"The following is a infocard that was given to the Fleet Admiral
of the 122nd Order Guard. This infocard was handed to
Fleet Admiral Travis Elation by Fleet Admiral Dustin Hoff.
Dustin Hoff is now retired but was the CO of the Bs|.
This infocard is being restated by the new leader of the
122nd Order Guard, Commodore Stewart Chamberlain."
122nd Order Guard
The 122nd Order Guard has been given permission to do
the following actions stated below by me,
Fleet Admiral Dustin Hoff of the Bs| Order Faction.
-To patrol all Border space from Minor to Dublin
-Perform CLASSIFIED Sorties for the Order and Bs|
-Deny any orders given to it to attack enemy vessels
-Go into home systems for extraction or CLASSIFIED Sorties
(HIGHLY RESTRICTED)(Many rules apply)
-Patrol House systems
-Perform Unlawful acts against human vessels.
(Such as attacking human pilots ships, infected or not)
-Ordering Bs| pilots
-Expansion of the 122nd
(Current ships can be changed but no ships can be added)
The list above shows what the 122nd can and can not do.
It's flagship the Tenabras is to stay within these given
rules along with its fleet. If any ship is found to disobey
said rule a Bs| high command is to be contacted and
punishment enforced. Most severe is the loss of
one of the 122nd ships. The 122nd is in fact allowed 1
extra ship if it is developed and that is the carrier. To
house the large supply of fighters/bomber that are
attached to the fleet at any given time.
I, Commodore Stewart Chamberlain, have told the
entire 122nd to follow these rules. The fleet
is sticking to it's old ways of staying low and hidden.
It was a stealth fleet and it will become one again.
**Transmission Ended**
//if dboy actualy comes back and wants to change any
of this. Dude by all means tell me cause your the one
who made the 122nd happen.