> ./Your callsign: Agent Rogue > ./Claimant bank account: Order|Rogue > ./Threats Sanitized: Karl.Fritz (Confirmed Infected Vessel as of 6JUL829) > ./Circumstances:
• An alert was issued to Cairo's garrison regarding Nomad elements operating in Zeta. A fighter was dispatched to eradicate the target on behalf of the station.
⧫ Akabat
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ From: The Order Overwatch Bounty Board
⧫ To: Operators Rogue; Takeda Yuzu
Monetary transfers
The Order is grateful for complete work and rewards have been transferred to your accounts. Visual evidence is attached in files you may find with this message.
The Order Bounty Board
The Order Overwatch, 9:35, 18.07.829
Circumstances: Found the target talking to one of the Oracle "local" residents. The Oracle docked on Freeport 11 while I was taking care of the BIS pilot.