A primary commodity would occupy less space than a non-primary commodity.
Example: Synth Foods trader hauls synth paste. His vessel has a default cargo space volume of 3000. Synth paste is marked as a primary cargo, so the trader can pack 5000 - 6000 units of it on his vessel. If he decides to haul, say, mining equipment, on the next leg of his route, he'll only be able to haul 3000 units.
If this is too difficult and labor-intensive to implement, would it be a reasonable idea to increase cargo volumes on all freighters and transports? A 30% to 50% increase of cargohold volume would be gnarly indeed. Increased trading profits without goofing around with commodity prices. Fun for traders and cargo pirates alike.
If possible, I think a better way to do this would be ship-specific when we get more diverse transports. So the Gas Miner can hold more Helium, Hydrogen, Deuterium, and H-Fuel, for example. A Luxury Liner would hold more people (all varieties).
I have my doubts that it's doable at all, though.
EDIT: I got it. Use FLHook to double the buy and sell price of each of those commodities in the matching transport/freighter to simulate carrying twice as many.
Why not double the size of the commodity if it's unsuited for that particular ship type?
For example, if you have a Liner, their Cargo Space Unit Per Commodity Unit ratio is 1:1 (A liner with 2000 space will fit 2000 VIPs), but with a Train the CSUPCU becomes 2:1 (A train with 3000 space will fit 1500 VIPs)
Arms and Legs Guy Wrote:Don't tell them the truth : That in reality you are a potbellied german VW factory worker named Horst.
I love this idea, it would certainly encourage more RP for factions, rather than someone like BMM transporting VIPs, for whatever reason. I should imagine its possible, as they added the mining bonus system for miners, and this sounds less complex, but what do I know?
Dream Theater - "Sabre120 and Jongleur officially win. That is all."