Let me begin this introductory post by saying it is an honor to be a part of this community. I'm a relatively new player in the Freelancer world (not counting the several times I finished the game) but I've been a roleplayer for several years now (D&D DM/Player, Ultima Online, Lineage...) and I am quite excited on the prospect on roleplaying in a space-simulator, as a whole new experience. I've been browsing the community for quite some time now and I must say it is pleasant to find a mature, RP-enforcing enviorment (specially after the dissapointment of WoW's RP servers...) in such a complicated to manage game (I can only imagine...). Kudos and my sincerest congratulations to all of the Administrators and staff of the game for maintaining the Discovery Server the rare jewel it is. The top stop in the FL list is indeed deserved.
Well, I hope I am not extending myself too much. I'm 22, and English is not my mother language (I'm portuguese) so forgive me the ocasional error. My name is Daniel, and I am also the representative of a group of players (from 5 to 8) that will be joining Discovery soon. I've known these players for over ten years now, and can garantee their quality as roleplayers and freelancer pilots. We all hope to learn from everyone in Freelancer as roleplayers and players, while transmiting some of our knowledge to everyone. The whole of Discovery is a complex, complicated experience ... I'm still gasping for air, still attempting to catch the wave I must ride trought, while attempting to stand the awe of observing the new and biggest ships within the server. I cannot help to feel somewhat small in comparisson to what surrounds me sometimes, and I've only been around Liberty. Truly, I predict this will be a great, great adventure and personal experience, for me and my friends.
I can also say we are also planning a future project in the Discovery server that I will expose to the Administrators as soon as I can, in hopes of contribuiting to Discovery's society.
Without further words to say, from now on, count me in. My turrets are yours.
Welcome to Disco, Daniel. It's a pleasure to see a first post like this one. It is a hell of a good resume for a good role player. I'm pretty sure you're now studying the Freelancer universe. While you're at it, be sure too to read Xoria's excellent welcoming post to new players. It's a must read. Be sure to understand not only the universe, but the rules of the server. If you have any problems with the language (which I think you won't) feel free to contact me. Portuguese is my native language (I'm brazillian).
Welcome to the party, mate! Good to see we've actually got some new RP talent coming in, instead of more of the WoW rejects:dry:If you're looking for a faction once you get on your feet paw through the Discovery RP Factions section of the forums. We're all in there. Join the Outcasts. We rock.
Also, Harlequinn is a cannibal, and the communist penguins are bad. That is all.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
I thank you all for the welcoming to the server. I've read Xoria's amazing and devouted letter to the server and I am from now honour bound to follow them. Strange yet amazing thing, the honour of a roleplayer. Perhaps the greatest insurance one can have when dealing with a good one. At least with me it is.
I haven't really tought about joining one of the Factions (altought I appreciate the hearted attempt to renegate my pilot into the Outcasts) since at this point I mostly consider merely becoming productive and helpful. Altought I know Freelancer, I am a recent son of Discovery, and than means re-inventing the game for myself. Small tips are appreciated, altought I merely going to leisure myself trought the first levels .... a mixture of trading and mission gameplay to steer myself away from repetition and some strong roleplay in the system channels. Let's just see where this leads me (probably gonna get lost...)
So, I'm already picking up some good pointers in dealing with the community. I need patience, I must avoid red pinguins and apparently one of the members is a recognized user-eater. Gotta love the diversity.
Quote: I need patience, I must avoid red pinguins and apparently one of the members is a recognized user-eater.
how dare you insult my penquins! they've spent long hours training to become ninjas! as for communism, well we all have our little quirks don't we?
as for advice on factions... join us, er, kusari naval forces. and don't listen to people who try to recruit you right out of the gate except us, er also us.
There is no evidence that points to me being a Cannibal. Everyone has a human pelvis in their basements... obviously! I mean... *cough*
Run away!
But seriously. Welcome! And thank you for joining Discovery. We here at HarleyCo advise that you pick up the "XFire" or "Skype" programs for long-distant, instantaneous messaging. HarleyCo assumes you've read the rules and Xoria's amazing letter, and therefore won't touch base on that.
If you have any questions you can always ask me. Or anyone, for that matter.