The management of 14BIS is notified about a breach of the Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Law on their part. The breached law is:
- 4.3.4 - Base Operational Regulations
The following Regulations are expected to be consistently and permanently observed by all Station Owners, in regards to their Installations. Failure to comply with these Regulations may result in the structure's siege and destruction. Regulations are as follows:
Bases must be no closer than 10K from any existing Base or Jump Gate, unless Special Permission is granted by the War Cabinet.
No Hostile Entities (see: 1 - Definition of Entities) may be permitted to land on the station. Authorities may request evidence of docking permission logs at any time to confirm this. Unfriendly Entities will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
No station may leave their docking rights unrestricted - "defencemode 2" - due to potential abuse by unlawful parties.
All stations must have docking permission at all times for Bretonian Law Enforcement Agencies: this includes the BAF|, [SIS] and BPA).
All Bases must be fitted with sufficient evacuation equipment to prevent the loss of life of residents and crew, should the Base become compromised via circumstances artificial or natural.
Bases are to be no nearer than 30K from any Mining Zone Buoy.
Specifically, 14BIS is in violation of this clause: "All stations must have docking permission at all times for Bretonian Law Enforcement Agencies: this includes the BAF|, [SIS] and BPA)." Further, as obvious in this image, 14BIS is also hostile to the BAF|. 14BIS has 48 hours to correct these hopefully accidental violations.
The management of 14BIS is notified that the deadline has been surpassed, yet the violation on your part has not been corrected. The management has 24 hours to pay a fine of 50,000,000 Sirius Credits to QCG|HMS-Endeavour and correct the violation in question, or 14BIS will be labeled for deconstruction.
FROM: CLS Construction TO: The honored person writing to this base on behalf of her Majesty the Queen Carina
Good day!
We are somewhat partially managing the base now I suppose you could say ? If you count re-doing the bathrooms and sanitation pipes and equipment while holding the keys temporarily as management. Anyways, due to the nature of our work, we have advised the owner to let us work for two weeks, and set the base to automated regime. The 14BIs management granted our request and departed we don't know where, not expecting to be needing to be contacted.
Needless to say, it would look very bad on CLS construction, that cherishes it's good reputation, if their base was not only free of leaking fecal matter, but also of existence when they come back.
We have Wired 100,000,000 Credits to QCG|HMS-Endeavour as the deadline seems to have passed to make sure our client's base doesn't go under. We were only given access to the base, and are unable to change the clear error in the automated systems not allowing your forces to dock - I mean the owners hail from BMM for god's sakes, someone surely fucked up.
I sincerely hope this will be cleared up, I have sent an emergency communique to the owners - but they should be back by the date we told them to expect our work done in 2 weeks time worst case.
We appreciate your understanding and helping us uphold our reputation - you can see that we are ready to go the extra lenght for our customers. The owners seemed to be reputable and I have no doubt they will both repay us and fix what you ask them to fix.
The temporary management of 14BIS is notified that the deconstruction has been temporarily cancelled. The deadline has been reset to the 17th of April, but Home Office will make sure to check if the legal owners have returned this Saturday and Sunday. Thank you for your cooperation, have a nice day.
To:The Kingdom of Bretonia From:14BIS Station - Cortez Topic:Exclarifying Action Date:07/04/828 A.S.
Sincere greetings to the Politicians and Military of Bretonia.
First of all I want to thank you for understanding how to give us a longer deadline to solve this problem generated by our lack of attention in something so important with is the authorization to fit the British corporations and military divisions in the 14 Bis station.
I point out that for reasons not expected, I had to leave for a few days, and so I left a team taking care of the automation of 14 Bis. I mean of Gestão CLS. I understand that to charge you with this occupation has been arranged, for you have even been able to expose my situation to your lordland.
I resumed my responsibilities and the first of these was to authorize BAF|, [SIS] and BPA) and the BMF, Bowex, Gateway and Planetform corporations to dock at 14 Bis.
Rest is right that Bretonia is welcome to visit us whenever you want.
From now on, accept our apologies for the memory lapse and not having done this before.
PS. We realize that our partners and our saviors in difficult situations, our friends at CLS Construction, have passed on to you the sum of 100,000,000.
In fact, we understand that the fine to be paid was 50 million credits, but 100 million was sent.
If there is perhaps some other amount to be paid for this problem to be resolved and that we pass a eraser to erase such an error, 14BIS is available.
However, if you have been paid twice as much as has been required, we request that it be returned to the Bowex)Stuy account, please.