It's that time again. Please provide as much detail as possible and I'll do my best to address stuff by the end of this week. This is going to stay open until the end of the month, at which time I'll conduct a cleanup and purge.
[color=#3735a9]Character Name(s) and Rank(s):[/color] [color=#a4d3ff]Here[/color]
[color=#3735a9]Discord:[/color] [color=#a4d3ff]Here[/color]
[color=#3735a9]Level of Activity (Forum and ingame):[/color] [color=#a4d3ff]Here[/color]
[color=#3735a9]Personal Ship(s) in Use:[/color] [color=#a4d3ff]Here[/color]
[color=#3735a9]Shared Ship(s):[/color] [color=#a4d3ff]Here[/color]
[color=#3735a9]Any suggestions for the faction and its future?:[/color] [color=#a4d3ff]Here[/color]
Character Name(s) and Rank(s):Aoi Oono. Skype:Sorry, i use no dinosaurs. Discord:Stella Hoshii#5863 Level of Activity (Forum and ingame):Moderate. Personal Ship(s) in Use:A/)-Takemikazuchi Shared Ship(s):Snub, logistic shareds. Hel cruisers. Any suggestions for the faction and its future?:Uh-h... more ingame presence?
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war. Heroes never die! @Vitoniz30 @Connor
Character Name(s) and Rank(s):Tristan Fresnel - Templar / Vexillarius - Star Sentinel Discord:Spectre#1624 Level of Activity (Forum and ingame):Forum Status: Forumlancer ; InGame Status: Not Dead Anymore Personal Ship(s) in Use:A/)-Vexillarius A/)-Pulsar Shared Ship(s):A lot... Fighters, Bombers, Gunboats, Both cruisers Any suggestions for the faction and its future?:Create nanobot gas that converts all other forms of life into us.
Character Name(s) and Rank(s):Keeper Leviathan/Joshua Hunt
Paladin Yancy Ganes
Venator Steven Bennett Discord:Nah dude Level of Activity (Forum and ingame):Low but increasing now Personal Ship(s) in Use:A lot Shared Ship(s):All Any suggestions for the faction and its future?:Finish what we've started.
Character Name(s) and Rank(s):Dozerua Zozen - Guardian Discord:Wasser.#3786 Level of Activity (Forum and ingame):Low Personal Ship(s) in Use:A/)-'Aztec', A/)-Nyarlathotelep Shared Ship(s):Bombers/Snubs/2 cruisers Any suggestions for the faction and its future?:Give people some tasks to do.
Character Name(s) and Rank(s):Templar Joerg Ludwig Zitronberg Discord:ONIKS#9217 Level of Activity (Forum and ingame):Forum - low, but I can easily pump up my activity. No presence in-game, 'cus army. Personal Ship(s) in Use:A/)-Onyx.Wing, A/)-Onyx.Statuette, A/)-SV-Erynies Any suggestions for the faction and its future?:More activity, new long-term plans, more pews, more of everything.