Ok, we all know that ID's are there to tell us, who a player is, what faction they belong to, or if they're just starting up in the server as a new character. But there are flaws to ID's and their role with player roleplay. ID's don't tell the story or anything like that half the time.
I propose the following changes.
WE have players who do nothing but play their role with their respective faction, they have the ID, and the tag. This is perfectly alright, its correct and their colours are showing in full force.
But should an ID and faction tag be NEEDED to fully identify a player? In some cases in my mind no. When I see a Police tag on a Liberator or Patriot, I immediately identify them as the Liberty Police. That is simple.
With this in mind, with similar cases, is the ID even needed?
I propose that with players showing their colors with their ship and tag, that they do not require an ID, instead they get a tractor beam. This can happen with bounty hunters in their correct tech chart ships and so forth across the faction lists.
The point of this is to seperate ID's from normal players, to abnormal or unusual RP players. ID's don't tell a story, their just an infocard. With unusual players brandishing ID's, it allows flexibility of the rules and the players can be identified as people doing something interesting, and warrants roleplay. Players with a tractor beam and a correct ship and tag would be members of their faction through and through, and shouldn't deviate unless RP dictates otherwise.
Split up ID's from normal players, and make them more roleplay oriented. Like for players who don't play as part of a big faction, say Freelancers or Mercenaries, they should get ID's, because they're not in a faction, and they NEED to show that they're not.
Hopefully this will lead to more flexible ID's and a smoother gameplay, but most likely I'm not seeing the big picture here. That is why I'm placing this idea into the forums, to gauge your opinions. I hope I explained this in an understandable way, explaining is never a strong suit of mine.