Was responding to a call from the HMS Naseby about being outnumbered in Dublin, found a whole squadron of Corsairs. Only downed one bomber before getting overwhelmed however... bold bunch of bastards.
The bounty claim has been paid in full. An additional bonus has been offered for the prompt response and stalwart resistance against the Corsair force in spite of the overwhelming odds.
Transmission Class: Textual and Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
Bounty Report
From: Lieutenant K. Davidson
Transmission Content as follows:
Please scan the above transmission Visual content for proof of destruction.
Identification and Class: RPA|Mollifier - Unknown Fighter model (Was not scanned)
Reason for Destruction: IFF Signature became hostile due to conflict with active Molly agents targeting BAF Signatures.
Bounty claims have been paid in full. Anti-Hogosha contracts have been nullified. Bounty Hunters Guild bonuses have been removed in favor of an across-the-board increase.