Battlegroup Harmony is in a condition of all out war with the Infected Liberty Navy, and those that would assist them. As you know, we are heavily outnumbered in this endeavor. It's through the loyalty, boldness, and skill of our brave pilots that we have stood and continue to stand against this seemingly endless legion of enemies. Following below, you will find a list of the most vital missions that the Battlegroup has for you brave Men and Women. Do us Proud.
Battlegroup Harmony
Missions for all branches.
Operation Disenchant
For every 3 vessels that are given our Information Package(//Propaganda) you'll be rewarded.
10 000 000cr - 3 Merit
Missions for the Navy part of the Separatists.
Operation Breaking Point
For every 3 Navy capital vessels claimed on the board will receive an additional reward.
10 000 000cr - 3 Merit
Operation Border control
Complete a mandatory daily patrol through our home regions.
10 000 000cr - 3 Merit
Operation Peacekeeper
Law enforcement in Separatist systems, including the destruction of offending ships and the enforcement of contraband laws
Shipclass: Gunboat or patrol craft