breave men, guns, food, water, some engine comp. So when I arived it was comletly prepared for launch. When i get comfortable with my crew and crew with me we went for frist flyght to space. Tested manuvering, weapons, navigations and all the necesari systems of the sihp. Then we gave her a name. And the name is "Freedom". Then we set out for exploring Omicrons and Omegas sys. At the end we ended up in Tau-37. For now we are resting here for couple of days. Chief enginer with hos asistent are runing a complet chek of the ship so the rest of crew have a few days off. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention names of the crew:
Captain (or them men in charge of this mess 8) : Me oficer: Peter Swordfish
Pilot/navigator: Paul Smith
Navigator/Pilot: Sean Bold
Comunitations: Ray Scot
Guners: Robert Smith
Vinie Thomson
Rick Thomson
Doc. : Dr. Samson Hill
asistent of doc. and a cook: James Hill
So this are the brawe men that are aboard of Freedom with me. Hope that we will have a long and peaceful journes in this big univers.
BANG, and here it is our new ship is destroyed - in midle of a asteroid field. Thankfully the crew survived and was saved by a zoner ship whitch take us to Freeport 9. From there I was able to geto to conetction with aour sponzor Sesl, he wasnt very hapy when I told him that a ship for a 125 mil credist is gone with evererithing exept of the crew. But then he sad me to wait there and get together a bit. After a few days on Freeport 9 I met Sesl in the bar. I was shoked when I saw him there. After a bit of talking he told me that he made some arangements and was able to get his hands on a Zoner Destroyer it was decomisioned, but in a quait good shape so he bought it for a few creds and payd for repairs that was made on Corfu base. When it was prepared we went to Corfu base to get inboard of the ship for the first time. After a few days on Corfu where the crew done a trainning, during witch they learned everything about the systems of the ship. Shorli befor we went for the first time to space we named the ship "Freedom II". Our sponzor gave us a new task patrol in nomad systems and colect samples witch we had to deliver to his friend on Atka research station in Sig. 17. We was told to work hard and do not destroy ths ship, cause we will not get another one if we fail to survive at least a few monts with this one. After a few trips to namad sys. and Sig.17 we was sent on a smal trip to OMG.49 to deliver a mesage from Atka. reasrch station to Sesl in OMG 49. Lokking froward to see my home aftera whle.
Personal log of James Hill:
Honshu, Aomori Station
Dead, everibody is dead. Michael, the boss on Freedom II, ordered us to use of jump hole to Honshu from Sig.19 and only one thing I remember is that was was onboard of a GMG rescue veasle that took me to Aomori station. There the doctor told me what hapened. A patrol ship found me hovering in space aroud the Sig.19 JH in rescue pod. After a while i begun remembering what may hapened on the ship, and realized that everibody is dead. I decided to stay here and try to find a job for myself. So this is the end of a story of a Lone zoner Michel Knight, as he like to call himself.