My name is Captain Jonathan Seabourne of the Orbital Spa and Cruise liner Breezewood. I am also the director of our White Spa Lines division, the section of our company tasked with seeking out strange new adventures and making interesting friends to enhance the prestige of OS&C overall. With the establishment of formal ties and visas for OS&C to operate in Gallic space, I wanted to reach out as a professional courtesy to our Gallic counterparts and see if there was any potential for mutually beneficial partnerships. The Boundless Pleasure has already booked many trips with Sirius citizens looking to enjoy your liners and casinos, and I look forward to more such interactions that enhance the prestige of both our corporations.
I've been in contact with your Directeur Général, Sophie Pomeroy, who has already made it clear that IDF has no intention of helping us make a Sirius technology compatible Lucullus class liner (we recently hired a Gallic captain who was looking to pilot something he was more accustomed to), which I found to be disappointing but not surprising. Just as we are protective of our Enterprises, I cannot fault you for taking pride in your signature liner. If situations should change, though, know that we are looking to help build bridges between all 5 houses and do feel that seeing Gallic liners in Sirius space would go a long want to reducing those mutual hostilities and suspicions. Let us know if there is ever an opportunity for us to expand our interhouse fleet.
On a related note, if we can't have a Lucullus flying OS&C colors, perhaps we can have the next best thing. I'm cooking up a plan for a massive race that spans the sector. Ideally, I'd like each house to have its signature liner model starting at its capital with each ship progressing through a route to all the others ending on New Berlin (Rheinland doesn't have a model of its own). We obviously have Enterprises for Liberty, we have a Palace class for Bretonia, and the Renzu liner can represent Kusari. If your organization has an interest in taking part, we can incorporate New Paris into the race as well, which I think will do wonders for morale and bragging rights on both sides of the sector.
So, are you interested in having one of your ships participate in such an event? Would you be interested in licensing a Lucullus to our captain? Or shall I tell my heartbroken crew that Gallia has turned down an invitation to pit its ships against our finest in friendly competition?
Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
Director, White Spa Lines Division