Incoming transmission...
ID: Aoi Oono.
Location: Planet Erie
Encryption: Solid
Subject: RE: Explanation required It's an entire Admiral getting in touch with me, I'm flattered.
Most of my colleagues insisted I gave you a silly reply without much words in it, but I think a serious one will be more fitting. As you seem to be concerningly, blissfully oblivious of history of Pennsylvania. Of the fact Zoners were first settlers of Erie and Liberty never even considered it, for reasons I don't know and don't care for.
It's Liberty system in nothing but name, and maybe the laws of your House. Greedy, disgusting, capitalist House in honest belief it can just waltz into space, seize most stations and call it their own - to eventually get hands on a planet our people have settled and developed. Well, there are those who won't stand by and watch it happen. I'll grant access to this communication to the rest of Militia - I'm sure they have worse words to tell you and your masters on Manhattan.
Oh, and we're not leaving. Not until Liberty decides to back off and not go down the path of Bretonia and Gran Canaria.
TO: Blake Wayne Van Leer FROM: Terrence Cohaagen SOURCE: Cherubion Q-ship ENCRYPTION:Open channel
My grandfather used to say: if you have a hammer, you'll see everything as a nail.
You are making the fundamental mistake of thinking like a soldier, and thinking of us as one. Where you see warships, they are actually mobile homes built in less secure parts of space. We Zoners cherish our independence, so I cannot speak for other ships, but I will be returning home soon. There are two reasons for this. The first is that sometimes we have to return home to share our experiences. Pennsylvania is one of our homes. It was founded by our ancestors with blood and sweat. We do not need your violent security policy exports. There is no need to protect us from ourselves. Please rein in your overzealous people before things get out of hand.
The other reason is that some kind of satellite wreckage supposedly crashed into the yard of my grandfather's old farm and set the old barn on fire.
Someone has to clean up the mess...
SENDER: Blake Wayne Van Leer
SOURCE: Harrisburg Station
RECIPIENT: Zoner cruisers Iron.Front, [FF]Sec-Corinth
To Q-Ship commanders.
Perhaps it is you who needs a lesson in history.
Planet Erie was indeed first colonized by the Zoners, but due to the lawlessness, the level of criminal activity became intolerable, even for the usually indifferent Zoners. That is when Liberty came in.
Pennsylvania is an independent system under the Liberty Protectorate, which offers the inhabitants economic and political freedom. Zoner cities on Erie are self-governed and enjoy complete autonomy, It is Liberty who built a system of trade lanes to allow safer and faster travel between Pennsylvania stations and New York. The very same trade lane system your vessels have been seen using. Liberty simply wants to protect Pennsylvania and its people from brutal foreign criminal elements and safeguard mutual trade.
Now let's get to your claims. To claim those cruisers are mobile homes is like claiming your 2-meter-long ground-to-air bazooka is really a lighter. They have been seen armed to the teeth with weaponry that could level a city. It seems like you hail from the Omegas and Bretonia that you have mentioned - perhaps it is normal there, but not in Liberty. Something armed like that is most definitely considered a warship in Liberty.
The Ruling
I am issuing a 2,000,000 SC Fine to both Iron.Front and [FF]Sec-Corinth, payable to 1st|Bank. You are also to depart Pennsylvania and Liberty space at once and respond with proof of departure via Kepler or Cortez, all this within 12 Hours or you will face further consequences.
Incoming transmission...
ID: Aoi Oono.
Location: Planet Erie
Encryption: Solid
Subject: RE: Ruling Corinth will remain in orbit of Erie so long as there is demand from local populace. We'll not seek confrontation with Liberty forces and only act planetside, on lands under Zoner governance. Once the necessarity for that is gone - so will be us.
That's a final statement on the matter from my side.
Transmission terminated.
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war.
The Sword of Canaria and her crew are not going anywhere either. We will protect our fellow Zoners so long as there is a need.
Once the time of unrest has passed, we will depart "Liberty space". Until then, we remain to ensure the protection of our Zoner families on the surface from any attacks that may be cause as a result of this unrest.
TO: Blake Wayne Van Leer FROM: Terrence Cohaagen SOURCE: Planet Erie ENCRYPTION:Open channel
You say „Liberty simply wants to protect Pennsylvania and its people from brutal foreign criminal elements and safeguard mutual trade”. Is that what you think of us, peaceful returnees? Have you experienced any harassment from us? No? Good.
You're quite cynical, Admiral, but I don't like cynicism. Cynicism is the weapon of the powerless. It's been a long time since I've been home, but apparently the meaning of the word "Liberty" has changed a lot in my absence. Liberty? Liberty for whom? For you, and your armed soldiers, who are free to brand innocent people as criminals? Take a step back from your pride, before you start irreversible processes.
I suggest you deal with real problems instead of painting hoofed devils in the sky. That was another saying of my wise grandfather.
You might want to heed it.