Hey everyone, I’m wondering if there is an updated list of Contraband out there? I docked at Atka research Station in Sigma-17 and found interesting trade routes for Stabaline and Synthetic marijuana but was wondering if House Police or House Navies would become hostile if I attempted to export it to Bretonnia or Rhineland? It’s made by Cryer Pharmaceuticals so I assumed it would be legit. The wiki page on commodities seemed to be outdated so this is why I’m asking.
Currently a Freelancer ID with a Large Transport until I acquire a lLarger transport then I’ll likely join a LIberty or Bretonnia corporation. What happens if Liberty police sees I’m transporting synthetic marijuana? Will my reputation with them decrease? I used to play freelancer discovery a lot back in 2013 and just recently got back into it, lots of changes since then!
I. Contraband possession and restricted commodities.
It is illegal to have any amount of these goods on your person at any time:
• Artifacts (incl. Sorted Artifacts and Xeno Relics)
• Black Market Light Arms
• Black Market Munitions
• Cardamine
• Counterfeit Software
• Docking Ring/Jump Gate/Trade Lane Parts*
• Gallic Gate/Lane Parts
• Human Organs
• Kemwer Munitions
• Liquid Cardamine
• Nomad Remains and other Nomadic materials
• Nox
• Nuclear Devices
• Separatist Supplies
• Slaves
• Sorted Artifacts
• Stabiline
• Synthetic Marijuana
This does not apply to the Primary Fleets, as personnel of the primary fleet may confiscate the above goods to deliver them to a safe and secure destination.
Transportation of Synthetic Marijuana, Stabiline, and Human Organs is only permitted by Cryer Pharmaceuticals.
Transportation of Slaves is only permitted by the official representatives of the Gas Miners Guild.
Transportation of Nuclear Devices is only permitted by the Forces of Liberty, Liberty Corporations, Borderworld Exports and Gateway Shipping Inc.
*Docking Ring Parts, Jump Gate and Trade Lane Parts can only be transported by Ageira Technologies, Deep Space Engineering and Universal Shipping vessels. Ageira Technologies have exclusive rights over these commodities and are authorized to confiscate these commodities.
The possession of Civilian pilots and Liberty personnel is not permitted. Any ships found to have pilots aboard will be ordered to release them to the nearest ranking Liberty forces vessel, or to the nearest lawfully patrolled base or planet.
3. Restricted Items
3.1 - Fines For The Transport of Contraband
The minimum fine for all fully restricted contraband items is 500,000 credits per 1000 units. The cargo in question may be confiscated and destroyed, or impounded.
Restricted goods have separate fines found within the BPA Licensing transmission. Violations of 3.1 may also be combined with 4.2, based on the circumstances and contraband in question.
3.2 - Goods Classified as Fully Restricted Contraband
Black Market Munitions
Counterfeit Software
Kenwer Munitions
Liquid Cardamine
Royal Marines
Sorted Artifacts
Xeno Relics
3.2.1 - Artifacts, Sorted Artifacts and Xeno Relics
Shipments of Artifacts, sorted or otherwise or Xeno Relics, will be seized and transported to Planet Cambridge for safekeeping. Should this be impractical, the cargo is to be destroyed.
3.2.2 - Black Market Munitions
Shipments of Black Market Munitions will be seized and transported to the nearest BAF or BPA installation for sorting and the controlled demolition of hazardous materials. Should this be impractical, the cargo is to be destroyed.
3.2.3 - Cardamine, Liquid Cardamine
The possession and use of Cardamine for those afflicted by it is not illegal in Bretonia, with a maximum of five units allowed to be carried per ship at one time.
Cardamine shipments above five units will be seized and transported to licensed pharmacies on CRS, Cambridge, New London or the Liner Shetland. Should this be impractical, the cargo is to be destroyed.
Liquid Cardamine is not tolerated in any quantity, and is to be confiscated or destroyed immediately.
3.2.4 - Counterfeit Software
Smuggling of Counterfeit Software is covered under Article III, Clause 5 of the Treaty of Curacao:
'Treaty of Curacao - Article III, Clause 5: The trafficking of counterfeit software from Liberty to Bretonia is to be considered a serious offence by both Houses. Any vessel caught with counterfeit software anywhere in Liberty space, Bretonian space, or Magellan or Cortez space, shall be considered guilty of a crime against both Liberty and Bretonia. Any lawful agents of either government catching such offenders are to seize and destroy all such software, and impose a fine of 500 credits per unit upon the vessel, half payable to the government of each nation. This to be done regardless of where the vessel in question was apprehended.'
3.2.5 - Nox
Shipments of Nox will be immediately seized, samples taken to Cambridge Research Station, the rest being destroyed on the spot.
3.2.6 - Royal Marines
Shipment of any number of Gallic Royal Marines within Bretonian territory will have their detachment placed under arrest and transferred to a lawful transport if one is available, or escorted to the nearest Bretonian facility to off-load them.
3.2.7 - Slaves
Shipment of Slaves in any number will be forced to transfer them to a lawful transport if one is available, or escorted to the nearest Bretonian facility to off-load them.
3.2.8 - Pilots of Lawful Affiliation
Any person that is carrying Pilots of Lawful Affiliation will be forced to transfer them to a lawful transport if one is available, or escorted to the nearest Bretonian facility to off-load them.
3.3 - Goods Classified as Partially Restricted, Requiring Licences
APM Advanced Hardware
Gaian Wildlife
Human Organs
Light Arms
Maltese Light Arms
Med-Stasis Bands
Military Vehicles
Nomad Remains
Nuclear Devices
Side Arms
Synthetic Marijuana
3.12 - Equipment Produced by Hostile Nations
Anyone found utilising equipment produced by Bretonia's enemies will be halted and questioned about their activities. Mere possession of such equipment without corresponding ID papers constitutes as sufficient grounds for fines, prosecution or arrest. Vessels acting in contravention of this order will face a minimum fine of 2,000,000 credits and immediate expulsion from Bretonian borders or impounding. Banned equipment lines include:
Corsair equipment
Gaian equipment
Farmers Alliance/Hogosha equipment (unless used by Kusari Exiles)
Gallic Military equipment
Gallic Civilian equipment (unless used by the Council)
Lane Hacker equipment
Liberty Rogue equipment
Molly equipment
3.13 - Ships Manufactured by Hostile Nations
Anyone found flying ships produced by Bretonia's enemies will be halted and questioned about their activities. Mere possession of such a ship without corresponding ID papers constitutes as sufficient grounds for fines, prosecution or arrest. Vessels acting in contravention of this order will face a minimum fine of 2,000,000 credits and immediate expulsion from Bretonian borders or impounding. Banned ship lines include:
Corsair ships
Gaian ships
Gallic Military ships
Gallic civilian ships (unless flown by The Council)
Hogosha/Farmers Alliance ships (unless flown by Kusari Exiles)
Pirate Transport and Train (unless flown by friendly, allied or Junker entities)
3.14 - Cloaking devices, Jump Drives, Survey Modules and Docking Bays
Cloaking Devices, Jump Drives, Survey Modules and Docking Modules are not illegal to possess.
Cloaking Devices and Docking Modules are open for use by any lawful ship.
The use of Jump Drives or Survey Modules and the ships required to use them are illegal by the laws laid out in the following section, unless registered in the Bretonian Office of Jumpdrive and Hyperspace Scanning Registry and Reporting.
§2.1. Contraband smuggling and/or trafficking: Possession, shipping, trading or any manipulation with the following goods in general is illegal in Rheinland space (note the exceptions below):
Artifacts of any sort
Black Market Arms of any sort
Black Market Munitions
Blood Diamonds
Cardamine of any sort
Counterfeit Software
Human Organs
Kemwer Munitions
Nomad Materials of any sort
Stabiline when transported in quantities more than 10 cargo units per ship
Xeno Relics
Exceptions are as follows:
§2.1.1. Cryer Pharmaceuticals and its affiliates are for medical purposes licensed to carry an unlimited amount of Human Organs and Stabiline.
§2.1.2. Rheinland law-enforcement authorities are allowed to transport confiscated contraband to relevant stations or planets for further investigation.
§2.1.3. Other regulations regarding the shipping of certain goods may be implemented after official publication on the Communication channel.
§2.1.4. The following regulations are implemented in case of contraband possession:
§ All contraband must be always confiscated and handed over to relevent station or in case of non-human contraband destroyed on site.
§ Violator is obliged to pay 1.000 SC fine for every cargo unit of contraband, however minimum sum is 250.000 credits regardless of the amount of contraband.
§ In case of 5 cargo units of contraband or less, law enforcer may waive from issuing fine and use only formal warning, if he sees fit.
Items marked in RED and PALE RED are contraband items which will be confiscated and/or destroyed.
Items marked in PALE RED may only be carried by Kusari lawful enforcers.
Items marked in MAGENTA may only be carried by Kusari Corporate Vessels.
Items marked in VIOLET may only be carried by Kusari and Rheinland Corporate Vessels.
Items marked in GOLD can not be transported by unaffiliated "Freelancer" vessels.
Items marked in ORANGE can not be transported into the Tau systems or beyond by anyone other than Kusari Corporate Vessels, Gallic corporate vessels and licensed groups and individuals.
Items marked in GREEN can only be transported by vessels registered in the bases regulation database.
Items marked in BLUE are subject to exceptional licenses for transport and/or distribution.
3-1-1 Contraband
3-1-3-1 Cryer Pharmaceuticals
SYNTHETIC MARIJUANA (Can transit but not distribute said product in Kusari).
STABILINE (Can transit but is allowed to distribute said product to Fuchu prison only in Kusari).
3-1-4 Registered for Kusari Jump Service
Restricted Tau Exports
3-1-6 Bases related supplies
2.1 No cargo may be shipped out of Gallia or her claimed Territories into Bretonia or Liberty, regardless of the origin or the intended final destination of the cargo..
2.2 The export of the following cargo is restricted, and can only be exported by Gallic Forces or Corporation Trade vessels
Military Vehicles
2.3 The following items are considered contraband within the Kingdom of Gallia.
Black Market Munitions
Counterfeit Software
Exotic Entertainers
Human Organs
Hydrogen Cyanide
Hypnotainment Bands
Kemwer Munitions
Liquid Cardamine
Nuclear Devices
Royal Marines (when not carried by Gallic Forces or Corporations)
Sunbucks Coffee and Donuts
Synth Gel
Synth Paste
Synthetic Marijuana
2.4 All non-Gallic vessels are banned from entering Gallia. Exceptions to this Law are Trade vessels from Lawful Rheinland and Kusari Corporations. Molly, Corsair, LH, OSI and Zoner vessels are also tolerated but may be asked to leave if local conditions dictate.
2.5 Mining within the Kingdom of Gallia and its Territories is prohibited for all non-Gallic Corporations. The Independent Miners Guild have a dispensation to mine in Tau 23 and Mollys in Dublin.
(12-10-2017, 08:37 PM)Stefz Wrote: Check the House Roleplay Laws, that should cover all the information you need for each house.
This was really helpful thanks!
It says I require a license to import synthetic marijuana into Bretonnia. Any idea how to acquire a license to import it legally? There is a great trade route from Atka Research station to Dublin.
You basically have to send an inRP transmission to the Bretonian authorities. You can do that by making a thread here. Make sure you have a strong case as to why they should give you the license though, as you are not guaranteed to get it just by applying.
If you want to haul weed through Liberty....get a Cryer Pharmaceuticals ID. It is also good for hauling Human Organs legally. That ID also lets you use a 5k transport.