Having served Bretonia since 66 AS, Borderworld Exports, commonly know as Bowex, is one of the single oldest shipping conglomerates in all of Sirius. Bowex has been the backbone of the Bretonian economy for centuries, and has been involved in nearly every major event in Bretonian history. In addition, throughout it's lifetime, Bowex has become known as a pioneer in the exploration of the border worlds.
The corporation has expanded from humble beginnings, from a small freight interest founded on Planet New London, to a Sirius spanning mega-corporation that can rival any other, earning trillions in profit with each passing year. Now with ever expanding services ranging from the original freight hauling branch to space exploration and commercial ship construction, Bowex is a super power of the economic scene.
In light of recent successes, Bowex has overhauled it's customer service division, where clients and other service users can leave feedback and comments. Feel free to address any issues or congratulations to this frequency. Remember, Bowex cares about your opinions, so make them heard!
Sam Ericsson - @"Schrottie"
Director of Operations
George Grenville - @St.Denis
Director for Trade Combine (Shipping)
I ran into two Bowex) tagged Percheron's in Cortez today, while I was hauling Slaves (Junker IFF/ID). They both proceeded to open fire upon my Slave Liner after an exchange of words, in which they demanded I hand over my cargo to them.
Now, If you read your ID:-
Quote:Pilot carrying this ID is employed by Borderworld Exports, who :
Can trade and escort traders,
Cannot ally with any unlawfuls except Golden Chrysanthemum and Blood Dragon ID players,
Can attack pirates and terrorists in self-defense, to protect another trader, to assist lawful forces or in defence of corporate bases. May also actively hunt Independent Pirate ID players.
Cannot participate in any unlawful actions except against Kusari lawful and Kusari commercial factions.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Royal Liners.
Carrying unmounted IDs in your ship, as well as not equipping an ID, is a serious crime.
According to your ID that does not give you the right to fire upon my ship:- Unless in Self-Defence Or If I was Pirate ID'd. I did mention to them that it was against their ID, in which one did acknowledge I had a fair point, but continued to fire upon my ship.
Now, I want to point out this is my only negative encounter with Bowex) Tagged players & all my other encounters so far have been good.
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I'll tackle this one, seeing as I was leading the duo in question. The Leeson and the Fenning are both Clydesdales, not Percherons, but that's irrelevant - we were still in the wrong here. You see, Bowex has had a long an coloured history with slavers, resulting in us getting burned pretty bad.
Because of that, we reacted as our characters would when we spotted you, a matter further exacerbated by the fact we'd had a scuffle with you the day before when you tried to pirate me (when you had a Slaver ID instead of a Junker one). In the midst of all this, we completely forgot about our corporate ID limitations. I think it's a case of logical RP being trumped by rules, really.
Regardless, I do believe I stopped firing after you pointed that out, and retreated out of your weapon range to the trade lane, from where I could take pictures. It slipped my mind to pass your message on to the Fenning, so again, that's my fault and not his. I am completely willing to reimburse you for damages and the turrets lost, as well as for the inconvenience involved with the incident.
I can promise it won't happen again. The Clydesdale Brigade will be more aware of its own limitations in the future.
' Wrote:I'll tackle this one, seeing as I was leading the duo in question. The Leeson and the Fenning are both Clydesdales, not Percherons, but that's irrelevant - we were still in the wrong here. You see, Bowex has had a long an coloured history with slavers, resulting in us getting burned pretty bad.
Because of that, we reacted as our characters would when we spotted you, a matter further exacerbated by the fact we'd had a scuffle with you the day before when you tried to pirate me (when you had a Slaver ID instead of a Junker one). In the midst of all this, we completely forgot about our corporate ID limitations. I think it's a case of logical RP being trumped by rules, really.
Regardless, I do believe I stopped firing after you pointed that out, and retreated out of your weapon range to the trade lane, from where I could take pictures. It slipped my mind to pass your message on to the Fenning, so again, that's my fault and not his. I am completely willing to reimburse you for damages and the turrets lost, as well as for the inconvenience involved with the incident.
I can promise it won't happen again. The Clydesdale Brigade will be more aware of its own limitations in the future.
I just want to thank you for taking the time to reply. After reading the link you posted I now understand Bowex's past with Slavers (Other than being generally frowned upon). The two encounter's RP wise I've had with Bowex) so far have been great. They have always RP'd their characters well. It was just the small matter of you slightly stepping out of the boundries of your ID.
There is no need for reimbursement, all is forgiven as I see you acknowledged the mistake.
I hope we can put this little encounter behind us and I look forward to RP'ing with Bowex) in the future.
EDIT: Now, I've just noticed that you've tried to get my docking rights revoked from Curaco because you forced me to dock. Whilst you were breaking the rules set in place from your ID. I would not normally go against RP and dock on Curaco whilst hauling slaves. But It was that or die from your idiocy and rule breaking.
' Wrote:I'll tackle this one, seeing as I was leading the duo in question. The Leeson and the Fenning are both Clydesdales, not Percherons, but that's irrelevant - we were still in the wrong here. You see, Bowex has had a long an coloured history with slavers, resulting in us getting burned pretty bad.
Because of that, we reacted as our characters would when we spotted you, a matter further exacerbated by the fact we'd had a scuffle with you the day before when you tried to pirate me (when you had a Slaver ID instead of a Junker one). In the midst of all this, we completely forgot about our corporate ID limitations. I think it's a case of logical RP being trumped by rules, really.
Regardless, I do believe I stopped firing after you pointed that out, and retreated out of your weapon range to the trade lane, from where I could take pictures. It slipped my mind to pass your message on to the Fenning, so again, that's my fault and not his. I am completely willing to reimburse you for damages and the turrets lost, as well as for the inconvenience involved with the incident.
I can promise it won't happen again. The Clydesdale Brigade will be more aware of its own limitations in the future.
While your response on this feedback was really great, I fail to understand your inRP actions that led towards you requesting this Junker to be forbidden access to S&C bases.
This is wrong, because he obviously wouldn't even dock on Curacao if it weren't for you breaking your own ID and shooting him.
Why push this conflict even further and try to punish him for something you're responsible for?
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
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' Wrote:Why push this conflict even further and try to punish him for something you're responsible for?
Thing is, I posted that last night at roughly the same time as the initial post in here, so when I was typing I didn't know this had happened. The thread to OSC is a logical extension of the encounter, given that a slaver had just docked on a planet that is violently opposed to slavers. However, we know that OSC is currently an unoffical faction. We also know they probably won't be official quick enough to do anything about this. We're presuming that means it's impossible for Source Code to be FR5'd due to that.
If we thought that that communication could have had actual consequences for Source's character, I probably wouldn't have posted it. If I'd seen his initial post here before I'd finishing writing it, I probably wouldn't have posted it. As it is now, it's just an extension of the incident's RP, where Peterson can rant and rave for a bit. There won't be a FR5. There may be a bounty from us or OSC, but that's a different kettle of fish altogether.
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I'd just like to note that the Port Jackson Dossier has just been posted here for all to see. As Port Jackson is Bowex's baby, and their pride and joy - not to mention my own personal project during my time here - feel free to use this thread as a feedback thread for it.
Port Jackson is just as much a part of the faction as the members, after all. Feel free to use the dossier to shape any of your own RP with the area - the idea was to allow people interested in the colony to use it so we can all present a relatively unified image of what the place looks and feels like.
Keep an eye on the thread, for it will be growing. A lot.
Written by mainly by me, as well as Unseelie and Turkish. Props to those guys, couldn't have done it without them.
A quick bump to let everyone know we're using a new recruitment post - it'll either be pinned as a new thread, or merged into the old one so this faction account has control of it.
It's been a long time coming, really. The new post is done in such a way that is best suited to laptop users, shall we say. The application form may be altered a little more in the near future. If anyone has any situational questions they'd like to see added, suggest them here.
I was in my PTrans, casually RPing a not so casual "pirate" with usual Pirate ID.
I stumbled upon my prey, whom I wanted to talk, then I saw Bowex) guy on scanners. I ran away instantly, he pursuited me and in the end got to me. He then yelled I am a pirate, without any RP evidence that is, and after awhile, as it seems confirmed by law enforcement, proceeded to shoot me down because I had Pirate ID.
I tried RPing that I do not have a sign yelling to everyone I am a pirate and that I am civilian, cruising through the void.
To no surprise, it failed, he persisted that I have Pirate ID and tried taking me down. He failed though. When his Havoc was at critical hull level I saw his backup - indie Bowex Eagle. No sweat I thought, I will just respawn and log off. But, I managed to escape. And this what followed once I was out of CD reach: