Thank you for the information provided on that Outcast transport harassing and attempting to undermine our efforts. A few more of these pests have begun to circulate about Liberty on a daily basis, and I have been tasked with hunting them down. I would like to request visual confirmation of the Outcast Battletransport "Berlinetta" I believe it was - attacking and harassing Congress and Rogue members. Send all visual data available please, thank you for your time.
So, to get a good overview, I suggest ye' contact Congress, to get more background o' what 'appened to 'im. I know he lived to see another day, but I was called with a distress signal to act upon the troublemaker.
By the time I got closer to the triangulated position where the distress signal emerged, he was already harrassin' couple o' traders, ON OUR TURF darn it.
So I told 'im where it ends, and how.
Here's our short talk, and me blowin' 'im to bits.
Now, t'day, not very long time ago, we encountered 'im near the Beaumont base in Texas again. So I felt bein' good fo' once, and told my trigger-'appy friends back there not to shoot the fella, on the condition o' 'im finally leavin' Liberty.
And I gave 'im a pass fo' free transit back to Liberty on one condition, if the fella apologized formally directly towards the Congress, of which he of course refused.
[06.04.2019 00:18:12] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Oh, it's you!
[06.04.2019 00:18:18] Morrigan.Aensland: yes it is me
[06.04.2019 00:18:20] 2019-04-06 00:18:53 SMT Traffic control alert: Morrigan.Aensland has requested to dock
[06.04.2019 00:18:26] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Hello
[06.04.2019 00:18:30] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: So we meet again.
[06.04.2019 00:18:34] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Ey, what are ye' still doin' on our turf?
[06.04.2019 00:18:38] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Didn't ye' learn last time?
[06.04.2019 00:18:49] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I'm about to leave guys, don't worry
[06.04.2019 00:18:50] Morrigan.Aensland: That doesnt look healthy
[06.04.2019 00:18:51] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Or ye' got somethin' to tell to Junkers and us?
[06.04.2019 00:19:16] Morrigan.Aensland: Quick question
[06.04.2019 00:19:20] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Aye!
[06.04.2019 00:19:22] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Ask away!
[06.04.2019 00:19:31] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: Aye Ask away
[06.04.2019 00:19:33] Morrigan.Aensland: What are the possibilites of not slaughtering him while he is with me?
[06.04.2019 00:19:40] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Not great.
[06.04.2019 00:19:46] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: The guy last time shot a Junker Congress member, I can hardly bat an eye fo' it!
[06.04.2019 00:19:55] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": That's been dealt with?
[06.04.2019 00:19:56] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: But...I'm lenient and I'm glad it was not us.
[06.04.2019 00:20:03] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: That he did and they are outraged at it
[06.04.2019 00:20:18] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: I'm willin' to let this one go, if he decides to formally apologize to the Congress member in question.
[06.04.2019 00:20:50] Morrigan.Aensland: Will you do that MSV?
[06.04.2019 00:20:56] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": That's not going to happen, this is three days of harassment from you lot
[06.04.2019 00:21:02] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Harrassment?
[06.04.2019 00:21:07] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Why would I apologise when it's already been dealt with
[06.04.2019 00:21:08] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Do you realize whose turf on ye' operate?
[06.04.2019 00:21:12] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Takin' away our money?
[06.04.2019 00:21:18] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: And yer still bein' arrogant?
[06.04.2019 00:21:18] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I took no money of yours
[06.04.2019 00:21:20] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Perhaps you should take a hint and get out.
[06.04.2019 00:21:22] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: This is our terf.
[06.04.2019 00:21:29] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Our territory, our money.
[06.04.2019 00:21:33] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: You don't touch it
[06.04.2019 00:21:35] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I took no money.
[06.04.2019 00:21:39] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Go back to yer neverland in Omicrons
[06.04.2019 00:21:48] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Did the person in question lose any money? No.
[06.04.2019 00:21:49] Morrigan.Aensland: Rolls eyes| Ohh god, time to retreat to a safe distance
[06.04.2019 00:22:00] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Good plan.
[06.04.2019 00:22:04] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": // Morrigan that's hilarious.
[06.04.2019 00:22:06] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Now, ye' are not givin' us many options 'ere!
[06.04.2019 00:22:16] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Well what are my options
[06.04.2019 00:22:19] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Now listen, you are not allowed to be here.
[06.04.2019 00:22:28] Morrigan.Aensland: How about to transit through here
[06.04.2019 00:22:29] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Formally apologize to the Congress member over neural net
[06.04.2019 00:22:31] Morrigan.Aensland: ?
[06.04.2019 00:22:32] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Right, So I'll leave
[06.04.2019 00:22:35] LR-Lauren:Brooke: So get out of Liberty while you're still alive.
[06.04.2019 00:22:39] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: And we shall allow ye' transit to our space.
[06.04.2019 00:22:43] LR-Lauren:Brooke: And never come back.
[06.04.2019 00:23:00] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Leave? Yes?
[06.04.2019 00:23:06] Death: Admiral_Grubmander was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[06.04.2019 00:23:17] LR-Lauren:Brooke: And give a formal apology to the Congress.
[06.04.2019 00:23:40] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Then perhaps we shall welcome yer transit through our turf.
[06.04.2019 00:23:48] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Until then, don't bother comin' back.
[06.04.2019 00:23:51] Death: Leonard was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[06.04.2019 00:24:14] LR-Lauren:Brooke: If you do come back before you apologize to the Congress, we'll shoot ye.
[06.04.2019 00:24:21] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": That's fair.
[06.04.2019 00:24:22] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: Aye.
[06.04.2019 00:24:28] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Alright, cool
[06.04.2019 00:24:33] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Aye, now, ye' shall be escorted to Coronado system.
[06.04.2019 00:24:35] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Follow me!
[06.04.2019 00:24:43] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Chop chop, let's go
[06.04.2019 00:24:45] /time
[06.04.2019 00:24:45] 2019-04-06 00:25:17 SMT
[06.04.2019 00:24:48] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I need to pick up cargo though...
[06.04.2019 00:24:55] Morrigan.Aensland: Can I take him to berring
[06.04.2019 00:24:55] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: No, ye' shall not.
[06.04.2019 00:24:56] LR-Lauren:Brooke: No.
[06.04.2019 00:25:03] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Junkers are not 'appy with your presence 'ere
[06.04.2019 00:25:04] Morrigan.Aensland: I kinda need his cargo space
[06.04.2019 00:25:10] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Not happening.
[06.04.2019 00:25:16] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Not gonna 'appen.
[06.04.2019 00:25:26] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Ye' shoot Junkers then want to pick up cargo? Are ye' serious?
[06.04.2019 00:25:31] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Alright, hold my hand then, let's go.
[06.04.2019 00:25:43] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Ay, follow up!
[06.04.2019 00:25:49] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: The anomaly is this way.
[06.04.2019 00:25:59] Morrigan.Aensland: I will let the Maltese governament know of this, dont know who will get killed for this
[06.04.2019 00:26:07] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: I don't care.
[06.04.2019 00:26:09] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Your friend there will.
[06.04.2019 00:26:11] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Tell 'em if ye' want
[06.04.2019 00:26:15] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: We don't care
[06.04.2019 00:26:17] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": You probably should care
[06.04.2019 00:26:23] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Nah, bite me!
[06.04.2019 00:26:28] LR-Lauren:Brooke: We have no reason to care.
[06.04.2019 00:26:29] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: Why should we?
[06.04.2019 00:26:53] Death: Vereiteln was put out of action by Core|WV-Skadi (Gun).
[06.04.2019 00:26:54] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I lay nothing against Rogues.
[06.04.2019 00:27:07] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": And the way you treat your Allies is terribad.
[06.04.2019 00:27:09] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: You laid somethin' on us when ye' shot that Congress member the oda day!
[06.04.2019 00:27:16] LR-Lauren:Brooke: You are no ally of ours.
[06.04.2019 00:27:20] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": This, is fair.
[06.04.2019 00:27:23] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": However,
[06.04.2019 00:27:30] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": OC will not be happy.
[06.04.2019 00:27:35] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Ye' , and that's us bein' nice right now
[06.04.2019 00:27:36] LR-Lauren:Brooke: That is not our problem.
[06.04.2019 00:27:45] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": You're making it your problem though.
[06.04.2019 00:27:56] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Don't care.
[06.04.2019 00:28:02] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: We shall see how 'appy they are, about ye' roaming around on our turf, shootin' our targets and playing king in the wrong land.
[06.04.2019 00:28:08] Death: Core|WV-Skadi suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[06.04.2019 00:28:20] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: If I were you, I'd keep yer mouth shut.
[06.04.2019 00:28:20] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Rogues are not king here.
[06.04.2019 00:28:28] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Oh we right as hell are.
[06.04.2019 00:28:32] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Want to bet?
[06.04.2019 00:28:38] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: You first!
[06.04.2019 00:28:48] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Want to say that again? I'd be happy to remind you that this is our territory.
[06.04.2019 00:29:07] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Watch it Lauren. We shall be kind only this time now.
[06.04.2019 00:29:07] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Do not threaten me.
[06.04.2019 00:29:15] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Yer not in a position to negotiate.
[06.04.2019 00:29:18] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Now move!
[06.04.2019 00:29:21] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I am leaving, do not threaten me though.
[06.04.2019 00:29:26] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Then move!
[06.04.2019 00:29:32] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I am...
[06.04.2019 00:29:33] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Chop-Chop! Tick-Tock!
[06.04.2019 00:29:48] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Yo!
[06.04.2019 00:29:50] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: MOVE!
[06.04.2019 00:29:55] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I'm moving!
[06.04.2019 00:30:06] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Do not test our patience.
[06.04.2019 00:30:25] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Well what other plans do you have?
[06.04.2019 00:30:47] LR-Flying.Dutchman: mhm
[06.04.2019 00:30:48] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Ye
[06.04.2019 00:31:02] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Dock with the Anomaly I ain't gonna say twice
[06.04.2019 00:31:10] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: Got through befor i shoot you
[06.04.2019 00:31:24] Warning!
[06.04.2019 00:31:24] You have entered a CONTESTED TERRITORY.
[06.04.2019 00:31:24] Any PVP deaths suffered by non-generic IDs in California have a reduced cooldown time of 30 minutes instead of the standard 1 hour.
[06.04.2019 00:31:24] All other server rules are in place.
[06.04.2019 00:31:32] Ugandan.Torpedo: 90k
[06.04.2019 00:31:49] Ugandan.Torpedo: k
[06.04.2019 00:32:33] Jump systems recharging. Charging complete in 14 seconds.
[06.04.2019 00:32:35] Jump systems recharging. Charging complete in 12 seconds.
[06.04.2019 00:32:37] Jump systems recharging. Charging complete in 10 seconds.
[06.04.2019 00:33:03] Warning!
[06.04.2019 00:33:03] You have entered a CONTESTED TERRITORY.
[06.04.2019 00:33:03] Any PVP deaths suffered by non-generic IDs in California have a reduced cooldown time of 30 minutes instead of the standard 1 hour.
[06.04.2019 00:33:03] All other server rules are in place.
[06.04.2019 00:33:09] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Move!
[06.04.2019 00:33:12] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Now, move and don't stop.
[06.04.2019 00:33:14] Death: Warspite was put out of action by Core|WV-Skadi (Gun).
[06.04.2019 00:33:32] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Isn't this nice
[06.04.2019 00:33:37] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: You've been testin' my patience enough, one more stupid move and we will open fire on ye'
[06.04.2019 00:33:44] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: And it's not going to be nice, I agree!
[06.04.2019 00:33:48] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: Aye that we will.
[06.04.2019 00:33:52] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Indeed.
[06.04.2019 00:33:54] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Boys ye' 'eard me
[06.04.2019 00:33:57] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Arm ye' cannons.
[06.04.2019 00:34:00] LR-Lauren:Brooke: And girls.
[06.04.2019 00:34:02] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Wait for my command!
[06.04.2019 00:34:02] Death: Core|WV-Skadi suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[06.04.2019 00:34:12] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Ye' where are my manners, I apologize.
[06.04.2019 00:34:13] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: They already are.
[06.04.2019 00:34:18] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Got everything online .
[06.04.2019 00:34:21] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Atheistic is the leader here huh
[06.04.2019 00:34:32] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Yes. Dwayne Lewis, remember the name!
[06.04.2019 00:34:42] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Can't forget the boss man.
[06.04.2019 00:34:44] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I see.... Good to know.
[06.04.2019 00:34:57] Ugandan.Torpedo: omw via NY
[06.04.2019 00:34:58] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: And Marcus Fenix. As next time i will not be as nice ether.
[06.04.2019 00:35:28] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": You're all lovely people.
[06.04.2019 00:35:38] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Not really.
[06.04.2019 00:35:56] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Are you sure you want to continue?
[06.04.2019 00:35:59] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: Caught us on a good day.. Most days we are quite nasty
[06.04.2019 00:36:16] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Can you stop tellin' us what to do?
[06.04.2019 00:36:24] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I wasn't telling, I was asking
[06.04.2019 00:36:31] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Yes, we do what we please.
[06.04.2019 00:36:33] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Our turf, our rules
[06.04.2019 00:36:50] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Ah I wouldn't get comfy with that sentence.
[06.04.2019 00:36:58] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Is that a threat?
[06.04.2019 00:36:58] Rules Tip: A single player running two or more instances of Freelancer for trading or mining purposes is against server rules and is regarded as cheating.
[06.04.2019 00:37:07] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Not at all
[06.04.2019 00:37:07] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: Not try and threaten us.
[06.04.2019 00:37:10] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: So wha'cha gonna do?
[06.04.2019 00:37:19] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Keep talking, I dare ye. You'll be getting some nice novas.
[06.04.2019 00:37:24] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: Bad idea to do so.
[06.04.2019 00:37:28] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: We were lenient enough not to shoot ye'
[06.04.2019 00:37:35] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": There's nothing I can do. I could probably take out one of you but that'd be pointless.
[06.04.2019 00:37:39] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Yep, you're right
[06.04.2019 00:38:07] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Ye' had some nerve to actually sit right next to the Junker base, after ye' ave shooting one of it's members.
[06.04.2019 00:38:32] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I do not care for politicians.
[06.04.2019 00:38:59] Ugandan.Torpedo: Herro!
[06.04.2019 00:39:02] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I care about me, and me only.
[06.04.2019 00:39:03] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Oi ahoy!
[06.04.2019 00:39:10] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: I can see that.
[06.04.2019 00:39:18] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Then you should shut your ass up so you don't get shot.
[06.04.2019 00:39:18] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: That doesn't get ye' far in life.
[06.04.2019 00:39:23] Death: Creature was put out of action by Warspite (Gun).
[06.04.2019 00:39:33] Death: Warspite was put out of action by Core|WV-Skadi (Gun).
[06.04.2019 00:39:36] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": It's getting me there nicely in fact.
[06.04.2019 00:39:39] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Where to.
[06.04.2019 00:39:48] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Through the hole, dummy.
[06.04.2019 00:39:52] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Ooft.
[06.04.2019 00:39:54] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: 3 seconds to comply!
[06.04.2019 00:40:10] Warning!
[06.04.2019 00:40:10] You have entered a CONTESTED TERRITORY.
[06.04.2019 00:40:10] Any PVP deaths suffered by non-generic IDs in Cortez have a reduced cooldown time of 30 minutes instead of the standard 1 hour.
[06.04.2019 00:40:10] All other server rules are in place.
[06.04.2019 00:40:15] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Now?
[06.04.2019 00:40:27] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Do you guys just want to follow me to Malta?
[06.04.2019 00:40:28] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: Coronado Hole
[06.04.2019 00:40:35] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Sector D3, take point
[06.04.2019 00:41:00] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": We could all have a lovely picnic.
[06.04.2019 00:41:08] LR-Lauren:Brooke: No.
[06.04.2019 00:41:20] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: Not likely
[06.04.2019 00:41:26] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Ahh c'mon, I know you guys would love the Carda.
[06.04.2019 00:41:38] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: We would, but ye' 'ave an apology to form
[06.04.2019 00:41:49] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": There will be no such thing.
[06.04.2019 00:41:52] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: After that we can shake hands and accept ya gladly back to our space
[06.04.2019 00:42:09] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Then forget you will ever be treated that good here again
[06.04.2019 00:42:12] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I accept that you have someone controlling you, but I am not being controlled.
[06.04.2019 00:42:17] Death: Wenquan suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[06.04.2019 00:42:26] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Next time we see ya, ya will be shot, and then shot again, and again and again
[06.04.2019 00:42:27] LR-Lauren:Brooke: You are being controlled out of our space.
[06.04.2019 00:42:41] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I'm being escorted
[06.04.2019 00:42:59] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Nobody's controllin' us.
[06.04.2019 00:43:05] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: We are the underworld o' Liberty
[06.04.2019 00:43:08] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": You guys want to see a neat little trick?
[06.04.2019 00:43:20] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Oh, well then how come Junkers are controlling you?
[06.04.2019 00:43:21] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: If that ends up us shootin' ye, sure!
[06.04.2019 00:43:38] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": You coming in here too?
[06.04.2019 00:43:41] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Go!
[06.04.2019 00:43:46] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: 3 Seconds to comply
[06.04.2019 00:43:46] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: 3
[06.04.2019 00:43:47] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Are you?
[06.04.2019 00:43:48] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: 2
[06.04.2019 00:43:51] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: 1
[06.04.2019 00:44:10] Ugandan.Torpedo: He does not know the way!
[06.04.2019 00:44:13] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Now?
[06.04.2019 00:44:18] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Baffin.
[06.04.2019 00:44:36] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": You want me to go slow or
[06.04.2019 00:44:44] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: B4, take point!
[06.04.2019 00:44:55] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Yo' I swear
[06.04.2019 00:44:59] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Last warnin'
[06.04.2019 00:45:04] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Doncha play dumb with us!
[06.04.2019 00:45:09] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Don't disrupt me then
[06.04.2019 00:45:17] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Don'cha fall off course!
[06.04.2019 00:45:19] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I have an idea...
[06.04.2019 00:45:25] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Ye' know damn well where to go
[06.04.2019 00:45:30] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: What's that?
[06.04.2019 00:45:32] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: Ideas from you right now would be bad
[06.04.2019 00:45:34] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Does it involve you saying something stupid?
[06.04.2019 00:45:34] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Amuse us!
[06.04.2019 00:45:53] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": You want to hear a joke?
[06.04.2019 00:45:57] LR-Lauren:Brooke: No.
[06.04.2019 00:46:01] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: Nope
[06.04.2019 00:46:04] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Nope
[06.04.2019 00:46:05] Ugandan.Torpedo: Nay.
[06.04.2019 00:46:08] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": It's pretty damn funny.
[06.04.2019 00:46:16] LR-Lauren:Brooke: No jokes, or I will shoot your ass.
[06.04.2019 00:46:16] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: Don't Care
[06.04.2019 00:46:24] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: We're not in a mood fo' funny
[06.04.2019 00:46:32] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Oh come on. Just this one joke and then I'll shut up.
[06.04.2019 00:46:34] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I promise.
[06.04.2019 00:46:42] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Humor us then!
[06.04.2019 00:46:43] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Fine.
[06.04.2019 00:46:52] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Hehehe....
[06.04.2019 00:46:57] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: *clicks the trigger finger*
[06.04.2019 00:47:07] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Yeah okay never mind.
[06.04.2019 00:47:08] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Don't push it...
[06.04.2019 00:47:16] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": You'd probably kill me.
[06.04.2019 00:47:22] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Wise choice.
[06.04.2019 00:47:34] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Where to in Baffin
[06.04.2019 00:47:43] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Follow the highway!
[06.04.2019 00:48:03] Ugandan.Torpedo: BUFFin
[06.04.2019 00:48:04] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Please come to Malta one day
[06.04.2019 00:48:17] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: We go there occasionally by the way
[06.04.2019 00:48:19] Ugandan.Torpedo: BUFF-IN
[06.04.2019 00:48:32] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Really? I'll have to keep a look out
[06.04.2019 00:48:34] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Thanks for the invite, now dock with the anomaly!
[06.04.2019 00:49:00] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Follow the highway!
[06.04.2019 00:49:05] LR-December: sorry about me just like dropping out on that trip guys, internet was down for a few
[06.04.2019 00:49:37] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Are you going to come with me through here?
[06.04.2019 00:49:42] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Now, that's where we leave ya.
[06.04.2019 00:49:51] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Ye' gonna find yer own way through Tau 29
[06.04.2019 00:49:56] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": What a shame.
[06.04.2019 00:49:57] Ugandan.Torpedo: doesn't pvp extends from the system it started in?
[06.04.2019 00:49:58] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: And do talk to ye' superiors what just happened.
[06.04.2019 00:50:01] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: I want them to know!
[06.04.2019 00:50:07] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Since we didn't engage
[06.04.2019 00:50:07] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I will.
[06.04.2019 00:50:15] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Yeah, I'm lookin' forward to it!
[06.04.2019 00:50:18] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Thanks for the escort, it was a lot of fun.
[06.04.2019 00:50:24] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Can't say it was fun.
[06.04.2019 00:50:27] LR-December: who engaged you?
[06.04.2019 00:50:31] LR-Flying.Dutchman: no one
[06.04.2019 00:50:34] Ugandan.Torpedo has set MSV-0355"Berlinetta" as group target.
[06.04.2019 00:50:36] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: But unless ye' make a formal apology, you are not welcome in Liberty
[06.04.2019 00:50:39] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Maybe it's time for that joke then?
[06.04.2019 00:50:51] LR-December: ah berlinetta you guys get em
[06.04.2019 00:50:54] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Mark our words
[06.04.2019 00:50:55] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Not interested.
[06.04.2019 00:51:00] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Next time we shall shoot on sight!
[06.04.2019 00:51:02] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": The joke...
[06.04.2019 00:51:08] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": Liberty. Rogues.
[06.04.2019 00:51:20] Ugandan.Torpedo: There is a more fun joke for ya.
[06.04.2019 00:51:22] Ugandan.Torpedo: Who is bitch?
[06.04.2019 00:51:23] Ugandan.Torpedo: You.
[06.04.2019 00:51:52] Ugandan.Torpedo: it's quote
[06.04.2019 00:51:59] Ugandan.Torpedo: slash reference
[06.04.2019 00:52:23] LR-December: i was saying that becasue berlinetta was targeted
[06.04.2019 00:52:29] LR-December: because
[06.04.2019 00:53:21] /fi lh~
[06.04.2019 00:53:28] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Hoy!
[06.04.2019 00:53:34] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: Greetings
[06.04.2019 00:53:41] LH~Mildred:Wolfe: Excuse me, has this "Wandering Poet" bothered any of you?
[06.04.2019 00:53:54] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Aye, ye' mean the "Berlinetta" ?
[06.04.2019 00:54:15] LH~Mildred:Wolfe: A bomber, yes./
[06.04.2019 00:54:34] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Oh, nah. We just had another troublemaker escorted out of the Liberteh'
[06.04.2019 00:54:51] LH~Mildred:Wolfe: So he hasn't bothered any of you?
[06.04.2019 00:54:57] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Not yet.
[06.04.2019 00:54:58] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: So far, I don't know 'im
[06.04.2019 00:55:04] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Wrong choice
[06.04.2019 00:55:05] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: All weapons armed
[06.04.2019 00:55:06] MSV-0355"Berlinetta": I forgot my keys.
[06.04.2019 00:55:07] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Boys , move in!
[06.04.2019 00:55:08] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Bad idea.
[06.04.2019 00:55:12] LR-Atheistic.Methodist: Engaging!
[06.04.2019 00:55:14] LR-Lauren:Brooke: Time to die, bud.
[06.04.2019 00:55:15] Ugandan.Torpedo: Time to bring in supa soldiers!
[06.04.2019 00:55:16] LR-Flying.Dutchman: Marcus: Openung fire
[06.04.2019 00:55:42] Ugandan.Torpedo: You won't look so smug with a torpedo in your head.
[06.04.2019 00:55:57] Death: MSV-0355"Berlinetta" was put out of action by LR-Lauren:Brooke (Missile/Torpedo)
Right about in the end we escorted 'im to the Baffin system even, left 'im there, and waited on the other side, for him to make that last stupid move, which he of course made.
Now, hope that clears stuff up, Long Live The Underworld!
Thanks for the information. As you can see it worked in my favor quite a bit.
If you could do me, and the Lane Hackers a favor - tell me if you find any other troublemakers like this. Outcasts, "rogue" Rogues, independent pirates, or anyone else trying to be a general nuisance and stealing our income. We trace what individuals we're aware of on our fancy Spyglass software, the more we know, the easier our jobs can be to help you and everyone else.
As you can tell by my position, I'm more than capable of serving justice to any troublemakers.
Thanks in advance if you agree to it, see you around.
Ay, we 'ave a hit list, dedicated to those that be naughty to our accepted mutual ideology.
And yes, you have proven very worthy fo' the Underworld, and ye' bein' the first person, of who we should contact if things get real and shit hits the fan, and we need professionals like ye' doin' it's job fo' the Underworld.
So, thank ye' fer ye' offerings, as the key to holding our underworld strong, is mutual friendship with both our groups 'ere.
Now, the hit list will be forwarded over a secure channel, go give 'em 'ell!
We can provide support fer ye' own private hit list as well, if we may...We'll gladly shoot anyone who's not in line with our ways back 'ere.
I've the list, these hooligans will be dealt with. Any supporting evidence of their actions would be much appreciated, not that I do not trust your opinion - but we're held to the standard of acting on something with no chance of doubt. Forward the evidence, logs, recordings - all of it. Forward it securely as well, I'll relay it to the assassins on the network.