Port Talbot is the BMM mining support station in high orbit of planet Sprague. The former construction support station has now been retrofitted to support the local BMM mining operations in Omega-3.
Previously operated by Bowex Colonial Authorities for the crown, the base is now fully operated for BMM and their Bowex shippers. Protection is in the hands of corporate security with the Bretonian Armed Forces supporting with regular patrols.
Please do take note that the Armed Forces strictly enforce security protocols around planet Sprague orbit. Any ship not affiliated with Bretonia or any of her agencies might be requested to vacate the area.
Port Talbot was the first stage in the colonisation of planet Sprague.
Involved Parties
Crown Services - Bowex and BMM (Government agents).
Law Enforcement Agencies - BAF and BPA (Government agents).
Interspace Commerce (chief financiers).
Deep Space Engineering (orbital/terrestrial construction consultant).
Colonial Republic (trade partner).
Phase One:
Construction of Port Talbot. ✔
Expansion and Fortification of Port Talbot. ✔
Establishment of a Planetary Colonial Defence Grid. ✔
Phase Two:
Construction of Docking Ring. ✔
Construction of Mooring Fixture. ✔
Expanding Port Talbot's Orbital Cargo Transition Capability. ✔
Phase Three:
Construction of Planetary Spaceport. ✔
Construction of Colonial Infrastructure. ✔
Construction of Colonial Industrial Assets. ✔
Construction of Colonial Residential Assets. ✔
Phase Four:
Opening the Planet for Colonisation (Leeds settlement). ✔
Establishing a Commission to Ascertain the Future Purpose of Port Talbot. ✔